Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 126 Can't Let Qing Ge See Qiao Ran

Chapter 126 Can't Let Qing Ge See Qiao Ran

Qiao Ran looked at Fu Yunshen in front of her, and it was impossible for her to appear suddenly, especially when she came to the supermarket.

He didn't like this kind of environment before, too many people and too noisy!
In the past, even if she acted like a baby in front of him, the number of times he came with him was very few, and it was even more impossible for her to come alone.

So, thinking this way, Qiao Ran's eyes paused on Fu Yunshen's face for a few seconds, and then subconsciously looked around.

Who was she looking at, needless to say, besides He Qingge, who else has the ability to invite him to come to the supermarket willingly?
Although her emotions were well concealed, cracks could still be vaguely seen on her face.

After all, it was her shame, a shame that she had kept in her heart since five years ago.

Fu Yunshen saw the dark color in Qiao Ran's eyes, and knew who she was looking for when she looked around him.

He really came with Qing Ge!
Qing Ge is in a bad mood recently, he can see it.She likes to go to the supermarket and shop to vent her emotions, and he knows it too.

But as a hot star, appearing openly in front of the public is bound to cause a sensation, he is worried.

So even though he didn't like such a bustling environment, he still followed.

For Qing Ge, he seems to have no principles, breaking his bottom line time and time again.

However, they didn't expect that when they first entered the supermarket, they would see Qiao Ran, Gu Siling beside him, and the child in his arms.

It's no secret that Gu Siling has a child under the age of four.However, there are only a handful of people who have seen the real face.

As for Gu Siling, because of Qing Ge, he has always adhered to the principle of keeping the water in the well and the water in the river.

Don't be an enemy, but don't be a friend either!
Therefore, he has no interest in Gu Siling's family affairs, let alone send someone to investigate privately.

I don't want to, but today, let him see it in this way.

No one who looked at that big and small face would doubt that this was Qiao Ran's child.

What's more, he knew about Qiao Ran's experience five years ago.

But, what happened in the middle? He didn't go to see her all this time, but now, a child suddenly appeared?
It is undeniable that at that moment, his heart felt very uncomfortable, even in the bottom of his heart, he seemed to have a breath, and suddenly he couldn't breathe!
Although, he has always been prepared that she will alienate him and never want to see him again, and he is even more prepared that she will live a stable life with another man.

There will be someone who, like him before, loves her, pampers her, keeps her from being shocked, from being harassed, from being displaced, and from having no branches to rely on.

However, when that moment really came, he realized that he couldn't accept it in his heart!
Especially the picture of a happy family of three coming to the supermarket to buy daily necessities, he looked at it so dazzlingly.

All along, he never thought that he was inferior to Gu Siling. He admired his achievements in the business world, but he was not envious.

However, today, it is undeniable that he looked at them with uncontrollable jealousy.

But it was not enough to shake his reason. At that time, Qing Ge was next to him. After staring at him for a short time, he found an excuse to lure Qing Ge to another place.

He couldn't let Qing Ge see Qiao Ran, let alone see Qiao Ran and Gu Siling together.

He knew how much Qing Ge hated Qiao Ran's father, that's why she was so merciless to Qiao Ran five years ago.

 Thank you Hongxiu, let’s talk, Book City, starting point baby’s tickets, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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