Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 127 "Mr. Fu, please respect yourself in public!"

Chapter 127 "Mr. Fu, please respect yourself in public!"

Seeing Qiao Ran's expression looking at him at this moment, Fu Yunshen felt a little bit grateful that Qing Ge just went to the bathroom.

If Qiao Ran saw him accompany Qing Ge to the supermarket, would she reject him even more in her heart.

In fact, he wasn't afraid that Qiao Ran would hate him, hate him!If she is living well, he is even willing to automatically hide away and never appear in front of her again.

However, there was a sentence from the heart, ever since he saw Qiao Ran and Gu Siling just now, he wanted to say it to her.

If the timing wasn't right, he wouldn't have waited until now!
I thought, let's forget about it today. Another day, he asked her out, told her well, and persuaded her that Gu Siling is not her lover!

But I don't want to, I will meet her again!Joy flashed in his heart, but when he saw the child she was pulling, the smile on his face seemed to be frozen, and his expression was no longer under his control!
It's almost inertia, once he is stimulated by the outside world, the expression on his face becomes very cool!
He looked at the child, but he wasn't really hostile, but he still saw that the child's neck shrank before he could speak!

The weird eyes, you can even say innocent, I don't know if I am really afraid of him or fake, I look at him without blinking, and the expression on my face is very cold!

Qiao Ran followed Fu Yunshen's line of sight and saw the little guy shrinking his neck. Naturally, he understood that the little guy was too timid to be scared.

Gu Siling was still queuing up, waiting for them. She didn't want to have any more contact with Fu Yunshen. Naturally, if they met again, she wouldn't say hello to him!

Although, her heart is not comfortable!

Under Fu Yunshen's compelling gaze, he calmly squatted down, picked up the little guy, and walked past Fu Yunshen without looking sideways.

But I didn't want to, at the moment when I turned around, Qiao Ran's arm was held by Fu Yunshen!
Qiao Ran maintained the posture of facing Fu Yunshen sideways, and hugged Han Han tightly. Because of some irresistible emotions, her hands were a little heavier, but she didn't even notice it.

The voice was cold, and it was the look of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

"Mr. Fu, please respect yourself in public!"

Fu Yunshen heard the words, but he didn't let go of his hand, but said in a deep voice.

"Ran Ran, let's change places, I have something to tell you!"

"Unfortunately, I have nothing to say to Mr. Fu!"

Fu Yunshen frowned, staring at Qiao Ran's expressionless face.

"Ran Ran, I'm here for your own good!"

A smile curled up at the corner of Qiao Ran's mouth. Even though she was plain-faced and without makeup, her smile was charming.

Especially, this expression of wanting to smile or not, with a coolness, but also like a bright spring!
Staring at every inch of Fu Yunshu's face, it seemed as if he could see through everything, his face was full of clarity!

"Mr. Fu, after all, I'm still worried that He Qingge will see it, right? I'm not even afraid, what are you afraid of?"

Hearing this, Fu Yunshu's lips pursed into a line, and the expression on his face was different from just now.

Obviously, after talking to Qiao Ran for a few words, the sharp lines on her face have eased, and she even has the same pampering and pampering as when she was looking at her!

Facing Fu Yunshen's calm words, Qiao Ran suddenly froze!
Squinting his eyes, he looked at Fu Yunshen for a long time, something flashed across his face, he retracted his gaze, took a while, and then spoke.

"Okay, I'll go with you. It's only 5 minutes. I'll leave as soon as the time is up. You can't hold me any longer!"

(End of this chapter)

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