Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 148 I'm in Love with You

Chapter 148 I'm in Love with You

Qiao's life and death were on the line at that time, and the political and business circles were all under pressure one after another. It was rare to survive.

Unexpectedly, in just over four years, Fu Yunshen not only revived it, but also stabilized the chain of the company.

Undoubtedly, this took a lot of time and effort to achieve.

Although my heart was fluctuating, when I spoke, my words were still light.

"No, you know, I don't want to do that!"

After hearing this, Fu Yunshen smiled, because she used to say that every time when Qiao Zhengnan wanted her to inherit the family business.

There was a hint of coquettishness in the light tone.

Because I knew in my heart that although my father had hoped for her, if she didn't want to, my father would still respect her idea.

After Qiao Ran finished speaking, she suddenly froze, as if time had traveled back many years, and her ears were filled with the voice of a young girl.

"You know, I'm not here!"

The memories that came back for a while seemed like a sharp sword was stuck in her heart.

Why is she so funny?The purpose of coming out today has been achieved, what more can I say to this person? What more can I say? !!
Don't you have a bottom in your heart?
Staying with this person, a casual action, word, or even an expression will bring back the past!!
She is looking for abuse!!
Just as she was thinking, for some reason, Qiao Ran suddenly felt a dull pain in her heart, her face became paler, her breathing was weak, she couldn't breathe, and her body curled up into a ball due to the pain.

Fu Yunshen also noticed it, so he stopped quickly and lowered the window beside Qiao Ran to let fresh air in.

He anxiously clung to Qiao Ran's ear, calling her name.

Qiao Ran clutched her heart, completely speechless, tightly grasping Fu Yunshen's hand, digging her nails so hard that she almost wanted to tear the flesh off.

Fu Yunshen was terrified, as if he couldn't feel the pain at all at the moment, he was out of breath nervously, trying to calm down, calling Qiao Ran's name while giving Qiao Ran the breath.

It took about ten minutes before Qiao Ran fully recovered, and her whole body was covered in cold sweat.

Fu Yunshen didn't feel much better either, the anxiety and pain in his heart were more intense and intense than ever.

He would rather experience such pain on behalf of Qiao Ran, than see her helpless while suffering like this!
One of Fu Yunshen's hands was scratched with blood marks, and the bones could be seen so hideously.

But he didn't look there, he just hugged Qiao Ran tightly into his arms, even with tears in his eyes.

At that moment just now, his heartbeat seemed to stop suddenly, so scared, afraid that he would lose her!
His voice was low and dark, and it clung to Qiao Ran's ear.

"Ran Ran, I'm in love with you!!"

"I can't lie to myself anymore, I fell in love with you a long time ago!!"

"I don't want to lose you, and I can't lose you!!"

Qiao Ran's appearance just now really frightened him.He is a mature man, and he shouldn't be in trouble at the moment of danger, but once something happens to the person in his heart, it will be more destructive than any disaster that can destroy the world.

When Qiao Ran heard this, her body trembled, her eyes stared blankly.

Although she wanted to take advantage of Fu Yunshen's feelings for her to take revenge on He Qingge, why, at this moment, when she heard such an answer, she didn't feel the slightest joy in her heart.

She closed her eyes and held her aching heart. After a while, she pushed Fu Yunshen away, opened the car door, and jumped down.

(End of this chapter)

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