Chapter 149

Qiao Ran put her hand on the car door, her voice was calm and cold, "Fu Yunshen, I don't want Mrs. Qiao, I don't have anything on me that you can use!"

"From now on, let's make a difference!"

Qiao Ran said without any further pause, stopped the car on the side of the road, and left.

Sitting in the car, Qiao Ran's heart could no longer be calm. She thought of her painful look and feeling just now, and she still felt numb with pain all over her body.

Isn't it time?
She grabbed her hair, held the phone tremblingly, and dialed the number she found.

The phone on the other end rang several times before being picked up. It was a man's voice full of aura, "Ran Ran, is your heart hurting again?"

The man's voice was harsh, but those who were familiar with him could easily spot it, and it also carried a rare warmth.

In fact, he is very different from the playboy five years ago.

"Well! I don't know why, but suddenly it hurts!"

There was a soft "um~" over there, "Then come here now, I'm waiting for you."

Qiao Ran pursed her lips, "Okay, I'll be right there!"

Qiao Ran hung up the phone and told the driver a string of addresses. The driver looked at her strangely after hearing this.

Qiao Ran was no longer surprised by this, she smiled at the driver.

The car stopped in front of an ancient black building. The driver took the money from Qiao Ran, looked at Qiao Ran suspiciously, and drove away, as if staying in this place for a second longer would bring bad luck like.

Qiao Ran smiled and didn't care, this place is indeed a very unlucky place.

This is the prison where she stayed for more than four years, but there was a man who bought an old house near the prison and stayed with her for more than two years here.

That person's surname is Xiao and his first name is Yan, but he always likes to be called "Mr. Yan"!
Qiao Ran didn't go back until the fifth day, Han Jing was not at home, Qiao Ran washed up, then lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

As soon as she fell asleep, it was dark, and finally Han Jing woke her up.When I opened my eyes in a daze, it was already the second day, the sky was bright, and there was still sunshine in autumn.

Although it is cold, it is better than nothing!
Qiao Ran grinned foolishly when she saw Han Jing.

"Jingjing, I'm so happy to see you again!"

Han Jing got angry and pushed Qiao Ran lightly, "What stupid things are you talking about!"

Qiao Ran smiled sweetly, and hugged Han Jing's arm along the way.

"I'm serious! Go out for a few days, you don't know how much I miss you!"

Han Jing pouted and sat down beside the bed, "Then tell me, where have you been these few days?"

Qiao Ran lowered her head when she heard the words, not wanting to hide it from Han Jing, but she couldn't tell the truth.

Seeing Qiao Ran's secretive expression, Han Jing didn't ask any more questions.

Except for extremely private matters, Qiao Ran has almost no secrets from her!
If she didn't want to say it, she would naturally not force it.Who doesn't have an unspeakable secret?
Thinking about it, he hooked Qiao Ran's hand, leaned over, sat closer, joked, and eased the atmosphere.

"It was past three o'clock when I came back last night. Seeing that you were sleeping soundly, I didn't bother you!"

"I thought that when I woke up, I would have a delicious breakfast, but I didn't expect that you are even more lazy than me, and you are still covered under the blanket in the sun!"

Qiao Ran smiled, and she was indeed a little embarrassed. She slept for almost twenty hours!
(End of this chapter)

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