Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 156 Being Seen Only

Chapter 156 Being Seen Only (2000)

Qiao Ran panicked and was shrouded in fog. Although she couldn't see the expression of the person at the door clearly, the outline of the face and figure were clearly Gu Siling.

Not caring that the water from the shower head was still splashing on her body, she grabbed the towel beside her and covered her body indiscriminately.

The mouth opened and closed several times, but no sound came out, and the heart beat like thunder.

Fortunately, the man froze for a few seconds, and closed the bathroom door before she could speak.

Qiao Ran closed her eyes, forced herself to forget the embarrassment just now, frantically turned off the shower head, and wiped off the water droplets on her body.

However, it's not that she wants to forget, and she can be satisfied. In her ears, there are voices outside, Hanhan and him.

Just as Gu Siling closed the door, when he turned around, he saw Gu Han who came in at some point, with his small mouth opened wide, looking at him foolishly.

When Gu Han saw that it was really his father, he was very excited, "Dad, you are back!"

There was an undisguised joy in the voice, and when he spoke, his small eyes wandered between Dad and the bathroom door.

The calf walked happily, walked up to Dad, raised his head, and still held Dad's clothes in his hand.

Discuss with Dad, "Dad, Mommy is taking a bath and has no clothes to change. Can you give me your clothes for Mommy to wear? When I grow up and earn money, I will return you the same one!" "

Gu Siling cast a glance, hummed lightly, walked out of the bedroom with long legs, walking like the wind.

When he walked out of the bedroom, he was forcibly not allowed to enter the bedroom, and Tang Yuan'er, who had been locked out of the room by the big master and the little master, came up to him and wrapped around his legs.

Seeing the glutinous rice balls, Gu Siling stopped in his footsteps, and Qiao Ran's naked appearance suddenly appeared in his mind again.

Her body is slender, but she is protruding forward and backward, her legs are thin and straight, and there are small water droplets on her fair skin, sliding down her body...

Thinking about it, Gu Siling suddenly felt that his throat was dry, he swallowed instinctively, and his Adam's apple slid up and down.

Almost at the same time Gu Han knocked on the door, Qiao Ran opened the door wrapped in a bath towel, her face still pink.

I don't know if it was because of the sudden incident just now, or because of the evaporation of water vapor.

On the face, it was obvious that there was no smile, and the four eyes met, and the little guy quickly noticed it.

She pursed her small lips, and her voice was nono, a little coquettish.

"Mum, I'm sorry, I didn't know that Dad was back at this time, and I didn't know that he would suddenly come to my bedroom."

"My dad didn't mean to look at you. There have never been other girls here. Dad must have regarded you as me!"

"Mum, don't be angry, okay? When you are angry, I will be very sad. When I am sad, I don't want to eat or sleep!"


As he said that, he directly grabbed Mommy's hand, shaking and shaking, acting coquettishly, but very well.

Qiao Ran naturally didn't like the little guy, and knew that even if she was unhappy, she shouldn't show face to the little guy.

Thinking of this, he bent down, with a bit of sternness and clarity in his voice.

"Then tell Mommy the truth, do you really not know that your father will come back tonight?"

Hearing this, the little guy immediately lowered his head, and his little nose turned red all of a sudden. When he spoke, he also looked confident and preemptive.

"But, Mommy, I just want to stay with you and Dad. I don't want to have Mommy without Dad, and I don't want to have Dad without Mommy."

"I'm still so young. Other children are accompanied by their father and mother every day. Can't you consider my mood? It's very unfair to me, okay?"

Qiao Ran was rendered speechless by the little guy's words.

Yes, the little guy was right, it was really unfair to him.

In the past few years, she has not been with the little guy, and the little guy lacks maternal love, there is no doubt about it!
As for Gu Siling, who manages a large group, he has endless things to do every day, such as meetings, business trips, and the time he spends with Hanhan is also conceivable.

Thinking of this, Qiao Ran's heart was inexplicably sour and uncomfortable.

Touching the little guy's head, he whispered, "Hanhan, it's Mommy's fault, can Mommy apologize to you? Don't cry, Mommy will always be with you in the future!"

Qiu~ eyes opened suddenly, "Mommy, is what you said true?"

Qiao Ran: "..." Nodding!
The little guy laughed immediately, and wiped away his tears indiscriminately.

"Then Mommy, hurry up and change your clothes, Grandma Fang will cook the meal right away!"

Qiao Ran took the clothes and it turned into petrification. Gu Siling's shirt, can she... not wear it?

She pursed her lips, "Hanhan, do you have any other clothes? Well, it's just..."

"Mum, I just said that no other girls have been to this villa, not even my aunt!!"

"I really don't have any other clothes but my father's clothes!"

Qiao Ran stared at the little guy's expression, it didn't look like she was lying at all.

"What about your Grandma Fang? Can I borrow one of her clothes for Mommy?"

"Mum, Grandma Fang goes home every day. Those who don't live in the villa have no clothes! You can just wear my father's clothes. Tomorrow your clothes are cleaned, and you can change them back!"

Qiao Ran: "..." The little guy's tendencies should not be too obvious!
However, she can only accept it!
Her clothes are full of sweat!
Sure enough, the little guy had already planned to plot against her mommy!!
Qiao Ran and the little guy went downstairs. As soon as they reached the stairs, Mrs. Fang who was coming out of the kitchen saw her.

With a smile on his face, he glanced at Mr. Gu calmly and greeted Qiao Ran.

"Miss Qiao is down, just in time, dinner will be served soon!"

Mrs. Fang's words immediately attracted Gu Siling in the living room to look at Qiao Ran.

Qiao Ran responded with a smile to Mrs. Fang, but before she could take it back, she met Gu Siling's eyes, with embarrassment flashing across her face.

Fortunately, I was prepared and called out to Mr. Gu towards Gu Siling.

Then she led the little guy down. The little guy's steps were short and slow. Qiao Ran couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She preferred to keep a little distance from that person.

Gu Siling originally looked away, but next to his ears, there was the rhythmic footsteps of Qiao Ran and the little boy, stepping on the stairs.

It seemed to be reminding him and attracting him, and his eyes fell over.

In his eyes, it was a woman wearing his white shirt, her slender legs were exposed, her hair was loose and fell on her cheeks, standing sideways, she was very soft and beautiful.

He was also very patient, holding the little guy's hand, and the two walked down one after the other.

He got up, walked towards the two with his slender and straight legs, bent slightly, and picked up the little guy.

(End of this chapter)

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