Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 157 Mr. Gu, Good Morning!

Chapter 157 Mr. Gu, Good Morning! (2000)

The moment he hugged the little guy, he accidentally saw the woman's cute and small toes.

The reason why it suddenly caught his eyes was because Qiao Ran was wearing dark red nail polish.

Qiao Ran also noticed it herself. Reflexively, her ten toes moved and curled up.

In just a few seconds, Gu Siling's gaze had already moved away, but the fundus of his eyes had already dimmed, and his Adam's apple moved.

Holding the little guy and walking towards the dining table.

But I was thinking in my heart, I am really possessed, no matter how slow the little kid goes down the stairs, he will not help him.

In his mind, boys should get rid of dependence from an early age and learn to be independent.

However, just now, for some unknown reason, there suddenly seemed to be a kind of attraction that attracted him to get up and walk towards them.

Put Gu Han on the stool of the dining table, and sat down, the little guy immediately looked at him with a flattered expression, full of joy.

Gu Siling tapped lightly on the little guy's forehead, his voice was faint, and in his peripheral vision, it was a woman's cautious movement.

Remind the silly boy, "Call your mommy over and sit with you!"

Gu Han was very happy, he covered his forehead and giggled, turned his little head, his voice was crisp and pleasant.

Patting the seat next to her, "Mommy, come here quickly, dinner is about to come!"

Qiao Ran pulled the shirt down, walked over, and sat down next to the little guy.

On the left is Dad, on the right is Mommy, the little one is very happy.

While eating, chatting with Mommy is also cheerful.

Although Gu Siling kept Gu Han under strict control, he did not strictly require him not to speak during meals.

After all, on weekdays, he doesn't spend much time with the little guy, and eating and chatting together are even rarer.

The little guy wants to talk to him, but he won't stop himself.

However, beside his ears, there were the voices and laughter of the woman and his son. Fortunately, they flooded into his heart.

However, the woman, as well as his son, always peeked at him from time to time when they were talking.

In his heart, he unexpectedly felt that such a small gesture was actually quite cute.

Calmly, he took everything under his eyes.

In the gap between the two of them talking, they actually interrupted.

"Are you used to living there?"

The little guy and Qiao Ran couldn't help being stunned when they heard the sound, as if they didn't expect that Gu Siling would suddenly talk to her.

Seeing that there was no voice, Gu Siling looked up at Qiao Ran.

Qiao Ran came back to her senses and smiled, "Very good!"

"I heard that you haven't been there these days, so where have you been?"

So straightforward, without comment, without the slightest unreasonable tone.

"Oh, I went to a friend...he helped me before!"


Qiao Ran was a little taken aback, she never expected that Gu Siling would ask her this question, but she quickly answered, nodded, "Yeah!"

Then, that person, no more questions!
Gu Han's eyes wandered between father and mother, and then he pursed his thin lips.

"Mommy, is he also a handsome uncle?"

Qiao Ran: "..." The hand holding the chopsticks paused, there seemed to be two oppressive gazes above her head, she lowered her head and nodded.

"Then Mommy, is my father handsome?"

Qiao Ran was stunned again, and looked up at the little guy, who really wanted to cause trouble for her. At this moment, she suddenly asked her such a question, how should she answer it.

Also, with that little thought, I really thought that she wouldn't know?
However, the little guy is good at pretending, with an innocent and innocent expression on his face.

Qiao Ran felt that there was nowhere to vent the sulking in her heart, and it was impossible to vent it.

Lowering her head, pinching the chopsticks, poking the rice in the bowl is her signature action when she is unhappy.

"It's okay, the temperament is more similar, and the others are not comparable."

Gu Siling's movements suddenly stopped when he heard Qiao Ran's voice. After a few seconds, when he spoke, he looked at Qiao Ran with sharp eyes with a cool breath.

"Oh~ why can't you compare?"

Qiao Ran didn't like Gu Siling's tone very much, she pursed her lips, but didn't look up.

"The appearances are naturally comparable, but one is very familiar and the other is not. Mr. Gu, please advise, how should we compare?"

Gu Siling listened to Qiao Ran's voice, but didn't care. There was a smile on the corner of her lips, she rolled her eyes, and changed the topic.

"Since you have rested for so many days, start tomorrow and go to work at the company!!"

After hearing this, Qiao Ran raised her head to look at Gu Siling, and pursed her lips.

"Mr. Gu, can you change the place?"

"What? Are you looking down on my company?"

Although it was a question, I heard it in my ears, but there was no sense of doubt at all.

Qiao Ran knew she was wrong, Gu Siling gave her a job, she really shouldn't be too picky.

After thinking about it, "It's because I'm not capable enough, and I used to be a medical student, and I didn't graduate... Anyway, I'm working in a company, no way!"

Gu Siling looked at Qiao Ran in disbelief for a moment.

Probably, the intuition Qiao Ran gave him was not the kind of girl who would easily say no.

But he didn't think too much about it, and there was a rare patience in his tone of voice.

"If you don't try it, how do you know it won't work? After graduation, many college students are not engaged in professional work, so they are still able to handle it with ease?"

"You have to know that the reality is already like this, you only have to adapt, not picky."

"What's more, a person is qualified to do what he likes only if he first solves his own survival problem."

What Qiao Ran was told... She couldn't find any reason, so she nodded.

Seeing Qiao Ran nodding, Gu Siling smiled confidently at the corner of her mouth.

Qiao Ran didn't see it, but the little guy did. He sat by the side all the time, silently staring at the big invincible light bulb. It wasn't for nothing, his little eyes were sharp.

Of course, I know that Dad's smile is not a good omen, but since the other party is Mommy, the meaning is naturally different.

If Dad is in the company and treats Mommy badly, he will never know!
Right now, he can't wait for his father to marry Mommy back home immediately!
Thinking about it, Gu Han laughed like a flower, "Mum, that's just right, you sleep with me tonight, and go to the company with Dad tomorrow!"

"Oye, it's just perfect!"

Qiao Ran nodded, and smiled gently at the little guy, "Okay!!"

However, this night, the little guy slept with Mommy for the first time, and was hugged by Mommy, so happy that he couldn't fall asleep.

Take the fairy tale book, let Mommy read the bedtime story, and chat with Mommy in her arms.

It was early morning, and the little guy didn't feel sleepy at all, so Qiao Ran had no choice but to accompany him.

This directly led to Qiao Ran's severe lack of sleep when she was woken up by the alarm clock the next day.

The dark circles under my eyes were serious, I put on makeup, and I got better, so I went downstairs.

Gu Siling was already sitting at the table with a magazine in his hand. Seeing her coming down, he glanced at her lightly, but didn't speak.

Qiao Ran didn't mind Gu Siling's indifference, she walked to the table and said, "Mr. Gu, good morning!"

Gu Siling hummed, and raised his jaw slightly, "Eat breakfast!"

As he said that, he started, and the magazine in his hand was not put down from the beginning to the end.

Qiao Ran watched and was about to speak when she suddenly heard the sound of a car starting the engine from outside.

 Thank you for your votes, comments, and rewards~ Another day full of energy~hahaha~
(End of this chapter)

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