Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 158 You are still my son's mother, so shouldn't I be more gentle?

Chapter 158 You are still my son's mother, so should I be more gentle

Gu Siling naturally heard it too, put down the things in his hands, and walked outside first.

Qiao Ran followed behind, came out of the big iron gate, and suddenly stopped.

Because, a white Audi was rushing towards her.

She could have avoided the sudden danger, after all, she had a little skill, but when she saw the people in the car clearly, she paused for a few seconds, it was too late.

Subconsciously closing his eyes, he covered his face with his hands, his body was suddenly pulled vigorously, and he fell down on the lawn beside him, with a muffled groan in his ears.

Before Qiao Ran could distinguish whether the voice was from herself or Gu Siling, she just stood up when she saw the car turn around and rush towards her again.

Qiao Ran was surprised. Even though he knew about those photos, He Qingge would definitely lose his temper after seeing them.

But he never expected that He Qingge would brazenly appear in front of Gu Siling in such a way, and blatantly hit her with his car.

Qiao Ran knew that if she didn't fight back, He Qingge might not die forever.

He Qingge's target was her, not Gu Siling, so she felt relieved and ran towards the rear of the car with all her strength.

Several times, He Qingge couldn't hit her, he seemed crazy, so Qiao Ran had to dodge desperately.

Fortunately, the car door was not locked, so Gu Siling took the opportunity to open the door, got in the car, and pressed He Qingge's hand and steering wheel, but He Qingge's eyes were blood red no matter how he would follow him.

The last time, Qiao Ran couldn't stand up because of a knee injury. Seeing that the car was about to hit him, at the very moment, she saw Gu Siling holding the steering wheel, turning the car around, and driving in another direction.

Before Qiao Ran could see clearly, the car flew out, and then, with a bang, the glass of the car shattered all over the floor, and the front cover was also damaged.

Gu Siling protected the heads of the two at the last moment, and they lived in peace.

As soon as the car stopped, he dragged He Qingge out, extremely angry, and slapped He Qingge on the face.

"He Qingge, are you crazy?"

He Qingge was still in shock, so he slapped Gu Siling. Because of the force, his face was turned to one side.

When he raised his head, the corners of his mouth were broken, and he looked at Gu Siling in disbelief, with big tears in his eyes, and pointed at Qiao Ran.

"Gu Siling, you beat me for this bitch!! You never hit me before!"

Gu Siling looked at his hands, and couldn't recover for a while.

However, at this moment, my heart was full of anger, and I stared at He Qingge.

"Isn't it rare that I shouldn't hit you? Human life is in your hands, so it's really worthless?!"

"He Qingge, I, Gu Siling, have never had this moment before. I feel like a failure. You are just spoiled. You think you have a backer, so you act recklessly."

"One life today, another life tomorrow?!"

"Today's matter, you should reflect on it carefully, and if you don't give me an explanation, I won't let you go!!"

As she said that, she lifted her foot, walked to Qiao Ran's side, hugged Qiao Ran horizontally, and walked towards the door.

Qiao Ran fell into Gu Siling's arms, her whole body was limp, unable to raise any strength, she stretched her arms around Gu Siling's neck, buried her head in his chest, and closed her eyes.

It seems that only in this way can I get peace of mind.

Due to Qiao Ran's actions, Gu Siling suddenly stopped, looked down at Qiao Ran who had her eyes closed, and spoke softly.

"It's okay, I'm here!"

Qiao Ran nodded, but tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

After many years, someone finally told her again, it's okay, I'm here! And, that person is still Gu Siling!
It was her, the one she liked a long, long time ago!
Qiao Ran's hands clenched tightly, and a voice came out of her mouth, "Gu Siling, thank you!"

Thank you for saying this to me!
Thank you also, for choosing to stand on my side between me and He Qingge!
And all the interactions between Qiao Ran and Gu Siling were seen by He Qingge, and the bottom of his eyes seemed to spew fire.

With disappointment, despair, and resentment...with all his strength, he shouted hysterically, "Gu Siling!"

Gu Siling looked at He Qingge, couldn't his eyes be disappointed or indifferent?
"Qing Ge, you'd better stop in moderation!"

He Qingge couldn't help trembling when he saw Gu Siling's eyes, his chestnut hair was scattered on the side of his face.

The hands on both sides of the body clenched their fists, suppressing their extreme emotions, and when they spoke, they almost gritted their teeth.

"Gu Siling, do you really want to help that bitch Qiao Ran?"

Gu Siling didn't answer, but the look in He Qingge's eyes was extremely cold.

He ordered to the few people standing nearby, "No one cares about her life and death, let her walk back by herself! Before evening, I don't want to see this car again!"

He Qingge suddenly laughed and cried when he heard the words, big tears dripped down, he couldn't stand up straight, he stepped back, and pointed at Gu Siling.

"Okay, okay!! Gu Siling, you really are heartless! This bitch, Qiao Ran, used to be able to pretend, but now she is even better at pretending. After seducing Yun Shen, she will come to seduce you again!"

"I want to see, if you are so dazzled by her, what will happen to you in the end."

He Qingge said, picked up the bag in the car, turned and left, staggering.

Gu Siling looked away, hugged Qiao Ran, and walked towards the villa.

As soon as Qiao Ran was placed beside the sofa, Mrs. Fang had already taken down the medicine box.

Qiao Ran was wearing a hip-covering suit, and what Gu Siling handed her last night should be the uniform of the company's female employees.

But I don't want to, now it is stained with soil and has wrinkles!
Gu Siling carefully helped Qiao Ran treat the scratches on her knees, disinfecting them while blowing gently.

Seeing this, Qiao Ran suddenly smiled. She never expected to see such a cute side of Gu Siling.

Is this also regarded as a blessing in disguise, how can one know that it is not a blessing?
When she didn't pay attention, she laughed out loud, but Gu Siling glared at her angrily. With a slight effort in her hands, Qiao Ran gritted her teeth in pain, and couldn't laugh anymore.

Next to my ear, there was Gu Siling's deep and deep voice, which was very pleasant to hear.

"You can still laugh, I think you don't think it hurts enough?!"

Qiao Ran listened, annoyed, "Mr. Gu, I was hurt because of your girlfriend! Shouldn't you be a little gentler too!"

"You are still my son's mother, so shouldn't I be more gentle?"

Listening to Gu Siling's ridicule, Qiao Ran's face turned red in disappointment, and she quickly changed the subject.

"Mr. Gu, I think I must have no luck with your company to be so unlucky. On the first day of work, I made my uniform like this."

"Also, look at my knees, I won't be able to wear this odd-knee uniform for at least a month!"

Gu Siling listened, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and the movements of his hands didn't stop.

Ask Qiao Ran, "What's your implication?_? Don't want to wear a uniform in the company? Or do you want me to compensate you for your mental damage?"

(End of this chapter)

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