Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 159 The slender fingers lifted Qiao Ran's chin

Chapter 159 The slender fingers lifted Qiao Ran's chin

Qiao Ran closed her mouth knowingly, her eyes wandering elsewhere.

Gu Siling treated Qiao Ran's wound, afraid of hurting her, so she didn't speak, and carefully moved her hands lightly.

Such a peaceful and quiet moment was almost never seen by the two of them, and it was very precious.

A girl's mind is always more delicate, and she is more sensitive to the perception of the outside world.

It was inevitable that Gu Siling treated her wound, and his cool fingertips brushed against her skin from time to time.

Qiao Ran's cheeks, as well as the base of her ears, gradually turned red.Qiao Ran felt that the rising temperature, with the force of a prairie fire, almost swept her away.

However, both knees were injured, and Gu Siling's movements were already very slow, giving him the illusion that time stood still.

Her mind was running wild, and Qiao Ran felt that her thoughts were no longer under her control because she was breathing the same fresh air as Gu Siling.

Especially, normally, the cold Gu Siling, it's rare to be so gentle to her at this moment.

As Qiao Ran thought about it, her misty eyes gradually fell on Gu Siling's face.

Staring at his slightly raised sword eyebrows, high bridge of nose, and thin lips...

Her gaze was fixed at the last point, but she herself was unaware.

Maybe it's because she's been stared at for a long time, maybe her eyes are too hot, or maybe someone is keen to play a prank, just like that, she raised her head unexpectedly...

In the voice, there was such a taste of yuppie, "Miss Qiao, I also want to ask you..."

Almost as soon as Gu Siling uttered his voice, Qiao Ran came back to his senses, there was a little panic in his eyes, and it was too late for Gu Siling to cover it up.

However, this person, as if he didn't notice it, a smile that turned all living beings upside down.

After Qiao Ran gave a puzzled sound, she continued, "If a woman stares intently at a man's lips, may I ask, is there any possibility of this woman harboring evil intentions?"

Gu Siling spoke very slowly, with a bit of obvious carelessness.

But it was the same, when Qiao Ran understood Gu Siling's joke, her face became redder and hotter, and she couldn't control herself.

He said, Ms. Qiao, I want to ask you... Obviously because last night when he asked her why he was not comparable to Mr. Yan, she said, Mr. Gu, I want to ask you...

Qiao Ran pursed her lips and looked away, but she was slandering in her heart, this person really holds a grudge!
So what if he is not comparable to other men? Is he machismo? Even if he has a little relationship with him, he still cares about it?
Boring, very boring, okay?
Also, is it embarrassing to say that a girl has evil intentions and he is a boy?
Seeing Qiao Ran looking away, Gu Siling moved her lips slightly. Naturally, it was impossible for him not to know what he was doing with such a small movement.

Because, many times, Hanhan likes to do such small movements, the big and small faces are almost impossible to resemble.

But this man still asked knowingly, while sticking the gauze on Qiao Ran, he seemed to be very curious to ask her.

"You gibberish, but are you talking ill of me? I haven't finished bandaging this, Miss Qiao, even if a dog bites Lu Dongbin, I won't take you like this..."

Gu Siling's voice lingered in Qiao Ran's ears. The first sentence was automatically filtered by her, but the second sentence, the dog bit Lu Dongbin?
Who is the dog? Who is Lu Dongbin?
Qiao Ran restrained the expression on her face, with a hint of provocation, and stared at Gu Siling's face with big innocent eyes.

"Mr. Gu, I don't care if you say I'm a dog. It's such a meaningless argument."

"But where did you get the confidence to compare yourself to a god?"

As he said that, he glanced at Gu Siling's place as if unintentionally, and asked, "Are you trying to say that you also live a life of pure heart and asceticism?"

"It's no wonder that He Qingge drove into me so angrily when he saw me here."

"It turns out that it's you who can't satisfy her and implicate me~"

Tilting his little head, looking innocent and innocent, with a long ending sound, and a small expression of sudden realization.

Gu Siling's fingers were nimble, and he just finished the last step in his hand. Hearing this, his eyebrows were raised slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a beautiful arc.

The slender fingers raised Qiao Ran's chin, her face was getting closer and closer to Qiao Ran's, and her breathing could be heard.

Not showing the slightest bit of annoyance, even with a somewhat cynical look of the second generation ancestor, Luoluo asked her.

"Whether I can satisfy a woman or not, you shouldn't be the most clear, except for the time when I was pregnant with Hanhan, last time I was in the bar, I clearly remember that your consciousness is clear!"

Qiao Ran was undoubtedly surprised when she heard that. She never expected that Gu Siling was so drunk and drugged that time, that she still had a memory of her.

Moreover, he also knew that it was her that night...

Thinking of this, Qiao Ran almost reflexively pushed Gu Siling's hand away.

However, with the strength in this man's hand, she was able to struggle a few more times, and both wrists were held by him with one hand.

The other hand still picked her chin, forcing her to look at him.

At this moment, he was so bad that he completely lost the warmth and warmth he had when he treated her wound just now.

He was still asking her, "Miss Qiao, I have another question. A woman openly questioned his ability in that area in front of a man, but this woman has evil intentions and tried to use aggressive methods..."

The slow voice, ravages people to the point of being invisible, it's fine to talk about other issues, talk to her...

Moreover, with evil intentions, evil intentions, he is so keen on this idiom, so keen to use it on her to him?
Qiao Ran didn't need to think about what happened next to know how shocking it would be.

Indeed, once this person became bad, he was like a big bad wolf in sheep's clothing, and he got up and refreshed her cognition.

In front of him, she was already thin-skinned, not like herself at all.This person is still like this, teasing her openly!
It's hard for her to breathe so close to her!
So, before he had time to say what he said later, she was eager to interrupt it.

Unable to break free, for some reason, looking at the moving lips in front of her, it seemed that there was finally a goal in her mind.

It is almost urgent, close to his own, block his.

The sound finally stopped abruptly, and the world also at this moment, as if suddenly stopped, everything was silent.

There was undisguised surprise in the eyes of the two of them. After a few seconds, Qiao Ran realized what kind of 'bad thing' he had done.

Annoyed, in front of Gu Siling, he was totally ignorant.

Dazed for a moment, when she wanted to push Gu Siling away, she didn't want the man's hand to hold the back of her head tightly.

 As always, thank you for the comments, votes, and rewarding babies~~ The last chapter abused the scum, this chapter sprinkles some dog food, the babies had better not jump...

(End of this chapter)

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