Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 160 He, kissed her, and then gave her artificial respiration...

Chapter 160 He, kissed her, and then gave her artificial respiration...

Qiao Ran's body froze completely, and she felt Gu Siling's slightly cold lips gently rubbing against hers.

The feeling of coolness is infinitely magnified in all senses, and then magnified...

It was like a feather brushing by, and it seemed to have a little force, it was crisp and numb, and it ran all over the limbs and bones.

In her mind, it was like a mass of paste, making her unable to think, and unable to think.

The eyes were blurred and out of focus, and the long and curly eyelashes trembled slightly like a reflection, like a frightened deer, with a thin mist in the eyes, charming and moving.

Gu Siling watched with deep eyes, the look in his eyes became deeper and deeper, staring at the peachy face that was so close at hand, his strength also became heavier.

Qiao Ran was so nervous that she almost forgot to breathe, her small face was flushed red, and her pink lips were slightly parted due to lack of oxygen. All her movements were just instinct.

But he never thought that in such a short moment that could be ignored, Gu Siling seemed to be attacking the city like a bamboo.

Everything was just right, as if he had expected it long ago and was just waiting for her to throw herself into the trap.

Qiao Ran's breathing was completely deprived in an instant, and there was a slight pain in her chest due to the lack of oxygen.

However, Gu Siling's hand holding the back of her head never loosened in the slightest. The force was so strong that it seemed as if he wanted to crush her into his arms.

Qiao Ran was uncomfortable and shy, but suddenly felt a cool and fresh breath rushing from her throat.

Instinctively, breathing urgently, eyes unconscious, slightly closed, eyelashes fluttering slightly.

Breathing was finally smooth, but suddenly, I heard a low laugh from above my head, which was pleasant to the ear

Qiao Ran opened her eyes in surprise, and bumped into Gu Siling's smiling eyes. Her reflection was in her eyes... and his lips were still touching hers...

There was a bang in Qiao Ran's mind, and it exploded...

That aura just Gu Siling's...

Him, kiss her, and then...give her artificial respiration...

This recognition, as well as the smile on the eyebrows, dazzled Qiao Ran's eyes and flustered her mind.

At this moment, I am indescribably ashamed!
Just now, she was unknowingly immersed in his kiss, and even had his breath in her chest.

However, this man, with a smile on his face, stared into her eyes, evilly, and rubbed her lips.

Annoyance welled up in her heart, Qiao Ran couldn't push him away, but she didn't want to see such a playful look on his face, so she bit his lip angrily.

A salty taste came from his lips, and when Gu Siling was in pain, Qiao Ran pushed him away vigorously.

Gu Siling was squatting, so he was pushed away without any defense, and fell to the ground.

Gu Siling's lip was broken, and Qiao Ran was not much better, sitting on the sofa panting, with a little blood on his lips, and his breath.

Qiao Ran lowered her head and didn't look at Gu Siling again. No one, at this time, was embarrassed, and didn't have the courage.

But he knew that those eyes were still staring at her, looking at the expression on her face.

Qiao Ran's heart was full of anger, and she met Gu Siling's eyes with a bit of youthful impulsiveness and unwillingness to admit defeat.

After all, just now, she was ashamed, it was her fault first, she shouldn't have blocked his lips in that way.

But the reason is that he was provocative first, and he made mistakes later, and laughed at her.

Although, at the time, she didn't delve into the smile in her eyes, was it a joke, or was it purely, looking at her reaction, she couldn't help but want to laugh?
However, from her point of view, it was absolutely impossible not to think of the worst of the situation at that time.

Gu Siling looked at Qiao Ran who was glaring at him angrily at this moment, laughed, touched the corner of her bitten lip with his hand, then stood up and approached Qiao Ran.

Qiao Ran was originally valiant and high-spirited, and stared at Gu Siling with full confidence, seeing him get up and walk towards her, she was sitting, he was standing, at a condescending angle, his shadow fell on her body, covering her, Before I knew it, I was a little timid.

The moment his eyes flickered, he felt that he was suddenly lost, and he whispered softly, only to realize that he was hugged horizontally.

Astonishment flashed across Qiao Ran's eyes, and she looked at Gu Siling in surprise.

Gu Siling smiled, hugged Qiao Ran, and walked towards the second floor.

She raised her jaw slightly, signaling Qiao Ran to look in the direction he pointed, which was a simple wall clock.

Qiao Ran's inexplicable, clear and meaningful voice rang in her ears, with a serious tone in her tone.

"From 36:3720:[-] to [-]:[-], Miss Qiao, your lung capacity needs to be improved!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

How can this person bully others like this? He is so good at taking advantage of it. Apart from him, I am afraid that there is no one else.

Qiao Ran pouted, and when she spoke, there was a hint of coquettishness in her words that she hadn't noticed, and she was full of anger.

"Mr. Gu, it's rare that no one told you, do you meddle in your own business?"

Gu Siling glanced down lightly, looked away, and looked ahead, the steps under his feet did not seem to slow down in the slightest.

"So you should feel very lucky, you are the first person who dares to say that about me, and you are still safe and sound!"

Qiao Ran: "...Is it possible that if others want to say something, can you still keep their mouths shut?"

When Gu Siling heard this, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his words were full of jokes.

"That's impossible. After all, Gu can't learn Miss Qiao's way of blocking people's mouths!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

His face was as red as a shrimp, and he lowered his head. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see this man's smooth jaw, which was very sexy.

Her lips moved, and she was repeatedly dumped, and blocked by what she did, which made her very embarrassed.

I admit that I have never met such a person who has no grace at all!!
I don't know that girls are thin-skinned, do you want to give in a bit?
Just as Qiao Ran was thinking, she heard the man ask her again, "Which room do you want to go to?"

Hearing this, Qiao Ran raised her eyes, only to realize that Gu Siling had already carried her up to the second floor, and furthermore, it was Han Han's bedroom.

Qiao Ran grabbed Gu Siling's shirt sleeve, and hurriedly said, "Don't bother Han Han, let him sleep a little longer, he slept too late last night, I'm afraid he is sleeping soundly now!"

Gu Siling hummed, and said lightly, "A loving mother is a loser! Gu Han is a boy, you can't spoil him all the time!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

She is happy, okay?
Very dissatisfied, pouted, and dared not meet his gaze when talking.

"Then I heard you call and say, Hanhan isn't going to kindergarten today!"

"Hanhan is so young, he goes to school, you let him fish for three days and spend two days on the net, isn't it to spoil him?"

Qiao Ran was telling the truth. She had just opened the door of Gu Han's room when she heard Gu Siling talking on the phone, saying Han Han's name, so she couldn't help slowing down and listening carefully. I knew it was to tell the other end that Hanhan would not go to kindergarten today.

"Are you sure you want to discuss Gu Han's education with me?"

 Mr. Gu is good or bad~hahaha~
  In the future, the chapters will be [-] words per chapter, otherwise my draft box will be chaotic if there are too many chapters. Once I send it wrong, I can’t change it~
(End of this chapter)

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