Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 161 Qiao Ran Looks, Her Heartbeat Is Unbalanced!

Chapter 161 Qiao Ran Looks, Her Heartbeat Is Unbalanced!
Qiao Ran wisely shut up, knowing that as a half-way mommy, she has no position or experience.

What's more, this person, in his words, has already gone through several tricks with her. Whether he is reasonable or not, he can gain the upper hand with a few words.

Eyelashes blinked, and he avoided the topic, "Mr. Gu, you can just put me in the living room, there is no need to carry me to the second floor."

"Also, I just bruised my knee, so it's fine to walk by myself."

Looking at him sincerely, Gu Siling said, "Are you sure you want to change in the living room?"

Qiao Ran: "..." Looking down at her clothes, it turned out that she was taking her up to the second floor to change.

"Mr. Gu, my clothes are hanging on the balcony of Hanhan's room, why don't you go to work first, when Hanhan wakes up, I'll change it myself!"

However, Gu Siling's footsteps did not stop because of this, he went straight past the door of Hanhan's room, and walked towards the next room.

Pushing open the door, she carried Qiao Ran in and placed her on the sofa, and only opened her mouth after she sat down.

"In my Gu Siling's house, there is no possibility of running out of clothes! Just wait, the clothes will arrive in a while!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

Sure enough, he is rich and powerful, aren't he afraid of flashing his tongue?
Arriving in a while? She saw it when she came yesterday. The neighborhood is basically full of high-end villas. Where is there a place to sell clothes?
What's more, since He Qingge left just now, I haven't seen him make a phone call to send clothes!
I don't know where the confidence comes from, tell her, it will be there in a while!!!
I don't know if the expression on her face was too obvious, but I heard Gu Siling explaining to her.

"Sister-in-law Fang is going to buy you clothes, you don't need to have such a skeptical expression!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

She asked why Mrs. Fang took the medicine box back then and didn't come in again when she went out. It turned out that she went to buy clothes for her.

Pink lips pursed, but she couldn't help asking, "Isn't Mrs. Fang your aunt? Are you still responsible for these things?"

Gu Siling sat down beside the sofa, looking lazy.

"I get tens of thousands of salary a month. If you don't have this bit of vision and need to order everything from me, I'm afraid there's no need to stay here anymore!"

Qiao Ran was speechless, it's too scary, an aunt's monthly salary is tens of thousands, which is more than what she earns working in a nightclub!
Sure enough, capitalists are capitalists!!
Thinking about it, she nodded, purely out of politeness, stopped talking, and sat quietly.

Looking casually over the surroundings, I realized that this room is astonishingly large.

What she lives in is only the outer room, and the inside is "complete with all internal organs", which can be regarded as a separate home.

In the air, there is a faint smell of Gu Siling's body, which is cold and mature, with a slight smell of tobacco, but it is not annoying.

Gu Siling was sitting there, even though she was holding her mobile phone as if she was dealing with the matter at hand, Qiao Ran's gaze still didn't dare to be too wanton.

In the room, the door was half-opened, although he was curious, but he was too embarrassed to glance around blatantly.

What's more, this man has sharp eyes. If he sees out that she is curious about his bedroom, she might say something that will make her blush and heartbeat!
Sitting quietly, her small eyes were originally looking at every scene in the room quietly, but for some reason, she always felt a kind of attraction, attracting her, and looked at Gu Siling.

No matter what a good-looking person looks like, people can't help but look at them more.

What's more, the person in front of him is not only good-looking, but also his youth and promise, which is obvious to all. Whenever city s mentions him, he is full of praise.

And his serious appearance is right in front of his eyes.

Clear and meaningful, she frowned slightly from time to time, her thin lips pursed into a line.

As Qiao Ran looked at it, she felt her heart beating out of balance...

Fortunately, not long after, there was a rhythmic knock on the door outside the bedroom, it should be Mrs. Fang!
Qiao Ran raised her eyes and saw that Gu Siling was typing, so she wanted to get up and open the door.

I don't want to, as soon as she moved, Gu Siling got up before her, walked towards the door, and gave her instructions.

"Sit down, I'll open the door!"

Qiao Ran could only sit obediently, her eyes following Gu Siling's back.

What Gu Siling was talking to Mrs. Fang outside the door was probably because the sound insulation effect of the room was too good to hear clearly, so Qiao Ran didn't bother much.

After a while, Gu Siling came in, carrying several bags in his hand, walked over and put them on the coffee table.

"Look at which outfit you like and change into it. I'll wait for you in the living room!"

Qiao Ran nodded. At this time, she also knew to be polite, "Thank you, Mr. Gu!"

Gu Siling hummed, picked up the mobile phone on the sofa, walked out, and helped Qiao Ran close the bedroom door.

Qiao Ran walked to the coffee table and took out the clothes from the bag. Sure enough, they were all the most popular styles at the moment.

Everything suits her very well. I have to say that Mrs. Fang has a good eye.

Qiao Ran picked out a light blue cotton shirt and a pair of cropped straight-leg pants.

Tie the front of the shirt into the trousers to make your legs look long and your figure perfect.

The point is, these pants are loose but stylish, and can also cover her knees.

Qiao Ran looked at the front and back in the mirror, was very satisfied, and then walked downstairs.

Gu Siling sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, and it was obvious that he was waiting for her.

Qiao Ran walked down the stairs, but did not forget to pay attention to Gu Siling's reaction.

Therefore, when Gu Siling heard footsteps and looked over, she did not miss the flash of emotion in his eyes.

She has always been very confident about her appearance, she has a good figure, and whatever clothes she wears seems to be tailor-made.

Although she had expected it, Gu Siling's reaction made her feel extremely happy!
Calmly, he called out "Mr. Gu!"

Gu Siling raised her eyebrows, put her hands in her pockets, walked towards her, and pointed to the kitchen door.

"Would you like to have breakfast?"

Qiao Ran shook her head, "No need, Mr. Gu, I've already eaten!"

"Well, let's go!"


Qiao Ran followed behind Gu Siling. The man had big steps, and she had to take several steps to take one step. Her knees hurt, so it was a bit difficult to follow.

Fortunately, after walking a few steps, the man looked back at her, and when he walked forward, his pace slowed down significantly.

In Qiao Ran's heart, an inexplicable joy welled up in her heart, she lowered her head, and in her eyes were the straight and slender legs of that man.

After going outside, the black Cayenne was already parked there. Gu Siling opened the rear door for Qiao Ran, then walked around the front of the car and walked to the other side.

Qiao Ran got into the car and looked forward through the rearview mirror. For some reason, she felt that she had seen this driver before.Also, this car!
 I received the first monthly ticket for this book in the early hours of the morning. I am so happy (>ω<*) Thank you for your votes, rewards and comments~ Happy Tomb-sweeping Day!!
  During the big holiday, I will work harder and save the manuscript. By the way, I will be thick-skinned and ask for a wave of tickets, rewards and comments. Thank you everyone!!
(End of this chapter)

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