Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 162 Her Body Leaning in Gu Siling's Arms

Chapter 162 Her Body Leaning in Gu Siling's Arms

The black Cayenne is a very common car in big cities, but the driver also looks familiar, which is a bit unusual.

However, sitting in the back seat, at most she could see half of a face. She was a girl, and it was impossible for her to stare at an uncle who was over fifty years old.

She is embarrassing, others are not embarrassing!
Then, Qiao Ran withdrew her gaze and sat down obediently. Gu Siling next to her didn't seem to want to speak, so she didn't speak either.

At this point, there was still a traffic jam, and almost every red light had to stop for a while. Qiao Ran felt drowsy when she was sitting, closed her eyes, and fell asleep after a while.

When I woke up, I still heard voices. It was the driver in front talking to Gu Siling on the left.

She moved her head, and the voice in her ear suddenly stopped. Qiao Ran opened her eyes, and saw two pairs of eyes staring at her.

The people in front were cautious, while the people around them frowned slightly.

Qiao Ran blinked her eyes, but she didn't come to her senses. When she fell asleep, she was extremely confused.

There was something on the back of the neck, which was hard and uncomfortable. Qiao Ran turned her head to talk to Gu Siling, and raised her right hand to touch the back of her head.

"Mr. Gu..."

Qiao Ranfang opened her mouth, but the touch of the tip of her hand made her stop suddenly.

Turning her head to look, it turned out that it was Gu Siling's arm that was hanging around her neck, and her whole body was almost leaning against Gu Siling's arms.

Drowsy, under this understanding, she suddenly woke up, and she said, why, when she woke up, there was a cold breath in her breath, it turned out that she was so close to Gu Siling!
Qiao Ran quickly sat up straight, moved to the side, and explained.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, I didn't sleep well, so I disturbed you."

Gu Siling withdrew his arm, looked at Qiao Ran indifferently, opened and closed his lips, "It's okay, since you're awake, get out of the car!"

Qiao Ran hummed, and hurriedly opened the car door. Don't be too embarrassing in this situation.

With her feet on the ground and looking forward, she realized that Gu Siling did not take her to the company, but came to Deren Hospital.

Seeing Gu Siling walking towards her, Qiao Ran couldn't help but say, "Mr. Gu, what are we doing in the hospital?"

In autumn, the cool wind was bleak, Qiao Ran fell asleep in the car, her hair was a little messy, and she got out of the car in such a hurry that she forgot to tidy up.

At this moment, the wind even blew the thin and soft hair beside her ears.

Gu Siling put one hand in his pocket, raised the other hand, and trimmed Qiao Ran's hair.

Feeling that Qiao Ran's body froze because of his movements, she withdrew her hand resentfully, and said a word lightly.

"Let's go!"

As he spoke, he lifted his foot and walked towards the main entrance of the hospital first.

Qiao Ran was still standing there, staring at Gu Siling's back, dazed.

Did he realize how close he was just now? Their relationship has not reached this level, okay?

Even though I was thinking this way, my heart was inexplicably warm!
And just now in the car, although it is very likely that she took the initiative to lean towards Gu Siling, but the arm lying behind her head, it is impossible for her to pull it over in her sleep!
Qiao Ran was overjoyed, seeing that Gu Siling was getting farther and farther away from her, she quickly chased after her.

At this time, the hospital had not been working for a long time, and there were many people queuing up for registration at the door, and there were people coming and going in the corridor, hurrying, and Qiao Ran's shoulder was always bumped from time to time.

Going around in the crowd, it was a bit difficult to keep up with Gu Siling, but suddenly, he felt heat coming from his empty hands.

Almost at the same time, Qiao Ran looked over in surprise, only to realize that it was Gu Siling's hand holding hers.

Looking up, Gu Siling just turned his head, his eyes met, and his voice was next to his ear.

"Don't get lost!"

Not very gentle, deep, she listened to it, but thought it sounded very nice.

She nodded towards Gu Siling, the corners of her mouth were smiling, and the dimples on the side of her face were faintly visible.

Gu Siling led Qiao Ran through the corridor on the first floor, rounded a corner, and came to the elevator door.

Gu Siling pressed the door open button, and within a few seconds, the elevator door opened.

Gu Siling walked in first, and Qiao Ran was dragged by him, and quickly followed.

In the elevator, there were only him and her. Qiao Ran looked at Gu Siling, who was much taller than her, and asked in doubt.

"Mr. Gu, is this the special elevator for the hospital? Why are there so many people at the entrance of the elevator in the lobby, but this place is empty?"

When Gu Siling heard this, she had rare patience and explained to Qiao Ran, "Deren Hospital has special elevators for patients and their families, as well as special elevators for employees. This is a special elevator for hospital leaders!"

Qiao Ran: "...Mr. Gu, then, are we in the favor of Mr. Ji?"

Ji Yuhuan is the dean of Deren Hospital, and Qiao Ran has always known about it, so hearing what Gu Siling said, subconsciously, he felt that it was because of Ji Yuhuan.

But she didn't want to, Gu Siling raised her eyebrows lightly, stared at her pretty face, and asked her, "I, Gu Siling, am in City S, do I need someone else's favor?"

Qiao Ran: "..." Hearing this disdainful and uncompromising voice, she wisely shut up.

"I am a shareholder of this hospital!"


Qiao Ran pursed her lips, stared down at her toes, and let out a resentful oh.

Gu Siling watched, and didn't say any more. What he said today is enough.

Staring at the drooping little face, it was also extremely cute, with a bit of childishness, Gu Siling felt inexplicably wanting to laugh.

But the corners of the mouth are naturally restrained very well.Know this girl, thin-skinned, totally unfunny!
Sometimes, he wondered if she was responsible for those "brilliant deeds" he sent private detectives to find out!
Perverse and rebellious, in front of him, but reserved!
He still can't figure it out now, a few years ago, he was just passing by, why did she suddenly pull him into the pool?
With a beep, the elevator door opened, Gu Siling withdrew her thoughts, and pulled Qiao Ran out.He didn't let go until he came to a door.

Qiao Ran folded her hands and put them by her side. It seemed that the residual warmth of Gu Siling still remained in her hands.

After a moment of daze, the half-closed door was suddenly opened, and a white figure sprang out, almost bumping into Qiao Ran.

Fortunately, Gu Siling reacted quickly, pulled her aside in time, and clasped her body, thus escaped unharmed.

When the white shadow saw Gu Siling and Qiao Ran, he suddenly stopped, with surprise and annoyance in his eyes, probably also felt that he had bumped into each other.

With red eyes, like a rabbit, it was obvious that she was about to cry. She glanced at Gu Siling and Qiao Ran, lowered her head, said sorry weakly, and left quickly.

Before Qiao Ran came to her senses, she heard Gu Siling's voice reprimanding her.

"Walking is always out of shape, are you a child?"

 This is a pair of our fourth brother~~Come out to make soy sauce~~The fourth brother is not gay, don’t worry babies~~
(End of this chapter)

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