Chapter 165 Two people's world
With one hand, Gu Han pointed to the small round table where he was lying on his stomach just now, and talked to Mommy, and put his arm around Tangyuan'er's neck.

"Mummy, can you wait for me over there? I have something to discuss with Tangyuan, and I'll be here in a while."

Qiao Ran looked at the little guy's quirky appearance with a smile, and nodded, "Well, okay, Mommy is sitting over there waiting for you!"

"OK! Mommy." As he said that, he made an OK gesture, and when he saw Mommy sitting there, he squatted down.

Holding Tang Yuan'er's dog's face in his little hand, let it face him.

"Little Tangyuan, darling, your lovely little master wants to tell you something."

"I want to play with Mommy, you don't want to disturb our two-person world, you know? So be good, and you can go to your dog's house for a while, okay?"

"Did you hear that? When you hear it, just make two small barks."

Tang Yuan'er: "..." Yuanyuan's dog-like face looked to one side, silent.

Gu Han turned Tang Yuan'er's doggy face again, "If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your agreement! You're so good~"

As he said that, he pulled the collar around Tang Yuan'er's neck and walked towards the dog house.

However, the dog did not cooperate and remained motionless.Gu Han had no choice but to squat down again and negotiate.
"OK, I know I've wronged you, so how about I give you one of the sausages (ham sausages) I secretly bought?"

"..." The dog's face was cold and he ignored~
"Okay, those two~~ soup buns, I only have three~ You won't be so cruel, will you?"

"..." The dog face is arrogant, ignore~
"OKOK, I'll give you all three, anyway, nothing is as important as my mommy!!"

Tang Yuan'er finally lifted her foot, and Ken followed the little guy away.

Gu Han walked towards the dog house while pulling the glutinous rice balls, while muttering in a low voice, naturally, most of the ingredients were self-comforting.

"Soup buns, you can eat it, wait for you to eat snacks, and you will become fat, then Mommy and I won't like you, let alone you have a girlfriend ~ We all hate you!!"

"How about two intestines, I'm doing it for your own good~"

Tang Yuan'er was still following him, and the dog's face was lowered, as if thinking.

When the little guy saw this, his eyebrows and eyes were full of joy, and he continued to work hard, "Tangyuan, why don't you just have a piece of sausage, I'll give you too much, and you can't control yourself. If you eat it all at once, you will gain ten catties!"


Ba la ba la ~~ The little guy increased from one to three, and then reduced from three to none. Finally, the glutinous rice balls felt uncomfortable.

It was as if I suddenly changed from a beggar to a rich man, but before I got the money, I became a beggar again!!
Very upset, he refused to leave.It's big, if you don't walk, there's nothing the little guy can do.

In the end, as a last resort, I took the three ham sausages to the dog house, peeled them and put them away, and Tang Yuaner walked in like an 'uncle'.

The little guy locked the lock angrily, "Huh~ Fatty Tang, don't think about it in the future! You disobedient dog!!"

Qiao Ran watched the little guy and Tang Yuan'er's every move from a distance. Although she didn't know what the little guy was talking about, she could guess a little bit by looking at the movements.

Sure enough, when the little guy ran over panting, there was no sign of Tangyuan beside him.

The little guy took away the glutinous rice balls. Although he sacrificed a lot, he was still very happy!
When he ran over, he hugged Mommy's arm, kissed Mommy, and then climbed onto the stool, his calves dangling happily.

"Mommy, are you not going back today? It's rare that I don't have to go to kindergarten again. I want you to stay with me~ okay? Mommy~"

All the time, she never forgets to act like a baby to her mommy, the expressions on her face are all in place, and she looks so pitiful that people can't refuse.

Naturally, Qiao Ran nodded, mainly because she saw the little guy's painting just now.

In the painting, a family of three is holding hands, and there is a puppy sticking out its tongue squatting beside it...

If the little guy drew it when he was happy, then he wouldn't say anything, but at that time, the little guy's expression was very depressed, and he didn't even eat breakfast.

Gu Siling said that she is always used to Hanhan, it is undeniable.After all, in her heart, she always felt that she owed Hanhan, so she always wanted to do her best to give him the best.

However, she also knew that what should be educated Hanhan should be educated, and she should not just indulge her.

Qiao Ran thought about it, so she pulled Hanhan to sit still, and whispered to him, "Hanhan, since Mommy is not here, you should obediently eat breakfast, you know? You are so old, you can't be petty. "

The little guy nodded obediently, "Okay, Mommy, I remember! I will definitely eat and eat obediently in the future."

Qiao Ran softly hummed, and patted the little guy's head, "I have to go to kindergarten every day, there are a lot of friends there, you need to make more friends!"

The little guy's voice was weak, and it was obvious that he didn't like the kindergarten very much, but he nodded obediently when he saw the serious look on Mummy's face.

In my heart, I felt that what Mommy told him must be for his own good.

Qiao Ran accompanied Gu Han to draw for a while, then coaxed the little guy to eat breakfast, and then cleared the table.Leave the little one alone in the living room while she makes lunch.

The little guy was as clever as he was. When he saw Mommy washing the vegetables, he ran upstairs, called his dad, and urged him to go home. He called him to have dinner with him!!
However, after calling several times, the little guy became a little unhappy, and lay down on the bed with a pouty face.

After a while, I got up gloomily and called a few more times, but still no one answered.

I had to go downstairs and start with Mommy.

The small figure circled around the kitchen door, but didn't speak, sticking out a small head from time to time.

Several times, it was impossible for Qiao Ran not to notice it. Looking at the suffocated little guy, he couldn't help laughing.

"Hanhan, are you okay?"

Gu Han's small body completely shrank from the wall, stood at the door of the kitchen, and looked at Mommy.

"Mummy, can you save some for Dad after you cooked, my dad must not have eaten yet!"

Hearing this, Qiao Ran paused her hands while cooking, and glanced away at the little guy's expectant face from the corner of her eye.


"Then Mommy, we'll have dinner later, can you accompany me to take it to Dad?"

"I couldn't get through to my dad just now. Dad must be in a meeting, maybe it will be very late!"

"Mommy, my father often drinks alcohol and doesn't eat on time. His stomach is not very good. Can you accompany me? Mommy~"


It's almost like, moving with emotion, understanding with reason, young age, speaking is indeed a set!
Although there is no lack of coaxing and deception, in short, the purpose is fully achieved.

Holding Mommy's hand, carrying the lunch box, and singing when getting in the car.

 When I woke up together, I saw several recommendation tickets from babies. I was so happy~ Thank you, okay~~~ When I save enough manuscripts, I will add updates to you. I owe you today~

(End of this chapter)

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