Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 166 Dad, Mommy Made You a Loving Lunch

Chapter 166 Dad, Mommy Made You a Loving Lunch

Qiao Ran thought that she would still have to come to the company to work at that time. She had no experience at all. If someone found out that she and the president's son had delivered meals to the president, she might be drowned in saliva.

Therefore, after wearing the mask, he dragged Hanhan out of the car, with the lunch box in his other hand.

Hanhan looked at Mummy suspiciously, but didn't ask any further questions. He hooked Mummy's hand, walked a little forward, and led Mummy the way.

With Hanhan leading the way, it was completely unimpeded. Although it was inevitable to meet a few people on the way, curious visits, she was wearing a mask, and she was calm and easy to deal with.

Gu Han took her to the president's special elevator, and soon reached the 26th floor.

Gu Siling's office was indeed closed, and he knocked on the door several times, but there was no movement.

The little guy had no choice but to let Mommy hold him, press his fingerprints, and the door opened at once.

The little guy was triumphant, like a little gentleman, let Mommy go in first, then took out a disposable paper cup from the cabinet, and got a glass of water for Mommy at the water dispenser.

Very sensible, Qiao Ran looked at it, her heart was so soft that it was a mess.

Holding Hanhan's cute little face, "You are so familiar with your father's office, do you come here often?"

Gu Han nodded when he heard the words, "No, sometimes my father doesn't have time to pick me up from the kindergarten, so I ask the driver uncle to take me to the company and wait for my father to go back with me."

"But, Mommy, although someone picks me up every time, Dad doesn't go there every day."

"Every time I see other children's parents pick them up together, I feel envious and sad, so Mommy, I don't like going to kindergarten at all."

Qiao Ran felt very uncomfortable when she heard this. She touched the little guy's head and comforted her, "Then you should obediently go to the kindergarten, okay? Dad and I will pick you up together when we have time."

"If your father doesn't have time, Mommy will definitely go too, okay?"

The little guy was so happy when he heard it, his voice couldn't help raising several decibels.

"Really, Mommy?"

"Of course it's true, Mommy won't lie to you~"

"Oye, that's great!" The little guy held Mommy's face and kissed it. "Then Mommy, I will definitely go to school every day from now on."

"Well, that's right~"

The wall clock on the wall of the office went from eleven o'clock to twelve o'clock, and it was almost one o'clock before Gu Siling returned to the office.

The moment the door was pushed open, he was naturally taken aback. He didn't expect the voices of women and children to be heard in the usually spacious and quiet office where a needle could be heard on the ground.

As soon as Gu Siling opened the door, Qiao Ran and Gu Han heard the sound of the door opening, and looked towards the door at the same time, only to see Gu Siling standing at the door in a suit and leather shoes.

He was tall and straight, as if he could block all the light from the door.

Gu Siling walked in, closed the door, and asked while walking towards the sofa, "Why are you here?"

Gu Han took out the insulated box from his arms, and handed it to his father as if offering a treasure, "Dad, Mommy and I will bring you food! Mommy specially made a loving lunch for you~"

Qiao Ran: "..." Hearing the little guy say that, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood!
When she was cooking, she just made an extra portion of Gu Siling's. When did it become... Love lunch?
At such a young age, what exactly is pretending in this head?
However, after listening to the little guy's words, Gu Siling raised his hand and pointed at the insulated box, asking the question knowingly.

"You did it?"

Qiao Ran: "..." Nodding!
"Love Lunch?"

Qiao Ran was about to shake her head when she saw the little guy looking at her with a puffy face.I had no choice but to nod again.

Gu Siling couldn't help laughing when he saw Qiao Ran's shriveled expression. There was a deep smile on the corner of his mouth, and his words were very pleasant. He was talking to the little guy.

"Since it's a loving lunch made by your mommy, why are you holding it in your arms?"

"Dad, I'm afraid it's cold!!"

Qiao Ran: "..." Her son used to be stupid at times, how could it be cold in an insulated box?
Also, does holding it make it hot?

Who taught him logic?Her mother is too embarrassed to expose him!
However, judging from the behavior of the little guy now, when he grows up, he will undoubtedly be a proper warm man!
Upon hearing this, Gu Siling tapped Gu Han's forehead twice, took the lunch box from the little guy's hand, and said, "Little fool."

I don't know if it's Gu Siling's big appetite, or Qiao Ran's cooking suits Gu Siling's appetite. The rice in the lunch box has almost bottomed out.

I wanted to pack up and go back, but I didn't want to, the little guy stayed here and didn't want to leave.

Qiao Ran couldn't fail to grasp the little guy's little thoughts, she just hoped that she and Gu Siling could be with him at the same time.

Fortunately, Gu Siling didn't say anything.Therefore, she stopped saying no, and minimized the sense of existence between herself and Hanhan, so as not to affect Gu Siling's work.

Halfway through, Gu Siling's secretary came in, so she had to put on a mask.

However, it took a long time to talk, and she couldn't breathe very smoothly, and she felt uncomfortable covering her face.

I don't know if Gu Siling noticed it, she looked up at her a few times, and finally, she stopped talking with the secretary and called her name directly.

Qiao Ran heard her name suddenly, thought it was an auditory hallucination, looked up in surprise, and saw Gu Siling and his secretary looking at her.

Only later did I realize that Gu Siling was real, and called her name directly in front of the secretary.

"Mr. Gu, what's the matter?"

Gu Siling raised her finger and pointed at her mask, and there was a hint of warmth in her voice, "Take off the mask, it's fine!"

Qiao Ran nodded, took off the mask, and put it in her bag.

Gu Siling continued to explain things to the secretary, while Qiao Ran sat there playing with her mobile phone, her eyes were tired and she became more and more bored.

The little guy has been in the bathroom for a while, and he doesn't know what he's doing. Even if he's getting a tuba, he should come out, but...

After coming back for a while, the little guy walked out slowly, with a look of hundreds of millions of expressions on his face, holding a child's mobile phone, and he didn't know what he had been doing for so long, so happy?
It was several hours later when Qiao Ran really knew what the little guy had done.

At that time, when Gu Siling got off work, the little guy pestered Gu Siling, asking his father to treat him to dinner, saying that it was good manners, and thanking Mommy for the loving lunch. Qiao Ran's face turned red!
After the family of three had dinner, Qiao Ran thought that the little guy would finally calm down and stop cheating on her mommy, but unexpectedly, the little guy asked Shen Qingjue to help book two movie tickets, and then left her mommy behind, He and Shen Qingjue went for a walk first.


(End of this chapter)

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