Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 167 His lips were directly printed on hers.

Chapter 167 His lips were directly printed on hers.

There was a huge crowd of people at the entrance of the movie theater, Qiao Ran looked very worried and didn't really want to go in.

But he didn't want to, after Gu Siling made a phone call, he dragged her directly in through a dedicated passage.

Qiao Ran sighed in her heart, as expected, money can turn ghosts around. With money, the journey is really much more open.

The position Shen Qingjue chose for them was very good, it was the middle position in the seventh row.

Qiao Ran was very satisfied, and what was even more satisfying was the atmosphere of many people watching a movie together.

Very grounded!!
Although contracting an entire movie theater just for two people to watch a movie, in many people's hearts, they think it's not romantic.

However, in her cognition, she felt that the movie of the two of them lacked the atmosphere that a movie theater should have, and she always felt that something was missing.

However, Qiao Ran soon felt something was wrong.

What they were watching was a love movie, halfway through the show, as the plot progresses, the relationship between the hero and heroine gradually heats up, there will inevitably be some hugging, kissing scenes, and even...

Qiao Ran's face gradually turned red, and she was so hot that she couldn't help herself. Fortunately, there was nothing else but the light of the screen, so don't worry, her reaction will be noticed by Gu Siling.

However, the people around, except for Gu Siling on the left, the people in front, behind and on the right have already embraced each other, kissing, and even making embarrassing noises from time to time...

She and Gu Siling sat in the middle again, going out would definitely affect a large number of people.

Actually, it would be fine if Qiao Ran was the only one, but Gu Siling was sitting next to her.

Qiao Ran was so annoyed that her hands on both sides were curled into fists.

If Shen Qingjue was here, she would definitely not be able to bear it, and would go up and beat him up severely.

She figured it out. In the middle of the seventh row, many people watched it together. This was clearly a trap. Fortunately, when she was sitting here at Chuchu, she was quite excited...

Just as Qiao Ran was thinking about it, she suddenly realized that something was holding her left hand, and reflexively pulled her hand away.

When he turned his head, there was still resentment in his eyes, and he also met Gu Siling's eyes with surprise.

Gu Siling didn't expect Qiao Ran's reaction to be so dramatic, and seeing the frightened eyes, she was startled.

When speaking, the voice could not help but also lowered, with a gentle meaning, soothing Qiao Ran's emotions.


Qiao Ran was stunned for a few seconds, realizing that her emotions were a little too extreme, and replied with a trace of annoyance, "A little bit."

"If you're uncomfortable, let's go out!"

Hearing this, Qiao Ran glanced around, and found that she couldn't go out at all. She was in the middle, and she really couldn't advance or retreat.

He finally shook his head, "Forget it, it's too wicked to disturb other people's good deeds. Anyway, more than half of the movie has aired, so let's sit down for a while!"

Hearing Qiao Ran's helpless tone, Gu Siling couldn't help smiling, reached out to hold Qiao Ran's hand, and moved closer to Qiao Ran's ear.

"When I get home, I'll beat that brat for you!!"

When Qiao Ran heard this, she pouted, looking very depressed, and said angrily, "It's clearly a good thing done by your good brother, why are you beating Hanhan!"

"Also, Hanhan is almost four years old, you can't keep spanking him, he is a boy, he wants to save face."

Qiao Ran's angry little appearance, and the appearance of arguing with Gu Siling, plus her red face, under the light of the screen, are faintly visible and extremely charming.

As Gu Siling watched, the look in his eyes gradually darkened. He withdrew his gaze and landed on the screen, still holding Qiao Ran's.

"You seem to have always attached great importance to my son's education?"

Almost as soon as Gu Siling finished speaking, Qiao Ran took it, "This is my son too!"

There is also an undeniable tone in the tone, with a hint of momentum and a firm stand.

After Qiao Ran finished speaking, seeing Gu Siling staring at her, she couldn't help swallowing, and lowered her head.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, I'm a little unstable tonight. Please forgive me if I offended you. But Hanhan's matter is from my heart, and I hope you don't take it to heart."

Gu Siling hummed lightly, "I'll think about it."

As he said that, he turned his eyes to the screen again, but in his hand, there were some slender fingers that were playing with Qiao Ran's slender fingers.

Right now, Qiao Ran is completely out of the mood to watch movies, and is scrolling through Moments with her mobile phone.

It was her left hand that Gu Siling pulled, so it didn't affect her, so she naturally let him go.

Hanhan usually has this little trick, so she is basically immune to such contact, and if there is something distracting her attention, she can completely ignore it.

As for Gu Siling, although his eyes were on the front, his mind was not on the movie at all, and the soft touch in his hand was very comfortable.

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth, and he thought, no wonder the little guy likes to play with this woman's hand!
It's soft and thin, and it's quite fun to hold.

The movie finally drew to a close, and at the exit, people in twos and threes went out one after another.

Qiao Ran didn't want to squeeze with them, but fortunately, Gu Siling sat lazily beside her with her legs crossed, and didn't urge her.

Qiao Ran packed her bags until everyone was gone, and then she touched Gu Siling who was sleeping next to her with her eyes closed.

"Mr. Gu, let's go too!"

When Gu Siling heard this, when he opened his eyes, he looked like a lazy cheetah, with the lights shining from afar, seductively sexy.

Suddenly, for a moment, Qiao Ran's heart seemed to miss a beat, and then it beat non-stop.

Qiao Ran looked sideways with guilt, and stood up from the seat. She was nervous, but forgot that Gu Siling was still pulling her wrist.

Because of the pulling force, her body tilted suddenly, Qiao Ran didn't mind standing still, and fell directly into Gu Siling's arms.

The whole person was in the posture of embracing Gu Siling, and there was a low laugh next to his ear, which made Qiao Ran very annoyed.
But at the same time, Gu Siling pinched her chin with his slender fingers, and pecked her directly with his lips.

Qiao Ran was almost petrified, when she heard Gu Siling laughing, she stared at her lips and said, "It seems that Miss Qiao really covets Gu for a long time! This kiss is what Gu asked for... a loss! "

When Qiao Ran heard this, she blushed from her face to the roots of her ears.What is this all about?
He is beautiful and delicious, but whose loss is it? She is a girl, okay?
And, coveted for a long time? Who took her hand and made her fall innocently?
What the hell, I really want to swear!!
Gritting her teeth, Qiao Ran withdrew her hand, so angry that she didn't even want to defend herself.Followed behind Gu Siling, walked out, and stared at the back in front of him while walking.

If possible, she would stare at a hole in Gu Siling's back.

Gu Siling naturally knew that his teasing had annoyed Qiao Ran who was behind him, so he walked ahead in silence.

It wasn't until they got into the car that they spoke to Qiao Ran.

(End of this chapter)

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