Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 168 One scene and one object are all about love

Chapter 168 A Scene and an Object Are All About Love

"You didn't feel comfortable watching this movie tonight. I'll accompany you to watch it again another day. You can choose the movie, how about it?"

When Qiao Ran heard Gu Siling's words, her lips pursed slightly, and her curled eyelashes blinked.

"Is this considered compensation?"

Gu Siling raised his jaw slightly, "It's okay if you want to think that way!"

Qiao Ran heard this and hummed, "Mr. Gu, I have left a psychological shadow today. Do you think a movie can make up for it?"

Gu Siling looked at Qiao Ran's small expression, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked, "Then tell me, what do you want?"

Qiao Ran rolled her eyes, then pointed to Gu Siling's seat.

"Then let's switch places and I'll drive."

Gu Si Lingxu stared at Qiao Ran's small face with one hand on the car window, but didn't say anything, got out of the car and walked around to the passenger seat.

Qiao Ran directly crossed the middle position and sat on the driver's seat. Holding the steering wheel with her small hands, she felt itchy in her hands, and restless factors were stirring in the air.

Qiao Ran got ready, and seeing that Gu Siling had fastened her seat belt, she blinked mischievously.

"Mr. Gu, sit down, I'm driving a little out of tune. If you feel uncomfortable, tell me in time!"

"Well, you can do whatever you want! It's still early, you can drive the car to a more remote place, just remember the route."

"Okay!" Qiao Ran adjusted the navigator, started the car, and drove to a mountaintop in the suburbs.

She has been there before, and the scenery is beautiful. You can see the rising sun in the morning and the stars in the sky at night.

A long time ago, she thought that she must take the person she likes there in the future.

So just now, when Gu Siling opened her mouth and asked her to drive wherever she wanted, the first place that popped up in her mind was there.

Taking Gu Siling there tonight, isn't it a fulfillment of her wish?
Even if she and Gu Siling don't have a future, it must be a good memory when they think about it later.

As Qiao Ran thought about it, her heart was already excited, with a hint of expectation, the corners of her mouth were smiling, but her mind was extremely clear.

Stepping on the car gear, the car almost flew out, the door was closed, but there was still the whistling wind in my ears.

Qiao Ran's face was filled with joy from the bottom of her heart, revealing the confidence of looking down on everything, and her fair face was tinged with blush.

Qiao Ran was so focused that she didn't see Gu Siling's eyes getting deeper, even more stunning.

Gu Siling, on the other hand, sat there calmly, taking in all of Qiao Ran's expressions.

The car quickly reached the foot of the mountain, and the road ahead was a bit tortuous and dangerous, so Qiao Ran had to slow down to normal speed.

Stop the car and talk to Gu Siling who is on the side, "Mr. Gu, this is the top of the mountain, and you can see a beautiful night view, but the road is a bit dangerous, I have to slow down!"

On Qiao Ran's face, there was an invisible thin layer of sweat, and the lining of her face became more and more delicate, making people look at her with an urge to kiss her.

Gu Siling took out a few sheets of paper at random, gently squeezed Qiao Ran's chin with one hand, and wiped Qiao Ran's sweat with the other.

The touch of the fingertips clearly felt that Qiao Ran's body froze, but his movements did not stop.

It wasn't until Qiao Ran finished wiping, that she let go, put the paper ball aside, and said slowly, "Take a break, I'll open it!"

Qiao Ran was stunned, nodded slightly, and gave up the seat to Gu Siling.

For the next part of the journey, because of Gu Siling's sudden action just now, Qiao Ran didn't speak any more, and the air flowed quietly.

The moment the car drove up to the top of the mountain, Qiao Ran's whole heart jumped for joy. The scene and things in front of him really seemed like those in those days, and there was an illusion of traveling through time.

In this era, reinforced concrete has changed everything, mountains have been razed to the ground, high-rise buildings have been piled up, changing the original simplicity and beauty of nature, flashy noise has replaced peace and tranquility... everything is no longer everything.

However, here, after many years, what remains unabated is the precious authenticity.

Qiao Ran jumped out of the car, opened her hands, raised her face, and took a deep breath of the fresh air here.

Leaping forward, embracing this piece of pure aura, the body spun in the wind, turning several times before stopping.

He ran to Gu Siling, took Gu Siling's arm and asked, "Mr. Gu, isn't this place beautiful?"

Looking at the happy little face in front of him, Gu Siling smiled, "Well, this trip was worthwhile."

Qiao Ran listened to the simple words, but was satisfied, and didn't realize that she was holding Gu Siling's arm.

Qiao Ran led Gu Siling forward, pointing to a round evergreen tree in the middle of the distance.

"Let's go sit over there for a while!"

Gu Siling nodded, put one hand in his pocket, let Qiao Ran hold the other hand, and walked beside Qiao Ran.

After walking under the tree, Qiao Ran suddenly remembered that she was so happy just now that she forgot to bring a tissue.

I had no choice but to turn sideways and said to Gu Siling, "Mr. Gu, wait for me here, I'll go get some tissues."

Gu Siling hummed, "Go slowly, don't run... Forget it, you'd better wait here for me, and I'll go get it."

When Gu Siling mentioned it, Qiao Ran remembered that she hadn't noticed her knee injury just now, but now, every movement felt faint pain, so she nodded.

Gu Siling went to get a tissue, but Qiao Ran didn't stop, but moved two flatter stones under the tree and placed them on the flat ground.

When everything was done, Gu Siling had already walked over.Qiao Ran took the tissue from Gu Siling's hand and spread it on the stone layer by layer.

After laying out one piece, let Gu Siling sit down first, then quickly spread out his own, and moved it to Gu Siling's side.

When sitting down, Gu Siling raised his hand to support Qiao Ran.Qiao Ran sat down with strength.

Because the stone is too low, the range of sitting is too large, and it is easy to involve the wound on the knee. Therefore, Qiao Ran sat very carefully.

As soon as I sat down, I heard Gu Siling joking, "I didn't expect you to be quite strong!!"

Qiao Ran knew that Gu Siling was talking about her moving rocks, so she wrinkled her nose and underestimated her, okay?

Qiao Ran bent her right elbow and made a strong man's movement, "Are you kidding? None of the friends around me in the past could win against me in arm wrestling!"

Gu Siling raised his eyebrows, looked at Qiao Ran's disdainful expression, couldn't help laughing, and said softly, it was extremely sexy.

Qiao Ran blinked, "If you don't believe me, why don't you try?"

Gu Siling picked up the jacket that he had just brought over when he went to get the tissues, and put it on Qiao Ran.

The voice was long and full of laughter, "I'm afraid someone will cry!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

 Mr. Gu... There are already signs of pampering his wife, the babies have noticed~

(End of this chapter)

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