Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 170 I'm So Handsome, Do I Need To Be Sneaky To Kiss Your Mommy?

Chapter 170 I'm So Handsome, You Need To Be Sneaky To Kiss Your Mommy

Qiao Ran turned her head and looked at Gu Siling, "Mr. Gu, you're awake!"

Gu Siling looked at Qiao Ran with deep eyes, "It's not that you're awake, it's that you haven't fallen asleep at all! Your heart is beating so fast, are you nervous?"

Qiao Ran: "..." Is she being taken advantage of, or is she being rejected?

She pursed her thin lips, "Being hugged by a man makes even a girl nervous."

The corners of Gu Siling's mouth smiled, and he looked at Qiao Ran casually, "Um~ Really?"

The ending was raised gently, and the voice was low and sexy. Qiao Ran felt that her ears couldn't control her when she listened to it.

Pushing Gu Siling away, she quickly sat up, picked up her coat, and patted her face pretendingly.

"Of course, Mr. Gu, I'm not very familiar with you, okay?"

Gu Siling got up, pulled Qiao Ran up, put the coat on her shoulders, then took Qiao Ran's hand, and spoke while walking towards the car.

"You don't know me well, so who do you know well?"

Qiao Ran: "..." the voice was waxy, "I am very familiar with myself, very familiar, super familiar!"

Gu Siling couldn't help laughing when she saw Qiao Ran's angry face swelled into a bun.

"Well, that's really familiar!!"

Qiao Ran: "..." I was so depressed that I didn't want to talk anymore!
Seeing Qiao Ran's aggrieved expression of deciding to settle the matter, Gu Siling couldn't help but soften his voice.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, you don't need to guard me like this."

Qiao Ran listened, wrinkled her nose, and followed behind, muttering softly, "You kiss and hug, and you said you wouldn't do anything to me? Only the devil would believe it!"

Just as he was finishing speaking, he suddenly bumped his head against a wall of flesh.

Qiao Ran suddenly felt stares on her head, covered her forehead, took two steps back, and looked up at Gu Siling dissatisfied.

"Mr. Gu, why don't you stop and tell me, it hurts me to death!!"

Gu Siling looked at Qiao Ran who bumped into someone and still slapped him uprightly, and raised his eyebrows helplessly.

Pulling down Qiao Ran's hand covering her forehead, she rubbed it lightly, "You said that you are not walking well, but you still don't admit it, muttering, what are you talking about?"

Qiao Ran: "..." What are you talking about?She doesn't have the guts to say that again!!
"Mr. Gu, it must be the sound of the wind, you heard it wrong!!"

The movements of Gu Siling's hands paused, and he looked into Qiao Ran's eyes in doubt, "Really?"

Qiao Ran blinked her big eyes trying to hide it, and nodded 100%, "Yes!"

The corners of Gu Siling's mouth curled up, and he smiled wickedly, "But I heard it all!"

Qiao Ran: "..." Damn... I feel like I'm already on the way to being driven crazy!!
When we returned to the urban area, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. Gu Siling sent Qiao Ran to his residence before driving back.

After Qiao Ran entered the room, she turned on the light. At this time, Han Jing hadn't come back yet, and the room was empty, and it seemed more and more silent.

Qiao Ran leaned against the door, what kept flashing in her mind was what Gu Siling said when she got out of the car and stopped her.

He said, "Qiao Ran, the night is beautiful tonight!"

Stop her specifically and tell her that the night is beautiful?
Qiao Ran pondered this sentence, stood on the door for a while, then walked towards the bedroom, took her pajamas, washed up and fell asleep.

When Gu Siling returned to the south of Tingshui, it was almost early morning, but the little guy was still awake, with his short legs curled up on the sofa, watching TV.

Seeing Dad coming in, he put down the remote control he was holding, and called Dad crisply and nicely.

Gu Siling changed into the indoor slippers and walked over, "It's so late, don't sleep, is it itchy?"

Hearing this, the little guy subconsciously covered his butt and moved aside.

"Dad, I'm waiting for you. If you don't come back, I won't be able to sleep!!"

As Gu Han spoke, he secretly looked at his father's expression, pursed his lips, and moved his butt, risking being beaten, but couldn't help but get closer to his father.

The main reason is that I am so curious, I really want to ask my parents if there is any progress.

He tentatively asked, "Dad, you came back so late today, did you have fun with Mommy?"

"Did you send my mommy back?"

"Dad, did you secretly kiss my mommy?"

Gu Siling pressed his temples, his brain ached from being quarreled by this brat.

Hearing the last sentence, he raised his eyes angrily, and glanced at the little kid.

"I'm so handsome, do you need to be sneaky to kiss your mommy?"

Gu Han: "...Dad, that's really kissing my mommy!"

As he said that, the little guy put on an adoring little expression, holding his little hands on his chest.

"Wow, my Uncle Xiaowu is really amazing. Dad, Uncle Xiaowu said, you will definitely kiss Mommy when you watch a movie with Mommy! Unexpectedly, I actually did."

"Father, can I ask Uncle Xiao Wu to help me pick up girls in the future?"

"Then with Uncle Xiaowu's help, can I date many girls?"


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
His son, at such a young age, already knows the word "picking up girls", no need to think about it, he knows who taught it!!

Picking up the phone and calling the other end, there was a chill in the voice.

"If you teach my son badly again, go to Africa and don't come back!!"

On the other side, Shen Qingjue was still asleep, and was suddenly awakened by the bomb. However, before he could react, the phone had already been hung up.

After a few seconds, shit, muttered, "What did I teach Hanhan?"

Lying on the pillow with no hope in life, really, I can’t even die to understand!!
This status... What the hell, no status!!
Hanhan naturally heard who his father was calling, blinked his round eyes, and hurriedly put on his slippers while his father was not paying attention.

If he doesn't leave, he must be in trouble!
Go out from the other side of the coffee table, make a detour, step on the slippers, and run upstairs.

While saying, "Dad, it's late, I'm going to bed! Dad, good night~"

Gu Siling looked at Gu Han wearing slippers and climbing the stairs clumsily, thinking about what Qiao Ran had said to him, eyes sinking, and walked over a few steps.

Holding the little guy by the back collar, the whole person was lifted up. Gu Siling walked upstairs in a few steps, and put the little guy on the ground.

Since then, being carried by my father again, I feel that my young heart has been hurt ten thousand points.

His favorite flaming slippers also fell off and fell in the middle of the stairs. He went to pick them up by himself, and had to go down and up again, which was very unhappy.

Squatting on the ground with his head down, trying to save the little man's face, he squatted on the ground recklessly, just a round little guy.

With a low voice, hugging Dad's long legs, "Dad, I will be four years old soon. Although you are tall, you can't always carry me!"

"I'm so patient, and I'm not a small thing. If you lift it up and down like this, people will see it. I'm so embarrassed."

Hearing the little guy's waxy voice, Gu Siling laughed lowly, looking down at the little guy.

"Aren't you just a little thing!!"

 In other words, Xiao Hanhan's baby's fat round face has not lost weight even in the sixth grade of elementary school, and the little guy is extremely distressed by this.

  What made him even more distressed was that Xiaofu always pinched his fleshy face to make him lose weight.

  So, baby Gu Han, who loves to stay in bed, wakes up very early every day, and runs with his father...

  After persisting for more than a month, the flesh on the little guy's body has lost weight, but the flesh on his face... can't be described in words...

  The point is, the little guy has been tossed enough, I don’t want to stick to it anymore, lose weight, sincerely... hey... so tired!
  Little Happiness put his back on his waist and said, "Little Fatty's face is even thinner than yours!"

  Little friend Gu Han, who was quite shocked, looked at the chubby little fat man, so frightening...I want to cry!
  After being depressed for a long time, when I got home, I went online to Baidu: Is there a way to lose weight without running?

  Netizen [-]: You really have a big face!! You want to lose weight but don’t want to run!
  Xiao Hanhan has black lines on his face: I want to lose weight, big brother!!
  Netizen [-]: Slimming injections!!
  Xiao Hanhan watched it and almost spat blood on the computer screen!
  Netizen [-]: Smile less, pinch your face when you laugh, it won’t make your face look big!
  Xiao Hanhan: Finally, there is a reliable one!
  To be continued......

  (Because there is a character limit for "Writer's Words", the small theater can only be separated, otherwise my manuscript cannot be published. Sorry, baby, the next chapter of the small theater will continue...)
(End of this chapter)

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