Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 171 Falling to the ground, there is no chapter to flatter others

Chapter 171 Falling to the ground, flattering people without integrity
Gu Han: "..." The little mouth was pursed, obviously angry, and there was a little temper in his voice.

"Hmph~ Dad, I'm a little thing, so you are an old thing."

Gu Siling looked at the angry little bun, twitched his long legs, and the little guy was planed aside.

Gu Han was extremely depressed, squatting there with his hands on his chin, making his face even more round and fleshy.

In Laipi, he squatted still, thinking, seeing that his father was angry, he must help him pick up his shoes.

However, unexpectedly, Dad glanced at him and left... The bedroom door was closed...

Gu Han: "..."

Go downstairs resentfully, sit on the stairs put on your shoes, and climb up slowly.

I thought to myself, Dad might as well not pick him up, hum~ In the end, he had to go back by himself.

Really, if Mommy was here, she would definitely hug him.

After climbing the stairs, the little guy is very happy, every time he climbs up, he feels a sense of accomplishment!
How can I remember that I was still angry with my father just now? With short legs and feet, I unscrewed the door of the small bedroom and got in.

But he didn't realize that the door of the next bedroom was ajar, and he closed the door when he heard the sound of the door closing.

The next day, Gu Han got up very early and wanted to stop his father and discuss with him whether it was possible not to go to kindergarten again. He missed Mommy so much.

Set the small alarm clock, get up quickly to wash up, and then sit at the dining table early.

Seeing Dad coming out of the bedroom, he greeted Dad with a crisp voice.

"Dad, good morning!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Siling paused, then continued to walk forward, and asked lightly, "What's the matter?"

"Dad, I'm saying hello to you!"

It sounds like a little god is there, but this little trick is not enough for him to see.

Gu Siling remained silent, with a few imperceptible smiles on his lips, and sat down at the dining table.

Gu Han pursed his mouth, tilted his head, and put boiled eggs in the tableware, making it for his father to see.

He doesn't like boiled eggs, he thinks they taste bland, but every morning, his father makes him eat them.

I usually eat half and keep half quietly.

Now, in front of my father, I am eating seriously, making a small noise from time to time, quietly, to see my father's expression.

However, after eating all of them, Dad was indifferent from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even look at him.

Feeling frustrated again in the little heart, staring at Dad, extremely aggrieved.

Gu Siling finished breakfast slowly, took the napkin aside, wiped his hands, and looked at the little guy.

There was a sternness in the faint voice, "If you have anything to say, just say it directly. In front of your family, what care do you need?"

The corner of Gu Han's mouth twitched, and he confessed to his father, "Dad, can I not go to kindergarten today, I want to find my mommy."

Gu Siling put down the napkin in his hand, "You're always thinking about playing now, what will you do when you grow up?"

"When the time comes, you can't even support yourself, so how can you support your mommy?"

Gu Han let out an oh, and listened.

Seeing that Dad didn't leave, after a while, he asked again, "Dad, is Mommy going to work in the company today?"


"Then Dad, you can take me to the kindergarten later, can you pick up Mommy by the way? Anyway, if you go to the company a little later, no one will deduct money from you."


Although his father only hummed, Gu Han was quite happy, rolled up the bread, and ate it seriously.

Then, he quickly packed his schoolbag and handed over the car keys to his father.

As soon as Qiao Ran went out, she saw Gu Siling's car unexpectedly. She was surprised to see the little guy's head sticking out of the car window, calling her with a crisp voice.

Qiao Ran walked over quickly and greeted Gu Siling, then opened the door of the back seat and sat next to Han Han.

When Gu Han saw Mummy sitting up, he immediately threw himself into Mummy's arms, extremely happy.

Along the way, there was no pause, holding Mommy's hand and talking non-stop.

When they arrived at the gate of the kindergarten, they put their arms around Qiao Ran's neck and kissed Mummy, then trotted towards the campus.

Qiao Ran didn't look away until the little guy went in.

Gu Siling started the car, looked at Qiao Ran in the back seat through the rearview mirror, and said, "Let's send Hanhan off together, he is very happy."

Qiao Ran nodded, "Children should be like this. They like to pester their parents, and they can easily feel satisfied."

"Is it the same when you were a child?"

When Qiao Ran heard this, although the corner of her mouth was smiling, it was inevitably bitter, "Yes, at that time, in my memory, I was quite happy."

"Hmm~ Very good! At least luckier than me~"

Gu Siling's calm and breezy tone blew past his ears, and for some reason, Qiao Ran's heart was inexplicably uncomfortable.

In fact, she didn't know much about Gu Siling, and the media reports were even more unbelievable.

However, Cai Cai's tone was too flat, and there was always an illusion of vicissitudes.

Just as Qiao Ran was thinking about it, she suddenly heard Gu Siling asking her, "Is your knee feeling better?"

Qiao Ran regained her senses and nodded her head slightly, "It's already cocooned, but I don't know if I don't wear a uniform to work, will I be regarded as a different kind."

When Gu Siling heard what Qiao Ran said, she laughed softly, "Don't worry, I've informed you yesterday that the female employees of the company don't have to wear uniforms for the next two weeks."

Qiao Ran: "...Mr. Gu, isn't this good? If everyone knows it's me, will they think about it?"

"What are you thinking about?" Gu Siling asked knowingly, raising his eyebrows and looking at Qiao Ran in the back seat.

Seeing that Qiao Ran bowed her head in silence, she said, "You care about this, and you don't care about what you do in the company?"

Qiao Ran: "..." She pursed her thin lips, "Then, Mr. Gu, what am I doing in the company?"

With a smile on the corner of Gu Siling's mouth, he jokingly said, "If I knew you trusted me so much, I should have sold you out right away! Don't you think so?"

Qiao Ran: "..." She squeezed her hands, "Mr. Gu really knows how to joke~"

"Well~ Otherwise, if you say something nice, I'll tell you!"

Qiao Ran: "..." I really want to ask, are you a three-year-old?

It's childish and can't be more childish!!
However, when I went to the company for the first time, I was still quite nervous. It was a mistake not to inquire in advance.

Her pink lips were slightly pursed, and she hung the hair around her ears with her hands, looked away, very uncomfortable, her voice was small, and she was choking her words.

"Mr. Gu...beautiful and extraordinary...Mr. Gu...Mr. Yushu Linfeng...Mr. Gu...resourceful...Mr. Gu...Mr. Gu...Mr. Gu..."

Qiao Ran raised her forehead. If she had known earlier, these four-character idioms learned before could be used to flatter her one day, and she would definitely memorize a few more.

Unexpectedly, now, it has fallen to the point where there is no vocabulary for flattering people without integrity.

I was extremely depressed, but I heard Gu Siling say, "Miss Qiao really has a discerning eye! Thanks to your good performance, the answer will be revealed by the company!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

 So, everyone discovered a secret, the little girl Gu Han has become aloof!!
  And Xiaofu discovered a secret that no one else has discovered: every time Xiaohanhan laughs...will... pinch her face!
  For this reason, Xiao Xingfu... is very distressed!
  For this reason, little friend Gu even more distressed!
  Because it's always fun to be together with Xiaofu, and I can't help but want to laugh.

  One day, Xiaofufu said to Xiaohanhan helplessly, "Your face is so fleshy, it's much easier to touch than that of a little fat man!"

  Xiao Hanhan is so happy... But, what does it mean to be much easier to touch than the little fat man's face?
  It's rare...has Little Happiness ever touched the little fat man's face?
  Xiao Hanhan is depressed!
  In order not to give Xiao Xingfu the chance to touch the little fat man, Gu Han took Mommy's hand when he got home, went to the children's product store, and bought children... Cream...

  Since then, the little face is so tender that it can squeeze out water!
  However, when Xiao Hanhan was in junior high school, the chubby face that Xiao Hanhan was so proud of actually... lost weight!!
  Little happiness, so happy...

  Little Hanhan, I'm so sad...

  (The [-]-character small theater passed by... Maybe I want to be a little funny, Hanhan's small theater is handy. Write whatever you want to see! I wish the babies laugh every day~~ In addition, thick I'm so shameless, please ask for a wave of votes~~)
(End of this chapter)

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