Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 172 Is she here to work at the company, cook?

Chapter 172 Is she here to work at the company, cook?
When they arrived at the company, Qiao Ran followed Gu Siling out of the car and followed closely behind.The route she took was exactly the same as the one Hanhan took her that day.

After entering the office, Gu Siling pointed to the sofa and asked her to sit first, and then made a phone call.

Within a few minutes, someone knocked on the door, and it was the female secretary who came in, but not the one she saw yesterday, this one, she had met before.

As the president's secretary, she has undergone professional training, so she didn't look sideways while walking, and only spoke when she was at Gu Siling's desk.

"President, what are your orders?"

Gu Siling put down the things in his hands, leaned back on the swivel chair, and pointed in Qiao Ran's direction.

"According to my order two days ago, take her to the downstairs office to meet everyone!"

The female secretary looked in Gu Siling's direction, and obviously recognized Qiao Ran, the surprise flashed in her eyes, but it quickly returned to normal.

"Miss Qiao, hello! Please follow me!"

Qiao Ran nodded, "Okay!" Then she turned to Gu Siling, "Mr. Gu, then I'll go down first!"

Seeing Gu Siling nod his head, he followed the female secretary out of the office.

The female secretary walked in front, wearing a uniform and high heels, she looked like a royal sister, quite aloof.

Qiao Ran wanted to start a conversation and get acquainted with each other, but seeing this, she gave up this idea. Everyone has everyone's arrogance.

Unexpectedly, when she went down to the 25th floor and approached the door, the female secretary suddenly turned around and looked at her with her usual cold face.

"You and the president..." Fang whispered a few words, then paused, "My name is Song Qian, you can call me Secretary Song."

The sudden change in Song Qian's words caused Qiao Ran to be slightly taken aback. She realized something unusual, but out of politeness, she pretended not to notice and nodded.

"Hello, Secretary Song, may I ask what job the president has arranged for me?"

Song Qian had a serious face, she was taller than Qiao Ran, and looked a little domineering.

"You are a newcomer, the president asked me to guide you first, and after you have passed the adaptation period, I will formally arrange a job for you."

"Okay, then Secretary Song, please take care of me in the future!"

"I don't dare to take care of you. After all, the president personally explained it. The person who was parachuted into the company, in front of everyone, you should be alert and do things carefully, and don't give up on the truth."

Qiao Ran knew what Song Qian meant and nodded, "Yes, yes! Thank you, Secretary Song!"

"Well~ let's go in first, your task, I will arrange it for you later!"


Qiao Ran's office is in the large office on the left side of Song Qian's office, which is the planning department.

After Song Qian brought her in, she gave a brief introduction to everyone, pointed her to the location of the desk, and left.

Qiao Ran's desk is on the inner side by the window, which is relatively hidden, but has a good view. If you turn your head, you can see the sky outside and everything under the sky.

Undoubtedly, Qiao Ran liked this position very much.

Qiao Ran tidied up the table, and as soon as she turned on the computer, she saw Secretary Song walking towards her with a document in her hand.

Song Qian put the document on Qiao Ran's desk and said, "I have revised this document, you follow the instructions on it, sort it out, and hand it to me before you get off work at noon."


As soon as Secretary Song left, a female staff member next to Qiao Ran came over and greeted Qiao Ran.

"Hi, my name is Zhao Siyu."

"Hello, Qiao Ran!" Qiao Ran smiled and returned politely.

"Are you a relative of Secretary Song?"

Qiao Ran paused for a while while holding the mouse, then turned her head, "Why do you say that?"

Zhao Siyu tapped his chin with his index finger, "Secretary Song is notoriously cold, but I feel that she treats you a little differently."

Qiao Ran pursed her red lips slightly, something flashed in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were curved in a beautiful way, with a calm expression.

"Oh~ why is it different?"

Zhao Siyu supported his chin with one hand, "How should I put it, that is, it doesn't seem to be as cold as other people."

Qiao Ran smiled, "You think too much."

Zhao Siyu smiled, "Hey, my intuition has always been wrong. However, although Secretary Song is a person with strong ability, he has a bad temper, please come on."

Saying that, he opened the drawer next to him, took out a bag of Buerjia candy, and handed it to Qiao Ran.

"On your first day at work, this is for you."

"Thank you~"

"You're welcome, I usually have a lot of snacks, except today, this is the only one."


After sorting out the documents, it was not yet eleven o'clock. After sending them to Song Qian, Song Qian read them and asked her to rest for a while, and then contact her if there was anything to do.

After Qiao Ran returned to her desk, she had nothing else to do. She couldn't help Zhao Siyu with the work at hand, so she had to sit there and play with the computer.

About half an hour later, the phone vibrated. Qiao Ran picked it up and saw that it belonged to Gu Siling.

Subconsciously raised his eyes to look at the people around, saw that everyone was working, took the mobile phone to the corridor outside, and then picked it up.

"Mr. Gu, how are you?"

"Why are you only answering the phone now, you are very busy?"

"No, everyone is busy. I was afraid of disturbing everyone, so I picked it up in the corridor."

"Well~ you come up now!"

"Huh?" What are you going to do?
"Didn't hear you?"

"No, Mr. Gu!"

"Then come up immediately!"

"Oh well!"

Qiao Ran hung up the phone, took the mobile phone, and hurried to the president's office on the 26th floor.

He knocked on the door and heard voices coming from inside, so he opened the door and went in.

"Mr. Gu, what's the matter?"

Gu Siling closed the document, got up and walked towards Qiao Ran, and ordered, "Come with me."

With that said, he walked out of the office, not taking big steps, obviously caring about Qiao Ran.

Looking down at Qiao Ran's delicate and fair face, her voice was moist, "Is there a lot of work at hand? Are you tired?"

Upon hearing this, Qiao Ran looked at Gu Siling and shook her head, "Not much! Not tired either!"

"Can you do it? If you don't understand, ask Secretary Song."

"OK, all right!"

While speaking, Gu Siling pressed his fingerprints and pushed open the door of another room on the 26th floor.

Pointing to the inside, he said, "Since you're not tired, then you go and cook, I won't go out to eat at noon."

Qiao Ran: "..." Pointing to the inside, he stammered and asked, "Do... here...?"

"Why, do you think the space is not big enough?"

Qiao Ran looked at the kitchen, shook her head, it was a big place, too big.

The life of the diamond man is really unimaginable.Even if she used to be a famous lady from a family, she never lived such a luxurious life.

In a room of more than 100 square meters, there is only a kitchen and a living room, it is simply...

"Then you do it quickly, come and call me when you're done."

After Gu Siling finished speaking, she walked out before Qiao Ran refused.

Qiao Ran was left with a dazed expression on his spot... thinking about life...

Is she here to work at the company, or to cook?
 Small Theater 2: Mr. Gu with a black belly~
  One day, Mrs. Gu had a conflict with Mr. Gu and was angry for several days.

  Mr. Gu can't coax him no matter what, but Mrs. Gu just won't talk to him!
  I can't sing a one-man show!
  So, Xiao Wu came up with an idea to call everyone out to get together.

  Well, let’s get together, as soon as Han Jing told Qiao Ran, she agreed, mainly because she wanted to drink!
  Sure enough, I was drunk!
  Fortunately, Mr. Gu didn't bother with her. After returning home, he helped his wife to lie down on the bed, took off her shoes, and covered her with a quilt.

  When going to the bathroom to fetch water for Mrs. Gu to wipe her face, she took off her shirt that smelled of alcohol.

  I fetched a basin of water, twisted a wet towel, and wiped Mrs. Gu's face to cool down.

  Qiao Ran opened her eyes in a daze. Under the light, she looked at Mr. Gu's naked upper body, strong muscles, and swallowed for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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