Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 173 Mr. Gu, You Look Well Supported!

Chapter 173 Mr. Gu, You Look Well Supported!
Suddenly, I had the illusion that Gu Siling hired her because she hired someone who was in charge of cooking... Housekeeping╭(°A°`)╮

Qiao Ran didn't look away until Gu Siling closed the door, pursed her red lips slightly, and walked towards the kitchen.

When I opened the refrigerator in the kitchen, I found that the upper two layers were stuffed with vegetables and fresh meat, and the lower layer was filled with fruits.

Looking at the date, they were all purchased this morning. Qiao Ran was speechless. She didn't know who was so unlucky to be arranged to do these errands.

Qiao Ran made four dishes and one soup, brought it to the table, set up the bowls and chopsticks, checked the time, it was not yet 12:30, and took a deep breath.

After washing his hands, he came out and was about to go to the CEO's office. Unexpectedly, Gu Siling just came.

Qiao Ran picked up the bowl and went to the kitchen to serve the meal, and said with a smile, "Mr. Gu, you are here, and I was about to call you. Sit down first!"

Gu Siling walked to the table and sat down, with a happy expression on his face, but when he looked at the table, he frowned unconsciously.

Seeing Qiao Ran come out, she pointed to the table and asked, "Why is there only one pair of chopsticks?"

Qiao Ran: "... Mr. Gu, is there anyone else coming?"

Gu Siling looked at Qiao Ran angrily, "You don't want to eat?"

Qiao Ran: "...I'll just go to the staff cafeteria to eat."

"Like tossing?" The tone was not very good, pointing to the kitchen, "Get the table and chopsticks yourself!"


Qiao Ran served the meal by herself, sat across from Gu Siling, and glanced at Gu Siling from time to time.

Mainly, I don't know whether he likes these dishes or not.

Fortunately, after eating for a while, I found that Gu Siling was quite diligent in serving food, so I felt relieved.

Gu Siling ate a lot of vegetables, but he didn't eat much rice. The rice in a small bowl was almost finished.

Realizing this, Qiao Ran felt inexplicably happy. She also likes to eat vegetables, but not rice.

Gu Siling ate quickly, but his movements were gentle. After finishing the meal, he put the bowl aside and concentrated on eating.

This action, in Qiao Ran's opinion, was inexplicably cute, a little childish, and the corners of Qiao Ran's mouth could not help but smile.

When cleaning up the dishes, Gu Siling was still sitting in front of the dining table, leaning on the chair, his movements were a bit like Hanhan's small movements when he was eating.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Qiao Ran's mouth, joking, but telling the truth.

"Mr. Gu, you seem to be well fed!"

Hearing this, Gu Siling raised his eyes and raised his eyebrows, a simple movement, but it was also extremely pleasing to the eye.

Qiao Ran looked at it, lowered her head unnaturally, and smiled softly, "Mr. Gu is not picky eater, he likes to eat vegetables... He also likes to eat meat, but it seems that he only likes fried shredded pork."

Hearing this, Gu Siling stared at Qiao Ran's delicate and small face with a smile on his face, looking in a good mood.

"You are so confident in your reasoning?"

Qiao Ran shook her head lightly, "No, this is not an inference, it is a fact!"

The word "ah" is soft and inadvertently revealing a bit of childishness and joy.

Gu Siling listened, pursed her thin lips, and looked at Qiao Ran with secretive eyes.

After a while, he laughed lowly, his voice lazily said, "Well, that's what you're talking about."

Qiao Ran smiled slightly, looked at Gu Siling's upturned mouth, and said in detail, "Also, Mr. Gu, you look good when you smile. You are much more charming than when you have a straight face."

"Although I don't know why you always have a poker face when I just met you, but recently I found that you laughed quite a lot."

Listening to Qiao Ran's words, Gu Siling's expression was normal, but there was no doubt that there was already a disturbance in his heart.

He hummed silently, "What else did you find?"

Qiao Ran propped her chin, leaned over slightly, and stared at Gu Siling's face.

Seeing Qiao Ran so close, Gu Siling felt inexplicably nervous.

Secretly, hell, I haven't seen such a big scene, and I almost blush when I was watched by a girl.

After being stared at by Qiao Ran for a long time, the expression on Mr. Gu's face was a bit hard to maintain.

But I heard Qiao Ran casually say, "What else did you find...Mr., you seem to have crow's feet when you smile."

Qiao Ran deliberately spoke slowly, almost word for word, purely to torment people.

Sure enough, after saying this, the expression on Gu Siling's face was wonderful.

The smile froze at the corner of his mouth, his face tensed, he stood up, pointed to the uncleaned dishes on the table, and ordered, "You are limited to one minute, clean it up quickly, not a single grain of rice is allowed on the table."

As he spoke, there was wind under his feet, and he walked out in a few steps.

As soon as Gu Siling left, Qiao Ran covered her mouth and smiled, she was so happy, after suffering so many times from Gu Siling, she finally saved the game.

This feeling is cool!!!
Gu Siling returned to the office, kicked the door shut, and leaned against the door, indignant.

After a few seconds, the first thing I did was to go to the bathroom, face the mirror, raise the corners of my mouth, and look for... crow's feet!!!
Naturally, where did the crow's feet come from?
I never use skin care products, and my skin is as good as those celebrities who have taken care of it?
Gu Siling depressed her temples, sure enough, she was full!
In front of a little girl, what kind of image do you care about, you have been teased!
After laughing happily, Qiao Ran washed the dishes and went back to the office.

In the afternoon, the tasks Song Qian assigned to her were not of much technical content. They were basically sorting out materials, printing documents, and so on.

Zhao Siyu was very envious, but Qiao Ran was very depressed, feeling that she came to the company as if she was acting.

I had no choice but to hold the mouse and browse the webpage, and suddenly felt that her position was simply a treasure of geomantic omen.

When working, no one will disturb you, and when you want to be lazy, it is not easy to be discovered.

She was sighing secretly in her heart, when she saw the WeChat message sent to her by the little guy, reminding her to pick him up in the afternoon!
The little guy made an appointment with her in the morning! His wish is nothing more than to let her pick him up with Gu Siling!
The little guy's thoughts... Hey...

Qiao Ran was depressed again. When Gu Siling arrived at noon, she was obviously amused by her and became angry.

It's a question of whether he will talk to her now, let alone take his car and go to the kindergarten with her to pick up Hanhan.

Qiao Ran sighed in her heart, and sure can't die if you don't do it!!
Depressedly lying on the table, I have no idea what to do.

I looked at the time, it was 04:30, I got off work at [-] o'clock, hey...!
This is simply... do you want to live?
Seeing Qiao Ran lying there, Zhao Siyu patted Qiao Ran on the shoulder and asked, "Ran Ran, what's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?"

Qiao Ran nodded lifelessly, feeling uncomfortable, very uncomfortable!
Why didn't Gu Siling tease her, so she didn't have to coax her? And she teased Gu Siling, and she still had to find a way to please him?
"Then why don't you go back first, anyway, you'll be off work in a while."

Qiao Ran listened to Zhao Siyu's words, and was about to shake her head when she suddenly saw something on Zhao Siyu's desk, and a thought flashed in her mind.

Grabbing the bag on the table, he whispered to Zhao Siyu, "Then I'll go first. Bye!"

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the office quickly...

Zhao Siyu looked at Qiao Ran's back and blinked her eyes. This doesn't look like an uncomfortable person...

 (Continued) Of course, Mr. Gu realized that something was wrong with Mrs. Gu, he paused with the hand holding the towel, and pursed his lips slightly.

  Slowly leaning over, kissing Mrs. Gu's forehead, eyes, nose, and red lips...

  Qiao Ran couldn't be teased enough, she couldn't stand Gu Siling's teasing, and she was drunk again, and her thinking was not clear, so naturally she felt very uncomfortable...

  With blurred eyes open, like a kitten, pitiful...

  The corner of Gu Siling's mouth smiled, leaned into Qiao Ran's ear, and asked softly, "Thought it?"

  Qiao Ran opened her watery eyes, reacted for a few seconds, completely forgot about her shyness, and nodded.

  Gu Siling was absent for several days, so he naturally thought about it too, but resisted it, kissed Qiao Ran's neck, and said solemnly, "But, you are fighting with me. I touched you now, When you wake up tomorrow, you will definitely blame me again..."

  In the voice, there is still aggrieved...

  Qiao Ran was softened into a puddle of water by Gu Siling's kiss, she didn't care so much, she wrapped her arms around Gu Siling's firm arm, begging softly.

  "I won't fight with you anymore!"

  "Then do you blame me?"

  "Do not……"

  "Then you are not allowed to fight coldly with me in the future!"

  "it is good……"

  Then... I don't know if Mr. Gu threw Mrs. Gu or Mrs. Gu threw Mr. Gu...

  From then on, Qiao Ran never dared to drink again!
(End of this chapter)

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