Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 174 Mr. Gu, You Misunderstood

Chapter 174 Mr. Gu, You Misunderstood
Qiao Ran left the company, searched for a while, and finally found a flower shop nearby, bought a potted aloe vera plant, and held it in her hand.

Seeing the rapid passage of time, it was ten minutes before the off-duty time, so I hurriedly took the staff elevator to the 26th floor.

Seeing that there was no one around, she put her ear on the door and listened for a few seconds before knocking on the door.

Gu Siling's deep voice came, "Come in!"

Qiao Ran took several deep breaths, straightened her clothes, and then opened the door to enter.

Seeing that Gu Siling didn't raise his head, and seemed to be reading documents, Qiao Ran walked over resentfully, with a bit of a dog's leg in his voice, called Mr. Gu, and walked slowly towards the desk.

Almost as soon as Gu Siling heard Qiao Ran's voice, he raised his head. When he saw the potted plant in Qiao Ran's hand, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

The tip of the pen pointed at the potted plant, "Miss Qiao, during working hours, you came to my office with a potted plant, do you want me to deduct your salary?"

Qiao Ran: "..." Pink lips pursed slightly, "Mr. Gu, this pot of aloe is specially for you."

Gu Siling's expression was calm, and he looked up at Qiao Ran with a smile on his lips.

"Bribe your boss?"

Qiao Ran touched her nose, put the potted plant on the table, and spoke slowly.

"Mr. Gu, you have misunderstood. I am just thinking about the health of my boss! You are busy with everything and sit in front of the computer all the time. How serious is the radiation? Don't you think so?"

Gu Siling looked at the girl in front of her who was not in agreement, but who was trying to please her, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Knowingly, he asked, "Is that so?"

Qiao Ran naturally nodded hurriedly, echoing, "Yes, yes!"

Hearing this, Gu Siling crossed his legs and leaned back on the chair back. The black pen drew a circle with a graceful arc on his bony fingertips, and the other hand tapped on the table repeatedly. with.

There was a hidden smile in his eyes, very unclear, but his expression didn't seem serious.

Staring at Qiao Ran's small face for a few seconds, pointing to a pot of green plants next to the computer, he said lightly, "I care about my boss, but I also want to see if my boss needs it?"

Qiao Ran looked over, but saw a pot of... aloe next to the computer!!
Qiao Ran secretly closed her eyes, bit her lower lip, and thought to herself that she made a mistake. Why didn't she glance at Gu Siling's desk when she came to the office twice?
Just as Qiao Ran was thinking about it, she heard Gu Siling speak again, in a rather reluctant tone.

"Since you have such thoughts, I, the boss, can't help showing some sympathy, can't you? Put it where you are first. Buy a different pot tomorrow! Huh?"

Qiao Ran: "...Okay, then Mr. Gu, I'll go down first!"

As Qiao Ran spoke, she turned around, and when she was about to go out, she heard Gu Siling's low voice behind her.

"Put it down, hurry up, don't make me wait for you!!"


"Didn't hear you?"


"Well, let's go!"

Qiao Ran closed the door and stared angrily at the office door, really wanting to kick it a few times.

This man, don't be too arrogant.

If it wasn't because of her promise to Hanhan, she wouldn't have run up to make fun of herself!
However, asking her to put the aloe vera on her desk and then come up, is it still considered, her bribe is still useful?
As Qiao Ran thought about it, her mood suddenly became clear again, and she walked downstairs slowly.

When he arrived at the planning department, Zhao Siyu was packing his bags, and was obviously surprised to see Qiao Ran go and come back.

"Why did you just leave and come back so soon?"

Qiao Ran put the aloe vera on the table, her pink lips were slightly pursed, and the corner of her mouth was slightly smiling.

"After walking for a while, I came across a flower shop and went in to pick out a pot of aloe."

As he spoke, he pointed to the table, "Look, does it look good here?"

Zhao Siyu heard the words, looked over, and nodded, "The important thing is not whether it looks good or not, but that you need such a pot of plants here. I, a person who doesn't like growing flowers, even put a pot in it."

Qiao Ran thought, that's right, on the first day of work today, there is really nothing on her desk except office supplies!!
As soon as Zhao Siyu left, Qiao Ran quickly grabbed her bag and went up to the 26th floor.

When he knocked on the door again, Gu Siling came out with the car keys and his coat on his arm.

Glancing at Qiao Ran's small face, she said calmly, "Let's go."

With that said, he was already ahead.

Qiao Ran hurriedly followed, and when she reached the elevator door, she suddenly remembered something, stopped in her tracks, and quickly called Gu Siling who was pressing the elevator.

Gu Siling heard Qiao Ran's voice, turned around, and asked with some doubts, "Is there anything else?"

Qiao Ran pursed her pink lips, "Mr. Gu, take the elevator down first, park the car some distance away from the company, and wait for me?"

Gu Siling heard this, frowned slightly, stared at Qiao Ran's small face, but didn't say anything, to be precise, she was waiting for Qiao Ran's explanation.

Qiao Ran understood, and explained, "Mr. Gu, if I take the president's elevator with you and go down to the lobby, if my colleagues see me, I will definitely misunderstand you! See, can you accommodate me a bit."

As soon as Qiao Ran finished speaking, she heard a staring sound, and looked over, it was the elevator door that opened.

Obviously, Gu Siling didn't have much patience, and at the same time he stepped into the elevator, he also pulled Qiao Ran in, and his movements were even slightly rude.

Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, Qiao Ran was about to go out, but she didn't want to, her arms were still held by Gu Siling, she couldn't get out in time, and almost fell into Gu Siling's arms.

Qiao Ran was so depressed, she stood close to the elevator, her voice was waxy.

"Mr. Gu, why don't you let me go out? If someone sees me, I will inevitably be gossiped about. If you avoid it, the world will be peaceful. You are like this..."

"Are you blaming me?"

Qiao Ran: "...don't dare!"

"Don't dare to be the best! Qiao Ran, who taught you, in order to avoid others, you have to ask your boss to wait for you."

Qiao Ran also knew that she was wrong, and the request she made to Gu Siling just now was indeed wrong.

No matter how you look at it, she has no right to order Gu Siling.

Why did it suddenly happen just now, blurting out that sentence without thinking?

Probably because of Hanhan, he is Hanhan's father, and she is Hanhan's mother!
Or, after a few days of contact, I subconsciously feel that Gu Siling is actually a very easy person to get along with.

Qiao Ran lowered her head, but thinking about getting out of the elevator and going directly to the lobby, she felt a little headache.

Biting her pink lips lightly, she said softly, still need to negotiate with Gu Siling.

"Mr. Gu, can you go out later? I will come out soon."

Gu Siling stared at Qiao Ran deeply, and after a few seconds, said Shen Shen, "You can figure it out, I'm not in the habit of waiting for others."

Qiao Ran quickly replied, "Okay, Mr. Gu."

Without saying a word, Gu Siling walked out as soon as the elevator door opened.

 Small theater 3: Hanhan buys snacks for her sister

  Several years after Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu got married, they finally had a little bun again, and it was still a pink bun.

  As long as Mr. Gu came home, he would basically be holding Xiaofen Baozi, and became a proper daughter slave.

  Although Xiao Hanhan occasionally eats a little vinegar, she still likes her little sister.

  After my sister got older, every time I bought snacks with the pocket money I got from being cute at Mummy, I would buy one for my little sister.

  Recently, he found a super delicious Doudou called Mai Lisu in the school canteen.

  It's really delicious and cheap, and it has almost become a daily must-have for little ones.

  One day, the little guy went to buy a pack of Melissa during class, planning to secretly give it to his sister when he got home.

  However, the teacher asked for leave in class, and there was no one, so some children secretly took out their own snacks to eat.

  Xiao Hanhan also really wanted to eat, so she looked at the table countless times, and finally, she opened the package and ate up.

  Xiao Hanhan had no choice but to rush to the supermarket after class and bought another pack, but when she came back around, there were children eating snacks next to her, and it was still...Mai Lisu...

  Xiao Hanhan couldn't bear it, and ate again...

  After class, I went to buy another pack, didn't eat it, and held back, but, for self-study at noon, well, it's hard to say.

  How can a foodie resist the temptation of delicious food?
  The self-study in the afternoon is over, and school is over after another class, Xiao Hanhan hurried to the canteen, but it was sold out!!!
(End of this chapter)

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