Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 175 She Has Been Tricked Again! !

Chapter 175 She Has Been Tricked Again! !
Qiao Ran patted her little heart, and exhaled. In her heart, she was glad that Gu Siling agreed to her request, but unexpectedly, a shadow fell in front of her.

Qiao Ran was startled, and looked up, it turned out that it was Gu Siling who left and returned.

However, before she could react, the man grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the elevator.

Qiao Ran: "..." I want to cry but have no tears!
Isn't that what I said just now?It's only a few seconds before it's back and forth.

Qiao Ran lowered her head and covered her face. She didn't care about pulling away Gu Siling's hand around her shoulder at this moment, and hid her face slightly in Gu Siling's arms.

In a low voice, with a hint of helplessness in his voice, "Mr. Gu, haven't we already agreed?"

A low laugh came from her head and neck, and the arm that was restraining her shoulder was released, and the man's voice was lazy.

"I said I don't have the habit of waiting for others, Chinese, don't you understand? Did I promise you?"

After several questions, Qiao Ran was undoubtedly speechless.This person wants to get into a dead end, what can she do.

Unexpectedly, the hand covering her face was pulled down, Qiao Ran raised her eyes, just in time to see the man lift her jaw slightly towards her.

Luoluo asked her, "Are you going or not?"

Qiao Ran looked around, where is the surrounding scene on the first floor?She was obviously being tricked again! !
Annoyed, he kept up with the steps in front, feeling extremely depressed, lowered his head, staring at the man's heels, for fear of accidentally bumping into him again.

Last time, she almost knocked her nose crookedly. This person is like an impregnable wall! ! !
Just as Qiao Ran was thinking, out of the corner of her eye, the man really stopped, turned around, and looked at her.

Qiao Ran was puzzled, raised her eyes, and asked in confusion, "Mr. Gu, what's the matter?"

Gu Siling kept secret in his eyes, looked at Qiao Ran's small face, and asked her if he was about to smile or not.

"I didn't see what you cared about in the morning, why are you so nervous now?"

Qiao Ran pursed her pink lips and raised her head slightly, "It's not that I didn't know where you were taking me that morning, and I didn't know which department I was in..."

If the voice is weak, it is naturally lack of confidence.

Gu Siling raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Do you know that you are crossing a river and tearing down bridges?"

Qiao Ran: "..." It seems that there is indeed a little bit.

However, isn't it too fussy! !

It's reasonable for her to do so, right?
Qiao Ran blushed, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Gu is serious. I just think that Mr. Gu is tolerant, and he won't care about me, so I did this."

"If you make Mr. Gu unhappy, please return Haihan! It must be because of my cognition that I accidentally offended Mr. Gu."

Qiao Ran thought about it, the first sentence was flattering Gu Siling, but the latter sentence was a trap.

Gu Siling had seen countless people, so it was naturally impossible not to hear it. There were a few smiles on the corners of his mouth, and his voice was lazy.

"That's right! Ms. Qiao is eloquent. If Gu has to be right and wrong, wouldn't he be very unmannered! Isn't that right, Ms. Qiao!"

Qiao Ran lowered her head, for some reason, every time Gu Siling called her Miss Qiao in such a half-joking tone, she would feel inexplicably embarrassed.

She twisted her fingers, whispered weakly, and turned her face sideways, not daring to face Gu Siling.

"Mr. Gu, let's go quickly, Hanhan is still waiting for us!"

As soon as Qiao Ran finished speaking, she felt a warm touch from her fingertips.

The man held her hand and walked in front, with his tall and slender back facing her.

Qiao Ran followed behind her step by step, looking up at the man from time to time, as well as their intertwined hands with interlocking fingers.

Qiao Ran's heartbeat was violent and uncontrollable.The other empty palm was hot and humid... She was very nervous!

Because Qiao Ran didn't want to take the elevator with Gu Siling directly to the lobby on the first floor, Gu Siling got off the elevator from the second floor, pulled her, and took the stairs to the first floor.

When he reached the stairs, he let go of her hand, turned around, looked at her, and opened his mouth slowly.

"I asked the driver to park the car at the first intersection in front of the company, and you come here as soon as possible!"

After Gu Siling finished speaking, seeing Qiao Ran nodding, she walked out.

Seeing that Gu Siling had left, Qiao Ran breathed a sigh of relief, stood in the stairwell for a while, went through what happened just now in her mind, checked the time, and hurriedly left.

After walking not far, Qiao Ran saw Gu Siling's black Cayenne on the side of the road, and when he walked quickly, the door was already opened from the inside.

Qiao Ran leaned over and sat in, only to realize that Gu Siling was sitting in the back seat today.

I didn't think too much about it, after all, it's normal for the driver to pick me up when I go home after a day's work in the company.

It's really abnormal for a person like Gu Siling to go out without a driver.

Along the way, the two did not exchange much words.Seeing that Gu Siling looked tired, Qiao Ran sat there quietly.

Gu Siling closed his eyes and fell asleep, while Qiao Ran sat there, bored, looking out of the window from time to time.

However, from the corner of my eye, I always inadvertently saw that the driver in front seemed to be looking at her through the rearview mirror.

Qiao Ran's heart was inexplicable, and she felt weird, especially, two days ago, she felt that this car and the driver were very familiar.

However, she couldn't remember where she met her!
Qiao Ran suppressed her doubts and sat quietly, pretending not to notice.

Fortunately, in the back, the driver stopped looking at her from time to time.

Not long after the car drove, it arrived at the private kindergarten where Gu Han was. As soon as the driver stopped the car, Gu Siling opened his eyes.

The driver got out of the car, opened the car door for Gu Siling, and then walked towards Qiao Ran.

Of course, Qiao Ran would not miss this positive opportunity. When thanking him, she looked up at that person.

The whole face of the man was brought into Qiao Ran's eyes like this, and something flashed in Qiao Ran's mind, but it was just a flash, and his expression was as usual, as if he hadn't noticed anything.

Walking up to Gu Siling, he smiled and said, "Mr. Gu, should we go in or wait outside?"

"Stand here for a while! Hanhan will come out in a few minutes."

"Oh well!"

Qiao Ran responded and stood beside Gu Siling. Seeing the man's hands in her pockets, straight as loose, she didn't speak. She lowered her head in boredom, trying to rub her toes on the ground, but she was wearing high heels. Depressed tight.

Fortunately, after waiting for only a few minutes, Hanhan came out with a small schoolbag on her back, and when she saw her, she rushed over.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when she was about to throw herself into Qiao Ran's arms, Gu Siling grabbed the back collar of her clothes.

Qiao Ran: "..." The open hand was empty.

Gu Han: "..." Looking at the 'old thing' very depressed, he was very shameless for this kind of behavior that suddenly intervened between him and Mommy.

 After a few days, the commissary finally had Mai Lisu again.

  After Xiao Hanhan heard the news, she was overjoyed and took all the pocket money she had saved for a long time to school, but lost it...

  After returning home, taking advantage of his father's absence, he pretended to be pitiful with Mommy, and Mommy made up for him all the money he lost.

  The next day, with all the money, I was worried about losing it, so I bought all of Mai Lisu as soon as I went to school.

  After school, at the door of the house, I ran into a father who left work early to accompany his wife and children.

  Dad saw that his schoolbag was bulging, so he helped him carry it. He was very happy. The schoolbag was so heavy that he really wanted to go to school without carrying it every day.

  However, the schoolbag had just arrived in Dad's hands, the little guy realized it later, and then stayed...

  He wanted to pretend nothing happened and cover up the past lightly, however, out of the corner of his eye, Dad... opened his schoolbag...

  Xiao's over...

  (The small theaters are separated like this, and there is no format yet. You are tired watching it, and the big ones are also very tired! But the three small theaters are finished... This time it is more than 2000 words. Next time I have inspiration, I will write it for everyone.)
(End of this chapter)

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