Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 176 What to hug?Hypocritical!

Chapter 176 What to hug?Hypocritical!
Gu Han pouted, and looked at Gu Siling very dissatisfied, "Dad, I want to hug Mommy, not you, okay? Why are you pulling me? I won't hug you if you pull me." You~"

Gu Siling glanced down lightly, saw the little dwarf teasing things, and spoke heavily.

"What are you hugging? Hypocritical!!"

Gu Han: "..." Did he provoke him? ?

Qiao Ran: "..." I couldn't figure it out for a few minutes. What happened to Hanhan holding her as a mummy?

However, even if there are any thoughts in my heart, I can't express them at the moment.

Smacking her red lips, she walked over to free Hanhan's collar from Gu Siling's grasp, pulled Hanhan to him, and said softly, "Mr. Gu, if you pull Hanhan like this, he will feel uncomfortable. of."

After Qiao Ran finished speaking, she saw Gu Siling staring at her with raised eyebrows. With that expression, she somehow thought of what Gu Siling said to her two days ago: A loving mother often loses her son!
The face couldn't help turning slightly red, a little hot, Qiao Ran looked away uncomfortably, and looked down at Han Han who was looking at them with a small mouth.

Just as I was about to squat down and hug Hanhan, I realized later that I was wearing high heels and my knees were not healed, so I couldn't squat down, otherwise the wound would open.

Thinking of Gu Siling's actions just now, his heart suddenly brightened, and he looked up at Gu Siling, who looked back indifferently, Qiao Ran looked at it, and suspected that he was thinking too much.

However, in my mind, I remembered that he took her hand and walked the stairs from the second floor to the first floor just now, and my heart warmed slightly.

This person, meticulous to the extreme, really has an indifferent expression.

Such a person, if he treats love, he will undoubtedly be very serious, crazy, and stupid...

Qiao Ran pursed her lips slightly, shook off all the wild speculations in her mind, took Han Han's hand, and said, "Han Han, can you go by yourself? Mommy wears high heels, so it's not convenient to hug you!"

Hearing this, Gu Han nodded obediently, raised his round face, and hooked his index finger at Mommy.

"Mommy, lower your head!"

Qiao Ran smiled and did as the little guy asked.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she bent down, the little guy's fleshy little hands wrapped around her neck, kissed her on the face, and then let go.

The big piercing eyes turned and looked at Dad, "Dad, let me kiss you too~"

When Gu Siling stood, his figure was too tall and slender, so when he stood, he always had one leg stretched slightly in front of him, and his whole body exuded a lazy and noble temperament.

Seeing the little guy whimpering, he simply held the little guy in his arms and wrapped his arms around the little guy's butt.

After letting the little guy kiss him, he asked impatiently, "Aren't you going back?"

Gu Han blinked, and there was a bit of flattery in his voice, "Of course I want to go back!"

"But Dad, wait a little longer!" He said, looking at Mummy again, smiling like a flower.

"Mum, I kiss you and Dad, so shouldn't you also kiss?"

"Mommy, why don't you let daddy kiss you, or why don't you kiss daddy~"

Qiao Ran: "..." It's not her who blushes anymore, how can I stop this little mouth that always gets her into trouble?
Qiao Ran was speechless, but Gu Siling listened to Han Han's words and looked at her casually with a smile on her lips.

What can she do?
Let Gu Siling kiss me?impossible! !
Let her kiss Siling?It's even more impossible! ! !

Qiao Ran pursed her lips depressedly, only looking at the little guy, "Mummy is hungry, shall we go home quickly?"

The little guy yelled, "Mommy, then you should hurry up and give Dad a kiss, it will only take a second ~ Mommy~"

Qiao Ran pressed her twitching temples, and suddenly suspected that she had high blood pressure, simply because she was angry with the little guy.

Lowering her head, she gritted her teeth slightly and said, "Then Hanhan, don't look at it."

Hanhan heard the words, covered her eyes with her small hands, "Don't worry, Mommy, I won't watch~"

So, in Gu Siling's gloating expression, Qiao Ran gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, stepped on her feet, and moved her pink lips towards Gu Siling's face.

But, that feeling of touch... seems to be wrong~
Almost at the same time, Qiao Ran heard the booing and clapping of the children around her. Of course, the little guy who caused her trouble was indispensable.

Qiao Ran opened her eyes in surprise, and saw that her kiss was clearly Gu Siling's lips...

Qiao Ran's face turned as red as a tomato, she stepped back a few steps, covered her lips with her slender white hand, stared at Gu Siling with wide eyes in disbelief.

She just now, according to the direction she kissed, it should be his cheek, kissed on the lips, except for this person who messed up, who else?
Gu Siling, on the other hand, looked at Qiao Ran with a flat expression, and there seemed to be a bit of innocence in his eyes and face...

Qiao Ran: "..." If he is innocent, only ghosts will believe him.

With a blushing face depressed, she wanted to hug Hanhan from his arms.

I didn't want this person, as if I had expected his actions a long time ago, I was one step ahead of her, and walked towards the car with Han Han in my arms, leaving Qiao Ran...a back view!
Qiao Ran followed up angrily, and seeing Gu Siling in the back seat, she raised her hand to pull the door of the passenger seat, but the little guy yelled "Mommy" loud and clear.

The little guy patted the seat next to him, "Mum, I want to sit next to you!"

Qiao Ran: "...How about you get out of the car and come to the front, how about Mommy hugging you."

"Oh, Mommy, it's hard for a man and a woman to kiss each other!"

Qiao Ran: "..." Almost spit out a mouthful of blood! !

This is so... who taught it! !

Resentfully, he opened the back seat door, and as soon as he sat in, the little guy forgot what he said just now, and hugged her arm with both hands.

Ok!She keeps silent! !
How do you argue with a child?

Not long after the car drove, the little guy made a fuss again and wanted to change seats with her. He was bored in the car and wanted to see the scenery outside the car.

Qiao Ran remained silent, and subconsciously looked at Gu Siling, who looked out the window, seemingly not paying attention to them!
Well, no wonder Hanhan wants to change with her, not with his father,
Compromise and change with the little guy.

Unexpectedly, the little guy was still restless. He took off his shoes, stepped on the seat, and lay down on his stomach. After playing enough for a while, he lay down again.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, in short, she was sitting in the middle, but now, there is no place at all.

No matter how small the little guy is, he's still that tall. Lying there, he squeezed her so hard that his body was already in the way of Gu Siling.

Moreover, there is a tendency to move towards Gu Siling more and more! !
What a good son of hers!
What a good son of Gu Siling!
Fortunately, although Gu Siling didn't move to the outside and was squeezed, he didn't say anything.

Qiao Ran was thinking about you when she suddenly heard the little guy pointing out the window excitedly and saying, "Dad, look, it's my aunt!!"

(End of this chapter)

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