Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 185 I won't cry if I spank my father~

Chapter 185 I won't cry if I spank my father~
The old man glared at Gu Siling angrily, and seemed to be aggrieved, "The child is already this old, so I don't know how to let me, an old man, come back."

Hanhan saw his great-grandfather looking at his father angrily, and his father was sitting there looking out of order, his piercing eyes turned around, his little buttocks moved over, and stood next to his great-grandfather.

"Grandpa, don't worry about Dad being disobedient. In the future, my mommy will treat you well and listen to you."

After hearing what the little guy said, the old man was immediately happy. He stroked the little guy's head and looked at Qiao Ran.

"You really were the one who gave birth to this little clever ghost."

When Hanhan heard this, she quickly sat up straight, pulled down the hand that was placed on her head by her grandfather, and held it with her little hand.

He glanced at his father quietly, then moved closer to his great grandfather's ear, and whispered, "Great grandfather, shouldn't his father be spanked if he is disobedient?"

"Now that I'm grown up, I can be your little helper ~ Great Grandpa, if you give me an order, I'll spank Dad's ass for you!"

The little guy thought his voice was very low, but he completely underestimated his father's hearing.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, he heard his father's deep voice, "Are you itchy?"

Hearing this, the little guy trembled, pursed his mouth, glanced at his father, and then looked at his great-grandpa, with an extremely aggrieved expression, and lay down in his great-grandfather's arms.

"Grandpa, look at Daddy, I'm still so young, he always beats me up, Grandpa, I'm so pitiful, woooo~Grandpa~"

Who said that he had grown up just now?

The old man held the little guy in his arms, patted the little guy on the back, and coaxed him softly, "Hanhan, be good, don't cry, grandpa will help you beat daddy later, okay?"

"Woooooo~ Grandpa, I won't cry when I spank daddy~oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~"

Gu Siling: "..." looked at a certain cargo with a disheveled face~
Qiao Ran: "..." It was very difficult to hold back her laughter.

All kinds of images of Gu Siling lying there being spanked in his mind filled his mind, which was more joyful than being stabbed by a prickly prickly pear.

The old urchin and the little urchin gathered together, and round after round of good shows were staged... Qiao Ran had completely relaxed.

It can be seen that with the help of the little guy, the old man has a good impression of her.

After they sat for a while, there was the sound of a car turning off again from outside the door. Although it was impossible to see what was outside the door, Qiao Ran still looked towards the door curiously.

I don't know who is coming.She used to only know that Gu Siling had a grandfather and a son.

It wasn't until the two people at the door came in with Uncle Zhou's welcome that Qiao Ran realized that Gu Siling still had a younger sister... He Qingge! !
The old man stood up with a walking stick and said, "Why are you here so late? Si Ling and the others have been here for a while."

The two people at the door looked at the inquiries, He Qingge called out to Grandpa softly, and Fu Yunshen then spoke politely.

"Grandpa Gu, I'm sorry, I encountered a traffic jam on the road!!"

The old man nodded, pointed to the sofa, "Come and sit down!" He said, and sat down again.

The old man was standing just now, and he was blocking Qiao Ran. Once he got out of the way, Qiao Ran was exposed to the two people at the door.

Fu Yunshen and He Qingge were stunned, no one expected that they would meet Qiao Ran here, and they came with Gu Siling and Gu Han.

Today, it was He Qingge who told the old man in advance to bring Fu Yunshen over for dinner. The old man thought that Gu Siling and Hanhan hadn't come back for a long time. The little guy called him two days ago and said that he found Mommy, so he thought about it He took this opportunity to ask Gu Siling to bring him back to meet him, but he didn't expect Gu Siling to agree immediately.

The old man had met Fu Yunshen before, and admired him quite a lot. Later, he realized that he had a close relationship with Qing Ge, so he asked Qing Ge to bring him back for dinner.

Firstly, it was actually intended to match his adopted granddaughter, and secondly, it was for Gu Siling's sake.

He has always placed high hopes on Gu Siling, and now that his grandson is successful in his career, he likes to hear it, but he doesn't want any rumors of his grandson's infidelity/relationship to come out from the outside world.

What's more, although he is old, his eyes are still sharp. Although he can't say that he is accurate in judging people, at least he is close to each other.

Whether his granddaughter's thoughts are on her grandson or not, his eyes are clear.It's just that his grandson has always been stubborn, so he has to do it from the sidelines! !

A few days ago, Hanhan heard that his mother's name was Qiao Ran, which sounded familiar to him, so he sent someone to investigate.

The result he got surprised him. He didn't expect that you, a girl, had a relationship with him several years ago.

It was at her father's wedding that she brought a dozen gangsters to smash up her father's place.

At that time, he felt that Qiao Zhengnan was too spoiled with his daughter, and he spoiled him so lawlessly.

At the wedding scene, the bodyguards on the third floor and the third floor outside, this girl was able to bring people in without Qiao Zhengnan's permission. How did those people get in?
But besides slandering her, she also looked at the little girl differently, she was young and courageous, and with so many important people from the business world present, she would do it when she said she wanted to do it.

Later, he heard his subordinates report that his grandson was dragged into the pool by a little girl, and his first instinct was that it was this girl.

When getting in the car, seeing my grandson hugging a little Labrador who was reluctant to get in the car, I felt even happier.

I thought there would be a follow-up, but I didn't know that his grandson is not enlightened!Later, when Qiao's collapsed, he took advantage of his strength to grow stronger, and he lamented that the two of them were dead!
Later, when he heard that the little girl was in prison, he didn't pay any more attention. No matter how open-minded he was, he would not allow his granddaughter-in-law to be a gangster with a criminal record.

However, a few days ago, I heard that my great-grandson belonged to that girl and the grandson, and I heard that the two had been getting very close recently, so I couldn't help but lament the trick of fate.

But if that girl is really destined to be with his grandson, how can he beat the mandarin duck?
That's why today's meeting of four people happened! !
For an ordinary family banquet, I am afraid that only the old man knows in his heart that he has killed two birds with one stone!

He could see every bit of the expressions of the two people at the door. His expression was as usual, and he was calm and easy in any situation.

He opened his mouth slowly.With one hand clasped on the cane, the other hand beckoned to the two of them at the door.

"Why are you still standing there, hurry up and sit down!"

Fu Yunshen and He Qingge walked over and sat down one after another. The servant brought two cups of tea and put them on the tea table in front of them.

He Qingge and Qiao Ran looked at each other, maybe because the old man was present, he rarely suppressed his temper.

The old man made an introduction as if nothing had happened, "Qingge, Yunshen, this is Qiao Ran, Hanhan's mother! Everyone is free today, so I called them over together!!"

 After the second watch~Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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