Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 186 Standing on tiptoe, she placed a kiss on Gu Siling's lips

Chapter 186 Standing on tiptoe, a kiss was placed on Gu Siling's lips

Mr. Gu said, and then introduced to Qiao Ran, "Ran Ran, this is my granddaughter Qing Ge. This is Yun Shen, you should remember?"

Qiao Ran smiled, "Grandpa Gu, of course I know him! Mr. Fu worked under my father a few years ago!"

"Are you right, Mr. Fu?"

Qiao Ran knew that Mr. Gu was so shrewd, so before letting her come to the Gu family's old house, he must have known her thoroughly, so he was very frank.

Although Fu Yunshen didn't like Qiao Ran's frank, straightforward and indifferent tone, he didn't forget the occasion and nodded in response, "Yes, we have known each other for many years!"

In Fu Yunshen's words, inadvertently, there was a feeling of the passage of time, which made He Qingge very uncomfortable.

Old Master Gu said that Qiao Ran should remember Fu Yunshen, but he didn't mention whether she and Qiao Ran knew each other. Therefore, with a half-smile, He Qingge stretched out his beautiful hand, smiled, and spoke to Qiao Ran.

"Miss Qiao, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Qiao Ran glanced down at He Qingge's hand, with a decent smile on her face.

Picking up the little guy lying on her lap at the moment, hugging her in her arms, she just said, "Miss He, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Qiao Ran didn't reach out, but because she was holding the little guy, it was natural and reasonable, and no one could fault her.

Qing Ge's outstretched hand was left hanging like this, the corner of his mouth smiled, and he took it back pretending not to care, but his teeth were itching with hatred in his heart.

Sitting down next to Fu Yunshen, he smiled innocently, "Miss Qiao and Siling are really destined. I didn't see you and Si Ling interacting with each other four years ago. I didn't expect that the child is so old now..."

"Qing Song!!"

Before He Qingge could finish speaking, he was stopped by the old man. With a stern expression on his face, Mr. Gu opened his mouth.

"How big a person is, there is no sense of propriety in speaking!!"

He Qingge said softly, "Grandpa, I'm curious too! Hanhan came to Gu's house before the full moon, and she's almost four years old now, and her mommy just showed up..."

"He Qingge!!"

This time it was Gu Siling who spoke. He Qingge turned to look at Gu Siling, seeing that the latter looked extremely gloomy, pursed his lips, and opened his mouth aggrieved.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to say anything! Our family is becoming more and more authoritarian! Hmph~"

As she said that, she pretended to look aggrieved and depressed, but the eyes that looked at Qiao Ran clearly flashed a few traces of sneer and complacency.

Seeing this, Qiao Ran smiled, and her voice was soft and soft, "Grandpa Gu, it's rare for Ms. He to speak bluntly. It must be that Grandpa Gu is very fond of her, which is why she has such a simple temperament."

"Qiao Ran won't care. Don't hurt your peace because of a small matter, it's too bad!"

As Qiao Ran spoke, her eyes glanced over He Qingge and then on Fu Yunshen, "Mr. Fu, am I right?"

Fu Yunshen looked at Qiao Ran secretly, and after a few seconds, he nodded slightly.

Seeing this, He Qingge clasped her hands tightly on her knees, no matter how stupid she was, she could tell that Qiao Ran's subtext was mocking her for being simple-minded and ruining the atmosphere.

However, it's fine that Gu Siling obviously helped Qiao Ran just now, but at this time Fu Yunshen came to agree!

nod?Was every soul taken away by that bitch Qiao Ran?

Thinking about it, suddenly, a muruo chuyang smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Grandpa, I'm too naive, don't be angry!"

The old man stared at He Qingge with deep eyes, hummed, the latter couldn't bear the sharp scrutiny, smiled and looked away.

Hanhan, who was sitting next to Qiao Ran in a courteous manner, clapped his hands, "Hanhan, I haven't seen you for a long time, come here and let my aunt hug you. Auntie, see if you're getting heavier again."

The little guy was trampled on his painful feet, and suddenly his mouth was flattened, and his chin was slightly raised.

"Auntie, I'm growing taller, so I'm getting heavier, okay? You're really getting more and more stupid! Stupid aunt!"

Embarrassment flashed across He Qingge's face, and his thin white hands brushed the hair by his ears.

"OK, Auntie apologizes to you, Auntie just wants to hug you."

Gu Han shrank into Qiao Ran's arms and refused decisively.

"No, I'm upset, I need Mommy's comfort~"

Gu Han's words made everyone laugh.

At this time, Mrs. Li came out of the kitchen and asked Mr. Gu, "Master, the dishes are almost ready, do you want to serve dinner?"

Mr. Gu leaned on his crutches, "Let's serve dinner!"

He Qingge quickly stood up and supported the old man, and said, "Grandpa, slow down~"

"Hmm! An old bone is becoming more and more useless!"

"Grandpa, what did you say, you will live a long life!"

Qiao Ran expected that He Qingge would definitely help Elder Gu, so she was not surprised by He Qingge's flattery.

The corner of his mouth tilted inadvertently, and he took Hanhan's little hand, "Hanhan, let's go too!"

As soon as Qiao Ran finished speaking, she saw Gu Siling walking over, very close to her, with her head down, staring at her little face.

The breath sprayed on her cheeks, moist and hot to the touch, itchy.

Say to her in a voice that only two people can hear, "Just let me hang out just now, now for dinner, call Shanghanhan but not me, huh?"

Qiao Ran: "..." There was a slight heat on the side of the ears, aroused by the ambiguous atmosphere.

He lowered his head, but he was speechless in his heart. He didn't speak to him just now, and blamed her for leaving her alone. Moreover, He Qingge was almost acting there, so she didn't say a few words, okay?
Silently moved to the side, trying to get a little distance away, but who knows, this man grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him, his lips were attached to her ear.

Her heart skipped a beat all of a sudden, and when she heard the man's weak mouth, she was even a bit mischievous.

"Look up, thirty degrees clockwise."

Qiao Ran raised her head in surprise, and met Fu Yun's deep eyes, even with a hurt look on her face.

Qiao Ran was stunned for a few seconds, and her thoughts came back. Out of the corner of her eye, He Qingge was also looking at this side. Only Gu Lao had his back to her.

Something flashed through my mind, indeed suddenly, the corners of my mouth were stained with a smile, and when I looked up at Gu Siling, I stood on tiptoe and kissed Gu Siling's lips.

Obviously, Qiao Ran's behavior was beyond Gu Siling's expectation. When her lips touched, she didn't miss the surprise in Gu Siling's eyes.

Almost in a daze, Qiao Ran's lips moved away. This process was as quick as if it had never happened, which made people feel dazed.

Under everyone's surprised eyes, Qiao Ran took a step back, still smiling crookedly.

"Mr. Gu, it's time to eat!"

She was replying to what he said just now that she called Shang Hanhan, not him!

Sure enough, only villains and women are difficult to raise! !
Hanhan suddenly saw Mommy kissing Dad, covered her mouth and smiled quietly, took Mommy's hand and walked towards the dining table, jumping happily.

(End of this chapter)

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