Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 187 The two of you, is the relationship confirmed?

Chapter 187 You Two, Is Your Relationship Confirmed?
Qiao Ran automatically ignored the oppressive gazes from Fu Yunshen and He Qingge, pulled Han Han, and walked in front of Fu Yunshen without looking sideways.

Qiao Ran picked up Han Han and told him to sit down, and then she sat down, when a figure moved beside her, Qiao Ran turned her head, and saw Gu Siling sitting down next to her calmly.

She looked as usual, he, of course!

As for He Qingge, who was sitting opposite Qiao Ran, seeing the natural interaction between the two without saying a word, resentment flashed in his eyes.

After a few seconds, he smiled and looked at Fu Yunshen who hadn't been seated yet, and patted the seat beside him.

"Yun Shen, sit next to me!"

Hearing this, Qiao Ran raised her eyes to look at Fu Yunshen, who happened to meet the latter's eyes. Qiao Ran looked away as if nothing had happened, and Fu Yunshen, after sitting down, did not look at Qiao Ran again.

After all, on such an occasion, when you are a guest at someone else's house, and the master is Mr. Gu who has seen countless people, you will be spotted with a look that shouldn't be there.

The servant quickly finished serving the dishes and was waiting on the sidelines. He Qingge's voice was almost all on the table, but Qiao Ran naturally ignored it.

Only when Gu Lao asked her a question did she interject a few words back, but inevitably, when she raised her head, the person opposite was looking at her.

So much so that after that, Qiao Ran didn't look at that place anymore.

But the two girls present can be seen without comparison, one is quiet and the other is noisy.

Some people just don't know what to say, and think that if they talk too much, they are in charge of the situation.In Qiao Ran's view, he was undoubtedly like a clown.

Qiao Ran sneered in her heart, ate in silence, and sometimes took care of Hanhan, but it didn't make people feel that there was no sense of existence.

The family dinner was coming to an end, and some people finally felt bored and stopped talking casually.

On the other hand, Mr. Gu, seeing that everyone had almost eaten, looked at Fu Yunshen and pointed at He Qingge.

"You two, are you sure about your relationship?"

What Gu Lao said, everyone present except Gu Siling, who was calm and composed, couldn't hide their surprise.

Qiao Ran was feeding Han Han and soup with a spoon, when she heard that, her hands suddenly paused.

He Qingge was surprised, but rejoiced in her heart. She has been struggling recently, and she doesn't know how to talk to Fu Yunshen.Old Gu's question undoubtedly went to her heart.

But Fu Yunshen's first reaction was to look directly at Qiao Ran. Seeing that the latter didn't seem to have heard him, he was so disappointed that he looked away.

"Grandpa Gu, not yet!"

Surprise flashed across Mr. Gu's face, but whether he was really surprised or not, I'm afraid only he knows.

"Haven't you guys known each other for many years? Why haven't you decided yet?"

"It must be...the fate hasn't arrived yet!" Fu Yunshen said after consideration.

Although he had promised He Qingge before, as long as she said she would marry him, he would marry her.

However, he had already installed another person in his heart. Even if it was impossible, he didn't want to give a clear answer at this time.

Seeing Fu Yunshen's answer like this, He Qingge felt as if something cut him suddenly in his heart, he pretended nothing had happened, and took the conversation.

"Grandpa, Yun Shen and I are still young, what are you in a hurry for? We will tell you as soon as we have good news! Right? Yun Shen."

Fu Yunshen nodded lightly, but did not make a sound.

Gu Lao watched, his eyes were dark and deep, and he turned to look at Gu Siling.

"Sling, what about you? The child is already this old, do you have any plans?"

Qiao Ran raised her head in surprise when she heard this, and almost at the same time, there was a clanging sound from the opposite side.

The spoon in Fu Yunshen's hand fell into the bowl, "I'm sorry, Grandpa Gu, my hand slipped!"

"Well, it's okay, the porcelain spoon is smooth, so be careful."

"Hmm~ good!"

When Fu Yunshen answered, he couldn't even fathom what mood he was in right now!

From the corner of the eye, everyone on the table looked at him in unison, and he seemed to be able to hide the deep disappointment in his eyes only by lowering his head.

Qiao Ran originally thought that this episode, which was not considered an episode, had already diverted from the matter just now, but unexpectedly, Gu Siling beside her spoke again.

"Grandpa, we are coming soon, you just wait to report another great-grandson!"

"Okay! Grandpa is waiting~hahaha~"

For a moment, except for Gu Lao's hearty laughter, the others were as quiet as cicadas.

The things in his hands were almost crushed, and the finger bones turned white.

He Qingge resented Qiao Ran for such a short time, so he and Gu Siling were talking about marriage;
Fu Yunshen couldn't accept that Qiao Ran was about to marry Gu Siling;

As for Qiao Ran, although she likes Gu Siling, she has never thought of marrying him...

Because of Gu Siling's words, the atmosphere became weird, and it was Hanhan, who was already full and full, who broke the deadlock.

Looking up at Qiao Ran with her small face up, she looked puzzled, "Mummy, what does Dad mean by asking Grandpa to prepare to hug another great-grandson?"

Qiao Ran: "..." Her face was slightly red, her lips were pursed, she didn't know how to explain it to the little guy, the main reason was that it would be impossible in the future, the little guy would be lost!

Instead of that, don't give him any hope!She herself has no hope of marrying Gu Siling.

Seeing Qiao Ran hesitate, Gu Siling frowned slightly, and explained to the little guy.

"It means that after I marry your mommy, you will have a younger brother or..."

"Mr. Gu..."

Qiao Ran stopped Gu Siling's words at the right time. In front of He Qingge, although she would be happy to say such a thing, it is not suitable to say it in front of Gu Lao and Hanhan.

I had no choice but to open my mouth and explain to Elder Gu, "Grandpa Gu, I just got a new job recently, and I have no other plans for now!"

Qiao Ran's words undoubtedly had different meanings to everyone present.

Some people breathed a sigh of relief, some secretly gritted their teeth, some looked secretive, and some had deep eyes...

In the end, Gu Lao laughed, "It's good that young people have ambitions! But the important things in life should be kept in front of your eyes. A few years will pass in a flash!"

"Well~ I will take it to heart, Grandpa Gu!"

"That's good! If you have time in the future, come to the old house to accompany me, an old man!"

"I will, Grandpa Gu!"

Gu Lao hummed, very satisfied with Qiao Ran.Then he looked at Fu Yunshen again, "Yunshen, you come here often when you have time."

"Hmm~ ok!"

Gu Lao patted his knee and sighed, "The old man's body is getting worse and worse. I really hope that you can see each of you have a family and a career before you are buried. The old man can rest in peace!"

The little guy couldn't understand what grandpa meant at all. He only understood two words "become a family" in a long sentence, because grandpa loved to say it to dad before.

It seemed that he was not very happy to see his great-grandpa right now, so he hurriedly said, "Great-grandfather, don't be sad, when I have a girlfriend, I will let her accompany you every day!"

 Thank you for the babies who vote every day. Everyone voted more actively this week. Do you want to add more on the weekend, or a small theater?

(End of this chapter)

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