Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 188 Pleasant figure, life is covered

Chapter 188 Pleasant figure, life is covered
The old man was obviously very interested. After eating, he sat and chatted with a few juniors.

Fu Yunshen was a guest. Undoubtedly, the old man chatted with him a lot. He Qingge would always add a few words from time to time, or look at Qiao Ran calmly.

Qiao Ran basically didn't speak much, unless necessary, and most of the voices in her ears were the voices of Fu Yunshen and He Qingge, which was even more boring!

People go in the left ear and out the right ear, but she feels that she doesn't go in even if she goes in.For those two voices, it is as if it will be automatically blocked.

Sitting there was very boring, but fortunately, Hanhan asked her to accompany him to the bathroom on the way.

Qiao Ran was as happy as meeting a savior, but naturally I didn't show it on my face!This point of propriety, she will not be ignorant!

After saying hello to everyone, he led Hanhan to the bathroom. The little guy shyly took off his pants and asked Mommy to wait at the door with her back to him.

Qiao Ran was speechless, the little guy knew she was shy now, and she didn't know who was constipated before, so she asked her to build a stool and accompany her.

However, even though he was thinking about it, he still obeyed the little guy.

Fortunately, the little guy didn't take the tuba for a long time this time, and it was done soon.

However, the trousers were pulled up, but they were twisted. I was wearing the kind of elastic trousers. It was cold, and the trousers were a bit thick, and because of the weight gain, I couldn't fix it myself.

Qiao Ran heard the rustling sound behind her, guessing that the little guy must be pulling up his pants, so she asked, "Hanhan, do you want Mommy to help~"

"No, Mommy~ I'll be fine soon!"

Said it would be ready right away, but in fact it took a while to do it clumsily.

The little guy felt thin sweat on his forehead, and was extremely depressed. He looked down at his pants, which were black.

Wearing it twisted like this, although it is a little uncomfortable, it should not be noticeable! !
The little guy comforted himself, a little cheerful, and ran over while jumping.

The little guy was a little confused, he fell in the bathroom, how could it hurt more than falling outside! !

The little mouth shrunk a bit, wanting to cry, but still held back, Dad said boys, you can't cry casually!
Just as he was about to get up, he heard the sound of footsteps. He hadn't reacted yet, but subconsciously raised his head. When he saw it was Mommy, he burst into tears with a "wow~"!
Kindergarten children said, this is called throwing a dog and eating shit!
But such an embarrassing moment was seen by Mommy, especially, Mommy is still a very good-looking girl! !
Woo~ I feel ashamed to be a human being! !

Qiao Ran heard the sound, turned around, saw the little guy fell, and hurried over a few steps.

Unexpectedly, the little guy stared blankly at her for a few seconds, and suddenly burst into tears.

Qiao Ran couldn't laugh or cry when the little guy's mood changed, so he quickly picked up the little guy, hugged him, and coaxed him.

The little guy kept arching into her arms, but refused to show his face.

Qiao Ran had to coax him patiently for a while before the little guy stopped crying, his eyes were as red as a bunny.

Obediently let Mommy pick him up, wash his hands, put his fleshy little hands under the faucet for a while, and then let Mommy put him on the ground.

Holding Mommy's hand and walking out, still swaying, hesitating to speak, looking up at Mommy a little arrogantly and embarrassedly.

"Mum, you stood there just now, didn't you smell a little bit?"

Qiao Ran: "...not bad!"

"Oh!" The little guy responded happily, obviously very satisfied with the answer.

"Mummy, I want to show you my room, do you want to go?"

"Of course Mommy would be happy!"

The little guy smiled at once, with cute dimples on his face, his little feet on his feet, and his hands stretched high.

"Then Mommy, I want a hug!"

After not staying in the little guy's room for a long time, Gu Siling came. The two who were sitting on the children's plastic floor and were building blocks were having fun. When they heard the sound of the door opening, they both raised their heads in unison.

Hanhan's piercing eyes lit up, and Qiao Ran, who was smiling happily, froze when she realized that someone suddenly opened the door to break the unrestrained atmosphere.

"Mr. Gu!"

Gu Siling hummed, and closed the door, with one leg slightly bent, leaning there, looking at the woman who had taken off her coat, was wearing a thin black sweater, and was sitting on the ground, holding building blocks in her hand.

Jianmei twitched, and said lightly, "Grandpa asked me to take you to the yard for a stroll!"

Qiao Ran lowered her head, put down the building blocks in her hand, and asked the little guy, "Hanhan, are you going?"

The little guy looked at Mummy, then at Dad, and turned around, "Mummy, I'm not going, you go with Dad! Auntie and the others will leave later, I'm going to accompany Grandpa!"

Qiao Ran pursed her lips when she heard this, "Mr. Gu, why don't you wait a while, Hanhan is here alone, I'm not at ease~"

As soon as Qiao Ran finished speaking, she heard the little guy yelling loudly.

"Oh~ Mommy, I'm a boy, okay? You're going!! I'll play by myself for a while, and then I'll go find my grandpa~"

Qiao Ran: "..." Is she being rejected?

"Your son has said so, what else are you worried about?"

Qiao Ran: "...Okay!"

While standing up, he muttered in a low voice, "It's not like your son~"

Upon hearing this, Gu Siling smiled, but remained silent, waiting for Qiao Ran at the door.

Qiao Ran got up and walked towards Hanhan's bed. Because she took off her windbreaker, her upper body was a tight-fitting thin sweater, and the lower body was blue jeans. She was very slim, her waist was full, and her legs were thin and long.

Picking up the windbreaker and putting it on, Gu Siling felt a little regretful for no reason.

The pleasing figure is completely covered up.

However, the expression on the sullen Mr. Gu's face is waves~
Gu Siling took Qiao Ran downstairs from another exit on the second floor, and went straight to the backyard.

The courtyard is almost full of evergreen trees, and the path is winding and paved with cobblestones. Stepping on it gives a different feeling.

Qiao Ran thought it was fun, so she walked slowly, Gu Siling followed behind, raising her hand to support Qiao Ran from time to time.

Neither of them spoke. Qiao Ran didn't know what to say, but Gu Siling seemed not willing to speak.

Qiao Ran has already noticed this characteristic of Gu Siling. No matter how many people there are, whether at home or outside, she doesn't talk much, and when she speaks, it is almost always necessary.

As Qiao Ran walked forward, she secretly looked at Gu Siling from time to time.

I couldn't help but slander in my heart, "No wonder I'm almost 30 years old and I don't have a wife yet! A boring gourd, which girl would like it?"

Thinking of this, Qiao Ran snorted inaudibly, with a little arrogance.

But I forgot, which girl she said would like it, she is the one who likes it! !

After walking for a while, Qiao Ran saw that Gu Siling was still still talking, so she stopped, turned her body sideways, raised her small chin, and looked at Gu Siling.

"Mr. Gu, why don't you speak?"

 System bug, the second picture will not be displayed until more than ten minutes after Chapter 1...

(End of this chapter)

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