Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 189 "Mr. Gu, I shouldn't have teased you

Chapter 189 "Mr. Gu, I shouldn't have teased you
Qiao Ran's words, coupled with her expression, had a provocative meaning.

In fact, Qiao Ran was indeed a prank.Probably because of the stubbornness in his bones, he couldn't help but want to flirt when he saw a man of few words.

Anyway, such a person, with his mouth, must be no match for her!
As Qiao Ran thought about it, the corners of her lips raised slightly, with a pure and innocent expression, she just looked at Gu Siling like that.

Even, when the four eyes meet, the eyes are made a little bigger.

It’s like saying again, I’m asking you something, Mr. Gu, why don’t you answer me?
Gu Siling looked at Qiao Ran's expression, and the corners of his mouth curled into a nice curve, yuppie.

When she spoke, her hand had already reached out to Qiao Ran's waist. I don't know if the hand was too big or Qiao Ran's waist was too thin, so she clasped it with one palm.

Leaning closer to Qiao Ran, her face was even closer to Qiao Ran's, and even her breath sprayed on Qiao Ran's face.

The voice was clear and pleasant, and he spoke slowly, "Because I just do what I don't talk about, are you satisfied with this answer?"

Qiao Ran's face flushed red, and there was a bang in her head.

Such an ambiguous posture, a man and a woman, the man leans close to the girl and talks, just doing but not talking, what the hell~
He is dignified and looks serious, but he is a master at flirting, isn't he?

Qiao Ran couldn't stand the man's approaching breath, so she raised her arm, trying to separate him, but the strength of the man's hand was tightened, it was close to her ear, and she opened her mouth.

"Dissatisfied? It seems that I need to prove it with actions. After all, I am a man of one word!"

With that said, the other hand reached out to Qiao Ran's face, and her index finger raised her jaw.

Still tossing people with words, "I was kissed by someone in the living room just now, should I kiss you back?"

Qiao Ran was forced by Gu Siling to lose her ability to think. Now that she heard what Gu Siling said, she became very nervous.

The body reacted subconsciously, and stretched out her hand to push Gu Siling, but Gu Siling was only wearing a shirt at this time, and when her hand touched his chest, it seemed that she could feel the strong muscles.

His hand retracted like an electric shock, trying to push him, but he couldn't push him, he was so entangled to death.

He had no choice but to beg for mercy, after all, it was his fault.Qiao Ran was frantic, closed her eyes tightly, and waved her hands in the air.

"Mr. Gu, I was wrong, I was wrong! Let go!"

A low laugh came from above his head, his voice obviously tainted with a smile.

"Huh? Where did you go wrong?"

Qiao Ran's eyes were still closed, and her hands stopped neatly, but she still didn't admit her mistake.

"Mr. Gu, I shouldn't have teased you!"

"Teasing?" Gu Siling looked at Qiao Ran's small face and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"No, no, I'm just asking casually!"


Qiao Ran knew she was being honest this time, so she nodded without hesitation, her attitude was not too sincere.

The arc of Gu Siling's mouth became wider and closer to Qiao Ran, "Then give me a kiss, and I'll let you go!"

Qiao Ran: "...No, I don't want it! Mr. Gu~"

"Okay, okay, I kiss me!"

Before she let go of the hand on her waist, Qiao Ran was at a disadvantage. There was no room for negotiating terms, so she had to compromise first.

Opening his eyes, he hesitated and kissed Gu Siling's cheek, and quickly withdrew back like a superficial touch.

Unexpectedly, this person raised his other hand at some point, grabbed the back of her head, and just like that, kissed her lips.

Qiao Ran felt that her limbs and bones were no longer listening to her, and her eyes widened involuntarily because of fright.

In the senses, I can only feel that the force on the lips is very light, gently tracing hers.

She couldn't move, and she forgot to move, she just stared at Gu Siling in a daze, watching every expression on his face with his eyes closed.

After a few seconds, a deep and hoarse voice came from my ear, "Little fool, close your eyes!"

Hearing this, Qiao Ran didn't know why, not only didn't care about that little fool, but obediently obeyed.

Almost the second she closed her eyes, the force on her waist became heavier.

She groaned in pain, but just in time for someone to take advantage of it! !
Qiao Ran used to like to tease people, but in the end he was a paper tiger with no practical experience to speak of, and was almost at the mercy of Gu Siling.

In the face of a beautiful and delicious person who he has liked for many years, few people can refuse.

In Qiao Ran's mind, there was no trace of thoughts, and it was completely blank. After an unknown amount of time, the man's lips finally left hers.

The hands on her waist did not loosen their strength, they were still clasped, supporting her limp and messy body.

Qiao Ran opened her blurred eyes, which seemed to be surrounded by a circle of water mist, shimmering and shining, beautiful and soul-stirring.

Gu Siling's gaze was locked on Qiao Ran's slightly flushed face and swollen lips, and the depths of his eyes were as deep as the sea for a moment, as if there was a vast ocean.

Time stood still for several seconds before Qiao Ran pushed Gu Siling away belatedly.This time, it was completely pushed away.

Qiao Ran turned around and faced Gu Siling sideways. She was thin-skinned and a little ashamed. Just now, she was immersed in Gu Siling's kiss.

This person's kiss was very gentle, and his embrace was very warm. It seemed that there was a kind of magic power. Once people were infected, they would never want to push it away.

Qiao Ran was annoyed, it's not good to provoke anyone, but she wanted to provoke Gu Siling!It's good now, stealing chickens won't cost you money!

She stood here without moving, and neither did that person!If she doesn't speak, neither does that man!
The atmosphere is awkward, okay?
Just as Qiao Ran was thinking about it, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that the man took a step closer, making Qiao Ran a little nervous.

The hand placed by her side couldn't help but clenched tightly, and almost at the same time, the calloused hand covered hers.

His voice lingered in her ears, as if it took several seconds to reach her ears.

She heard him say, "If you have a wicked heart but no guts, you're so thin-skinned, and you want to provoke people, huh?"

Qiao Ran's ears gradually turned red, and she even felt that the temperature of her neck was not right.

She found that when Gu Siling talked to her recently, he always liked to use "um" at the end, with a twist.

It's as if the words have been chewed in the mouth for a long time before they come out, and it also has such a hint of indulgence that people listen to it and are very irresistible.

Swallow, lick your lips, step forward, divert your attention.

While talking to Gu Siling behind him, "Mr. Gu, every word you say now will become a confession in court! You can't talk nonsense!"

"Oh~ is it?"

Qiao Ran pointed one toe to the heel of the other, as if walking on a single-plank bridge, with both arms raised to maintain balance.

"Yes! Don't question my words, this is authority."

"Really? Could it be that someone is coveting my beauty, and if I can't steal the chicken, I want to beat him up?"

With her back to Gu Siling now, Qiao Ran was naturally much calmer, and said cheekily, "Mr. Gu, I have the right to remain silent!!"


The two walked one after the other, chatting without saying a word, and not far from them, there was a figure staring straight at this side.

(End of this chapter)

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