Chapter 191

Before Qiao Ran took a few steps, she saw Gu Siling walking towards her slowly, holding mineral water.

Qiao Ran subconsciously glanced behind her, suddenly feeling a little guilty.

During the time she spent with Gu Siling, she kept silent about He Qingge's matter. Now, when he saw her and He Qingge meeting alone, I don't know how he would feel.

However, soon, Qiao Ran was relieved. Sooner or later, the matter between her and He Qingge would be revealed to the public. It is not impossible to try the water.

Thinking about it, he walked forward without distraction.

When Gu Siling handed the mineral water in his hand to Qiao Ran, he glanced behind him, but quickly looked away without saying anything.

Seeing Qiao Ran walking all the way in silence, and having absolutely no intention of asking for water, she couldn't help but speak.

"Aren't you thirsty? Why don't you drink water?"

Qiao Ran raised her head, smiled at the corners of her mouth, and handed the water to Gu Siling, making a rare joke.

"Mr. Gu, girls want to drink water. As a man, and a man like Mr. Gu, shouldn't he take the initiative to unscrew the bottle cap for girls?"

When Gu Siling heard this, he laughed out loud, showing his white and neat teeth, and took the mineral water.

While twisting, he said, "I don't think you won't be able to unscrew it?"

"Mr. Gu, it's not a question of whether you can screw it or not, it's about your manners?"

Qiao Ran held the bottle, took a sip, and said with a smile, "This water is delicious!"

Gu Siling heard this and shrugged, "I probably brought it, and it's because I unscrewed it myself~"

"Well, it's not impossible!"

Qiao Ran took another sip in a modest manner and nodded.

Gu Siling: "..."

"Mr. Gu, do you know why Wang Po wants to sell melons?"

Gu Siling raised his eyebrows, "Isn't it for making money?"

"Then Mr. Gu, if you want to make money, why don't you sell melons and start a company instead?"

"Probably...I'm so handsome, Gua would be ashamed of himself!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

Almost spit out a mouthful of water!In fact, it didn't come out, but choked on it!
Gu Siling quickly patted Qiao Ran on the back, and said, "How old is he, I don't know how to pay attention!"

Qiao Ran coughed for a long time before she could barely stop, with tears in her eyes, straightened her waist, and looked at Gu Siling very aggrieved.

"Mr. Gu, I think you should figure out two things first. First, is it because you don't speak shockingly? Second, I am a victim!"

Gu Siling didn't take it seriously, and was still giving Qiao Ran a favor, and asked, "Aren't I handsome?"

"Handsome is handsome, but, Mr. Gu, the most basic quality of being a man is humility!"

"It's not my fault that I'm handsome! What should I do to be humble? Besides, isn't it my face that people see when they see me? I can't help it, I can't be humble even if I want to!"

Qiao Ran: "..." nodded, "Okay!"

It's really cheap and good-looking! !
Qiao Ran pursed her lips slightly, thinking it's better not to discuss this issue any further!In addition to making her speechless, it is still speechless!

This person is eloquent, not everyone can be said to be right by him!Shaking his head secretly!
Suddenly, she felt that she had met a master when it came to talking nonsense...

Qiao Ran tilted her head and looked at Gu Siling, "Shall we go back?"

This one of us, obviously pleasing someone, nodded, "I can do it!"

"Well, let's go then!"

Qiao Ran and Gu Siling stood side by side, and as soon as she lifted her foot, she saw Fu Yunshen, standing not far away, looking at them, with an expression as if she didn't know how long she had been standing there.

Gu Siling glanced at Qiao Ran, then took her hand and walked towards Fu Yunshen.

When she got close, Luoluo asked, "Boss Fu came to look for Qingge?"

Fu Yunshen moved his gaze away from the clasped hands, glanced at Qiao Ran with Shen Mou, then retracted his gaze, and hummed lightly.

"When I came over just now, I saw Qing Ge by the lake, so I must be still there at the moment, Mr. Fu, hurry up! Don't keep Qing Ge waiting!"

When Gu Siling said this, Qiao Ran couldn't help but raise her eyes.Now that he was so calm, he didn't even say hello when he saw He Qingge just now?

However, her gaze was completely unresponsive.

Fu Yunshen nodded lightly, without even humming again, he directly lifted his feet and walked forward.

When passing by Qiao Ran, she stopped invisibly, and looked at Qiao Ran from the corner of her eye, but she didn't want to, and happened to meet Gu Siling's eyes.

The latter smiled politely, a trace of Linghan flashed in Fu Yunshen's eyes, and his steps were steady without stopping.

There was a fire in my heart!

Sure enough, everyone in the mall was as cunning as a fox.

As soon as she saw him, in front of Qiao Ran, she asked him if he was looking for Qing Ge?

How should he answer?It is clearly a pit! !
The more he thought about it, the more furious he felt in his heart, his calm face exuded a chilly aura that could make people retreat three feet away.

Just as Fu Yunshen was thinking, he heard someone calling his name in front of him. Of course, he knew it was He Qingge without looking up.

However, he still raised his head, with a faint smile on his lips, "You've been out for so long, why don't you go back?"

"I haven't been back to the old house for a long time! I just want to go shopping for a while."

As He Qingge said, he ran over a few steps, took Fu Yunshen's arm, and smiled sweetly.

"Yun Shen, I want to go back, let's tell Grandpa, shall we go?"


"Yun Shen, you are so kind!"

He Qingge stepped on his feet and kissed Fu Yunshen's face, his brows and eyes were tinged with a smile, and his eyes were curved like crescent moons.

However, even if such a beautiful woman smiled like a flower in front of him, held his arm in the most intimate posture, and even offered a kiss, he still couldn't be happy in his heart.

Because, in the morning, he saw Qiao Ran take the initiative to kiss Gu Siling; just now, he witnessed the scene of the two walking leisurely holding hands again.

In his heart, it was very strange!
He can't be happy!

Yes, he couldn't be happier!
This feeling, with heart-piercing pain, tortured him, eroded him, and tore him apart!
His mind was in a mess. Even when he saw He Qingge just now, he pretended to smile and tried to divert his emotions, but it was useless!

No matter what he is, He Qingge is still He Qingge, it can't be Qiao Ran, it can't be that troublemaker five years ago, always getting into trouble, Qiao Ran who feels wronged every time she is scolded.

Some things, once they happen, will never come back again; some things, once owed, will never be sorted out; some people, once lost, will never be owned again.

Fu Yunshen stood there, gently pressing his heart with one hand, feeling that it was so uncomfortable, he bit his cheek, and let out a breath of foul air for a long time.

Under He Qingge's searching eyes, he said heavily, "Let's go!"

Seeing that Gu Siling's brows were tightly frowned, He Qingge wanted to ask if he was feeling unwell, but seeing that Fu Yunshen had already walked away, he quickly followed.

 There were a lot of votes yesterday, so I am very motivated. I will add more updates to everyone on Saturday~
(End of this chapter)

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