Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 192 Dad, Actually, It’s Not Shameful to Wet the Bed at the Age of 6!

Chapter 192 Dad, Actually, It’s Not Shameful to Wet the Bed at the Age of Six!

When he reached the back door, Qiao Ran was about to step in, but Gu Siling suddenly grabbed his arm.

Qiao Ran raised her eyes suspiciously, and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Gu, what else is there?"

Gu Siling twirled his nose with his pretty fingers, looked aside, and spoke heavily.

"What you said back then...well, why did Wang Po sell melons?"

Qiao Ran couldn't help smiling when she heard this, and suddenly realized that Gu Siling was quite cute sometimes.

He moved slightly, stopped in front of Gu Siling, raised his head, narrowed his eyes into a line, and even stretched out his index finger to poke Gu Siling's chest.

"Mr. Gu, it's because Gua has no consciousness and can't understand human words! Otherwise, if Wang Po praises you so much, you might die if you get excited!"

Gu Siling: "..." Countless black lines emerged from the back of his head, and he moved his lips slightly, "What did you say, is this a cold joke?"

Qiao Ran imitated Gu Siling's appearance at that time, and shrugged her shoulders, "Of course! How about it, is it cold enough?"


Qiao Ran: "..."

She could see that, this person, it would be impossible to expect him to say something nice!

Qiao Ran cast a coveted glance at someone who couldn't speak, pursed her mouth, and walked inside with strides.

Looking at Qiao Ran's back, Gu Siling tilted his lips calmly, and followed in a few steps.

He reached out and took Qiao Ran's little hand by his side, and when the latter looked over with puffed cheeks, he smiled slightly.

Thick-skinned, refreshing people's cognition.

You said she was mentally handicapped one second, and came to shake her hand the next second. Do you think she is so easy to coax?
Does it help to smile at her?
Ok!It is indeed useful.Why did he seldom smile like this, and who made her have no resistance to him?
Qiao Ran snorted softly, and was pulled forward by this man, her eyes fixed on the road under her feet. She seemed to be able to hear the sound of her own heartbeat every step she took.

I didn't go far, and arrived at the living room on the first floor. The little guy was indeed playing with his grandfather, and brought the building blocks from upstairs to the living room, spreading them all over the floor.

It can be seen that this great-grandfather pampered and loved his great-grandson. Fortunately, Hanhan grew up in such an environment and did not have any bad habits.

Tutoring is still very good!

The little guy was sitting on the ground, building blocks, and talking non-stop to his grandfather, which made the old man laugh out loud.

Qiao Ran stood not far away and watched, for some reason, her eyes were a little sour.

Hanhan is so cute, he is almost four years old, but she has missed so much time for him to grow up.

Should I call Dad first, or Mommy first?When did you first start walking?When you are sick, is there anyone who is uncomfortable calling Mommy...

These, thinking about it now, feel so regretful.

Gu Siling, who was at the side, saw that Qiao Ran was looking at Han Han with a trace of unconcealable sadness on her face, so she naturally guessed it.

He clenched his hands tightly, his voice was warm and soft, and he comforted, "Hanhan is still so young, you still have a lot of time to spend with him in the future, don't think too much, huh?"

Upon hearing this, Qiao Ran looked at Gu Siling and said sincerely, "Mr. Gu, you taught Han Han very well."

"I'm his father~"

Gu Siling's words sounded very ordinary, but they pierced Qiao Ran's heart.

My heart seemed to be bursting with colorful bubbles, an indescribable feeling.

Confronting silently, Qiao Ran lowered her head and nodded heavily.

"Let's go there, say hello to grandpa, it's time to go back."


The two raised their feet and walked towards the sofa in the living room. The little guy had excellent eyes and saw them at a glance.

Putting down the building blocks in his hand, he got up from the ground, and called Mom and Dad crisply and sweetly.

The old man looked at the two people who came together, his face was full of kindness, "Are you happy shopping?"

Qiao Ran replied with a smile, "Well~ Grandpa Gu's backyard is very beautiful. Although there are not many flowers in this season, the scenery is pleasant."

When Mr. Gu heard this, he obviously became interested. He sat there with his hands on his crutches.

"The flowers and trees in this backyard were all planted by me and Si Ling's grandma before, and they are all growing tall now."

The old man said, there seemed to be memories in his eyes, his eyes were deep, as if he was remembering the past.

"Unfortunately, his grandma can't be seen now, and I, the old man, guard this house."

When people are old, it is always inevitable to miss the past, and when the other half is gone, they will feel lonely.

Although Qiao Ran couldn't empathize with her, she could understand it to a certain extent. This kind of emotion was thick and grueling.

Qiao Ran walked over, sat next to the old man, and comforted, "Grandpa Gu, you are not guarding this house alone, Grandma Gu is watching you from the sky, and she is also with you!"

When Old Master Gu heard this, his long gaze fell on Qiao Ran's face, and after a few seconds, he spoke in a deep voice.

"You girl, you can talk, no wonder my great-grandson is so sweet."

Someone who was helping Hanhan pick up building blocks raised his head in dissatisfaction, "Grandpa, I'm your grandson, okay?"

Mr. Gu glared angrily, "You brat, do you want me to find out the previous account and settle it with you?"

Gu Siling: "..."

Every time he blows the old man's beard and stares "angry", does he have good intentions?

I was depressed, but unexpectedly, I heard the old man turn his head and say to Qiao Ran beside him, "This kid is the most worthless kid, he still wets the bed after six years old!"

Gu Siling: "..."

Qiao Ran wanted to laugh, but was suppressed by Gu Siling's persuasive look.

However, when a certain brat heard about his father's glorious deeds, he burst into laughter, clutched his stomach, and almost rolled on the ground.

Gu Siling's face suddenly turned black!

It can be called, Gu, Hei, Ling! !
The three of them bid farewell to Mr. Gu, and when they got into the car, someone's face was still as dark as a cloud, and he sat in the driver's seat and drove Qiao Ran and Hanhan to the back seat.

The mother and son tacitly did not dare to provoke someone, and secretly laughed while hiding, right?
Hanhan looked at his father in front of him from time to time, and murmured in his heart: Hmph~ Dad is too authoritarian, so Mommy has to take care of it.

He looked at Mommy again, his eyes full of anticipation: Mommy, my father is a paper tiger, turn over to be a serf and sing!
However, looking around, not talking, and feeling uncomfortable in the small mouth.

The reason why Mommy didn't speak was because of Dad, she thought, leaning her little body on Dad's seat.

Enlighten the depressed father, "Dad, it's not shameful to still wet the bed at the age of six!"

Someone's hand holding the steering wheel tightened involuntarily.

However, a certain little one didn't notice it, and kept saying, "I heard that Uncle Wu was still wetting the bed when he was five years old. Dad, you are only one year older than him at that time."

"There are not many days in a year, um, it seems to be more than 300 days, right?"

 Today will add more... The content is more relaxed and funny~
  Watch after 210 minutes of Chapter (posting together will be swallowed, frequent refreshing is useless, very tiring!)

(End of this chapter)

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