Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 193 "Shut up for me!"

Chapter 193 "Shut up for me!"

"If Uncle Xiaowu peed the bed on the last night of the first year, Dad, you peed the bed on the first morning of the second year."

"Alternatively, if Uncle Xiaowu just finished wetting the bed, and you wet the bed, Dad, then the difference between you is not too long."

The little guy chattered endlessly, and even felt that his analysis was reasonable and smart.

Especially when I saw the mum in front of me laughing and trembling, I felt that I was so powerful.

However, the little guy only saw Mommy smiling, but he didn't see someone's hand holding the steering wheel, and his veins bulged.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, he heard someone angry, swearing directly in front of Mommy.

"Don't tell me to shut up!"

The little guy trembled, sat down obediently, looked at Mummy aggrieved, and urgently needed comfort.

Obviously you were very good just now, okay?Suddenly being yelled at by my father, the bad mood full of pride just now disappeared without a trace.

Pouting his mouth, he didn't know where he went wrong!Just now, he was kind enough to comfort a certain stinky guy, okay?
Consumed ~ and yelled at him ~
I really want to take Mommy away and fly away every minute, and never pay attention to this old guy again!

Extremely depressed, his small mouth moved, but he still couldn't help asking Mummy, "Mummy, did I say something wrong just now?"

Qiao Ran suppressed a smile and patted the little guy's head, "Hanhan is right!"

Gu Siling: "..."

Hearing this, the little guy dunked his ass, sat up straight, stared at the back of the head of a stinky guy in front, and snorted arrogantly.

Gu Siling: "..."

Qiao Ran simply thought that the little guy was too funny, how innocent after all!What he said was not comforting Dad, he was clearly stabbing Dad, okay?
Which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, there is no one else!
However, after being yelled at, I still feel so wronged, which is simply too cute.

Gu Siling did not send Qiao Ran back, but drove directly to the south of Tingshui.

It was an awkward journey, and we hardly spoke much.The little guy was even worse, sulking and didn't want to talk.

The car stopped in the parking space, and the three got out of the car. Gu Siling walked in front, and Qiao Ran walked slowly with the little guy.

It wasn't until Gu Siling fell a lot that Qiao Ran picked up Han Han and whispered to the little guy.

"Hanhan, don't mention this matter again, okay? Dad was young at the time and didn't know anything. It's like you don't let mommy see your ass now, you will be embarrassed, right?"

"Father is an adult, it would be embarrassing to talk about his embarrassing things when he was a child!"

The little guy has a flat mouth, but still looks righteous and confident, with a small chest.

"But, I also want to comfort him!"

"Well, Mommy knows! Hanhan is very sensible, but next time if you want to comfort Dad, can you change the topic to something more funny?"

Gu Han listened, looked at Mummy's serious face, and nodded obediently.

Seeing this, Qiao Ran was very relieved, Hanhan was really sensible, very sensible.

Qiao Ran hugged Gu Han, so she walked a little slower, looking at the ground, and the little guy seems to be really heavy recently.

No, it should be said to be fat!

The little guy loves meat, eats a lot, and his arms and legs are all fleshy.

Qiao Ran looked at the tall and straight Gu Siling in front of her, and couldn't help shaking her head.

Both she and Gu Siling are on the thin side, so why does Hanhan... get fatter the longer he grows?

I can't even imagine what the little guy will be like when he grows up so fat, hey!

Qiao Ran thought about the fat Hanhan who had grown up, and was simply incapable of accepting it.Once a person is fat, his appearance will be lowered a lot!
Finally couldn't bear it, and spoke to the little guy, but the words were very tactful.

"Hanhan, starting tomorrow, you have to eat less meat and more vegetables, you know? Otherwise, mom won't be able to hug you!"

Hearing the words, the little guy naturally focused on Mommy's last sentence. He wanted to discuss the conditions with Mommy, but after thinking about it, he nodded obediently.

If he couldn't hold a really fat mommy, he might not even have time to cry!
Moreover, he also wants to find a girlfriend as beautiful as Mommy in the future, so he must be handsome too!

Gu Siling was in a bad mood, feeling ashamed in front of that woman.

His grandpa, whoever he likes, really talks about everything, he's a fool... he just wants to vomit blood!

Naturally, after getting out of the car, Qiao Ran and Han Han also got out of the car, so they left alone!
Who made the rigid rule that if a man loses face, he can't "quietly (sulch for a while)" by himself?

However, after walking a certain distance, they realized that Qiao Ran and Han Han were far behind, so they had to stop and stood there waiting for them.

But Qiao Ran picked up the little guy, and the two were very close to each other, talking about something.

The voice was very low, although he couldn't hear what he was saying, but judging from Hanhan's cloudy and sunny expression, he should undoubtedly be comforting the little kid.

It's just that that woman walks really slowly, she has thin arms and legs, and she always likes to hold little kids in her arms.

He looked cautious, as if he was afraid of stepping on ants under his feet.

Gu Siling shook his head, walked over, and took the little guy from Qiao Ran.This time, he didn't say anything about letting the little guy go by himself.

However, Hanhan still noticed it, he likes his father's hug very much, his father's arms are very strong, so he feels safe, but now his father rarely hugs him!

The little guy was bought by his father in this way, and with what Mommy said just now, he couldn't be depressed to his father.

With crooked eyebrows and eyes smiling, he hugged his father's neck, squeaked once, and slapped again.

Gu Siling originally had a cold face, but after being kissed by the little guy, his face softened a lot, and the lines on his face seemed to soften a little.

Holding Hanhan in one hand and Qiao Ran in the other, she walked towards the villa.

Gu Siling felt that the feeling of a family of three was not bad!

Qiao Ran, who was following behind, looked even more dazed.She felt like something was pressing on her heart suddenly, making her nose sour.

Her dream family life was nothing like this.There is a husband who loves her, and well-behaved children. Every weekend, the whole family travels together...

However, with this person in his hand, at most he has a good impression of her, but he is not in love with her!Besides... there are other things...

For her, this kind of life is destined to be a luxury.

Qiao Ran sniffed lightly, followed Gu Siling's pace closely, and even, intentionally or unintentionally, every step was imprinted with his footprints!
Her heart was throbbing!

Hanhan didn't sleep during the day, and not long after returning to the villa, he couldn't open his sleepy eyes, so he pestered his mother to tell him a bedtime story.

Qiao Ran was willing to do it, holding a copy of "Aesop's Fables", holding the little guy in her arms, and the mother and child were squeezed into a small children's bed.

Qiao Ran's voice was soft and soft, and the little guy quickly fell asleep, holding Mommy's sweater sleeves tightly in his hands.

Qiao Ran looked up at the door, and saw that the door was closed tightly, she felt relieved, put her arms around the little guy, and fell asleep too.

 There is another chapter, I like it better, cover my face~ After another 10 minutes, after posting, I will sleep~
(End of this chapter)

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