Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 195 Mr. Gu, Who Are You To Me?

Chapter 195 Mr. Gu, Who Are You To Me?
Gu Siling finally closed the door of the master bedroom and went to the guest room on the second floor by himself.

When Qiao Ran woke up, it was already late at night, and she was in a daze. She felt that the room was very dark, so she sat up on her back and reached out to touch the position of the head of the bed. Sure enough, she touched the switch.

As soon as the light is turned on, the room is illuminated so that there is nothing to hide from, and every scene and object jumps into the eyes.

Qiao Ran looked at it for a while before her thoughts came back completely, and she realized later that this was in Gu Siling's room.

She came here last time, and she has some impressions of this place. The dark style matches the temperament of Gu Siling before, and it is colder!

Qiao Ran was awakened by thirst just now, and when she was telling the little guy a bedtime story, she wanted to drink water.

She originally thought that she would go downstairs to pour water after the little guy fell asleep, but she didn't want to, did she actually fall asleep? Moreover, somehow, she fell asleep on Gu Siling's bed.

Without thinking, Qiao Ran guessed that it was Gu Siling who carried her here.There were only the three of them in the room, who else could there be besides him?

However, I am also very puzzled, there are so many rooms in the villa, why did you bring her here?
Without thinking too much, Qiao Ran lifted the quilt, and planned to go downstairs to get a glass of water, and moved to the bed, only to find that her shoes were still in Han Han's room.

I had no choice but to step on the floor with bare feet, and the coolness came from the soles of my feet, and I felt that the pores of my whole body shrank.

The footsteps are very light, and the steps are quite big. It feels like a challenge every time I put my foot down.

Qiao Ran couldn't help being depressed, the little guy's room was covered with carpets, but this guy didn't even cover his own bedroom.

But when I think about it, it seems that among the few rooms she has entered, Hanhan's bedroom seems to have a plush carpet.

Are you afraid that the little guy will fall?

Qiao Ran shook her head boredly, thinking that she could think so much after drinking a glass of water, which is amazing!
Walking to Hanhan's door in three steps at a time, he wanted to open the door to get the shoes, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

It only takes a few minutes to drink a glass of water. It's just a few steps away. I don't know what time it is. What if the little guy wakes up and won't be able to sleep?
She often just woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep.

Thinking about it, Qiao Ran let go of the doorknob and walked towards the first floor. At this moment, inexplicably, she felt that the floor was not so cold.

However, while Qiao Ran was still standing on the steps, the door next door to Han Han suddenly opened from the inside.

Qiao Ran looked over subconsciously, and saw Gu Siling standing at the door, looking at her.

With that expression, it seemed that he was not surprised to see her at this moment, but when his eyes fell on her bare feet, his eyes moved.

He closed the door behind him, walked towards Qiao Ran, and pointed at her, "Why don't you wear shoes?"

Qiao Ran pursed her lips, and said honestly, "My shoes... should be in Hanhan's room, I'm afraid that going in will wake him up!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Siling frowned slightly, walked up to Qiao Ran, leaned over, and hugged Qiao Ran when Qiao Ran cried out in surprise.

Qiao Ran lost her balance suddenly, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to wrap around Gu Siling's neck.

Gu Siling laughed out loud, and while walking towards the first floor, he teased, "Your movements are quite skillful!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

I wanted to say: After all, this kind of treatment is never lacking for the princess.

However, there is no one who does not bow his head under the eaves!Think about it, or give up!
After all, it might not be a good thing to show off your tongue for a while!
Gu Siling put Qiao Ran on the sofa in the living room, and was about to go to the porch to get Qiao Ran a pair of her own cotton slippers. After walking a few steps, something suddenly flashed through her mind, and she fell back silently.

Sitting down opposite Qiao Ran, she asked, "Woke up in the middle of the night, can't sleep?"

Qiao Ran shook her head, her feet were cool, her eyes fell on the slippers on Gu Siling's feet, she pursed her lips, she really wanted a pair of cotton slippers now.

Her pair was bought at the supermarket two days ago, and she only bought one pair.

With coveting eyes, staring at Gu Siling's shoes...

However, even though it was hot and hot, there was no response from that person, and that person seemed to have not seen it at all.

Qiao Ran bit her lip lightly, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and pointed to Gu Siling's cotton slippers, "Mr. Gu, may I ask, do you still have these slippers? Right now... can you lend me to wear them... for a while Just fine!"

Gu Siling raised one of his feet, raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is that so?"

Qiao Ran nodded dog-leggedly, and nodded again! !

The corners of Gu Siling's mouth were raised, with a uniform arc, and it didn't seem to be hooked evilly occasionally.

She looked very serious, "This way..." Qiao Ran said with anticipation, "No!!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

Why do you suddenly feel that this person is cheap?If you don't have it, you don't have it, and you have to toss people, really, it's boring, okay?
However, Hei Liang's eyes turned, and he said with a smile, "Oh! That's fine! Well...Mr. Gu, I want to drink water. I think you don't mind doing the best for the landlord!"

Gu Siling smiled, nodded, and stood up, "Happy to help!"

Qiao Ran's heart suddenly felt a little more comfortable!

Looking around, the room is silent, only the wall clock on the wall, ticking, is the sound of time passing by.

After one o'clock in the morning, Qiao Ran stared at the second hand boredly and counted several times before Gu Siling came out of the kitchen.

What was in his hand was not boiled water, but milk. He walked over and put it on the tea table in front of Qiao Ran.

He said lightly, "Drinking plain water in the middle of the night is not good. When you wake up tomorrow, your face will be swollen. Drink a cup of hot milk to help you sleep!"

Waking up in the middle of the night to drink water will make her face swollen. As a girl, she must know it. The point is, she doesn't like milk, okay?
She felt that after drinking, there was always a strange taste, which she didn't like very much.

Naturally, staring at the milk, feeling a little depressed, pushed towards Gu Siling.

"Mr. Gu, why don't you drink it!"

Although Gu Siling often had lunch with Qiao Ran, breakfast was one of the few, but he also knew that Qiao Ran didn't like drinking milk, just like a kid doesn't like boiled eggs, picky eaters!

Therefore, it wasn't too surprising that Qiao Ran silently pushed something she didn't like in front of him.

But he persisted, and he was reasonable, and he went far enough.

"Hanhan is a picky eater and doesn't eat food with a milder taste, it's because you, Mommy, haven't set a good example."

"Look at you, skinny and skinny, you don't know how to reflect on yourself. You have to be clear, you are an adult, you can't be willful!"

Qiao Ran: "..." Did she commit any crime?

The pink lips are slightly pursed, and she doesn't like other people pointing fingers and interfering with her preferences, so she is not very happy.

He rolled up his sleeves, twisted the flesh on his arm, showed it to Gu Siling, and said depressedly.

"Mr. Gu, look clearly, this is meat, not bones, okay? Also, who are you to me? You want to control me?"

 10st update~[-]nd update [-] minutes later~
(End of this chapter)

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