Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 196 Qiao Ran, are you serious?

Chapter 196 Qiao Ran, are you serious?

"Then tell me, who am I?"

Qiao Ran turned her head to look at Gu Siling, and saw Gu Siling staring at her face with a calm expression, pursing her lips and muttering.

"Well, there is a little relationship!"

If there is anything to do with it, he is Hanhan's father, the person she likes.

As Qiao Ran thought about it, she saw Gu Siling pointing at the milk on the coffee table again, her tone was firm.

"Drink the milk!"

Qiao Ran: "..." Couldn't this person be more gentle?
Qiao Ran hummed softly. Under the man's oppressive gaze, she braced herself, picked up the milk, and brought it to her mouth.

Fortunately, she just didn't like the smell, not the taste.

It was a little hot, Qiao Ran drank slowly and took small sips.While drinking, he also peeked at Gu Siling.

The man sat there, watching her drink.Qiao Ran inexplicably had the feeling that an adult was supervising a disobedient child.

After the cup finally bottomed out, Qiao Ran felt that her stomach was full.

Putting the cup back to its original place, I felt that my feet were a little cool, so I retracted my feet on the sofa and sat cross-legged.

Then he looked at Gu Siling, intending to say, I have completed the task as required, okay?Can I have a laugh.

It's cool to have such a stern face, but it's very ungrounded, okay?

Xiao Xiaosi was crooked, and saw Gu Siling's eyes were deep, raised his hand slightly, and pointed to her lips.

Qiao Ran didn't know why, so she just pursed her lips subconsciously, and the smell of milk poured in. After realizing it, she realized that the milk was stained, so she couldn't help but licked again.

Gu Siling watched silently, shifted his eyes to other places, and asked in a low voice, "Are you going upstairs?"

Qiao Ran: "..." Is this the rhythm of saying that you can hug her up?
Qiao Ran nodded!Anyway, hugging once and hugging twice have little difference in meaning.

Gu Siling saw Qiao Ran nodding, got up, and walked over. When she bent down, she saw Qiao Ran raising her hand, as if waiting to be hugged by the princess, so she couldn't help laughing.

Qiao Ran naturally heard it, and found that Gu Siling's laugh sounded like it was coming from his chest.

Chest... At the mention of this word, Qiao Ran subconsciously looked at someone somewhere.

As for the latter, while picking her up, the bathrobe was slightly opened, and her glance, from the neckline, happened to see...

Suddenly, a deep voice came from above his head, "What are you looking at?"

Qiao Ran: "..." She looked away and pursed her lips again, but it felt like her heartbeat was out of control...

Gu Siling is on the thin side, very attractive, and has abdominal muscles. She even... even touched...

However, at the time she was too squeamish, even terrified, and almost retracted her hand as soon as she touched it, so she was actually quite curious about the tactile sensation...

Her eyes couldn't help looking somewhere... But, someone had already picked her up and walked towards the second floor...

A slit at the neckline is even more reminiscent of feifei.

Qiao Ran didn't think she was a prostitute, but she felt very helpless in front of the alluring Gu Siling.

His eyes moved away, but in his mind... what he saw just now, he couldn't get rid of it.

With both arms hanging around Gu Siling's neck, almost as soon as he raised his head, he could see the protruding Adam's apple in front of his eyes, sliding up and down from time to time...

As Gu Siling was walking, he couldn't help bowing his head, and saw the woman in his arms looking straight at him...

Perhaps because of this stop, someone in his arms noticed it belatedly, and raised his eyes unconsciously.

Their eyes met... After a few seconds, the two of them tacitly agreed, and looked away at the same time.

Gu Siling's pace changed faster, and Qiao Ran noticed it, pursed her lips, looked away, remained silent, and had no thoughts in her mind.

In my heart, I was inexplicably nervous, but also, inexplicably looking forward to it.

After Gu Siling carried Qiao Ran into the bedroom, he raised his foot and kicked the door behind him, and the door closed automatically.

Gu Siling didn't look at Qiao Ran from the beginning to the end, walked to the bed, and put her on the bed gently.

As soon as her back touched the bed, Qiao Ran retracted her arms and moved her eyes to the other side of the bed with an unnatural expression.

Before Gu Siling made a move, as a girl, she still had to be more reserved!
However, the man put her down, didn't go away, and even leaned over to look at her face.

As the time passed by, she couldn't stand it anymore, so she had to meet the man's gaze with a bit of innocence and ignorance, and even a bit of provocation.

Meaning: Mr. Gu, why are you looking at me like this!

Mainly, she was so tormented by this man's gaze that she couldn't bear it, so she couldn't help but want to get some justice from that man.Come and not reciprocate! !

Qiao Ran didn't expect that the moment she met this person's eyes, this person had already bent over...

With a low voice, lingering in her ears, she heard him say: You still have milk on your lips~
Qiao Ran: "..." High-sounding!
While complaining, Qiao Ran noticed that Gu Siling's softness was just like that in Gu's house during the day, which made people feel very beautiful.

 Thank you for your tickets, baby, happy weekend~
(End of this chapter)

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