Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 201 He doesn't like to eat saliva

Chapter 201 He doesn't like to eat saliva
The three of them went to a grilled fish shop, and when they reached the door, Jiang Xin had already made a reservation and was waiting there.

The little guy has a very sweet mouth, he greets Jiang Xin whenever he sees him, and he is very good at flattering.

"Uncle Xiaojiang, you are very handsome today~"

In a word, everyone laughed.Han Jing liked Hanhan so much, she kissed and kissed the little guy on the face.

The little guy was blushing, very cute.

This grilled fish shop has only one floor, but the space is large enough, the tables are separated, and there is an aisle in the middle, which has a great dining atmosphere.

As soon as the few people moved their chopsticks, the voices of girls whispering, some noisy, and the sound of breathing came from around.This kind of scene, undoubtedly, is almost the amazing voice of a girl meeting a handsome guy.

Qiao Ran was sitting facing the door, and when she heard the whispers around her, she couldn't help but look towards the door.

There was a man standing at the door. Because his back was facing her, Qiao Ran couldn't see his face. However, judging from his back with a peaked cap and a baseball uniform, he had a good temperament, so he should be a handsome guy.

The more Qiao Ran looked at it, the more familiar it became, so she couldn't help but stare in that direction a few more times.For the last time, Qiao Ran happened to meet that person's eyes, and Qiao Ran was stunned!

Why is he here?

Qiao Ran looked at Han Jing subconsciously. Han Jing was picking fishbone for the little guy and talking to Jiang Xin with a smile on her face, oblivious to the things around her.

When Qiao Ran was in a daze, she saw the man walking towards them, and there was a hot beauty in his arms.

The little guy and Qiao Ran were sitting side by side, so he naturally saw it, walked off his seat happily, and ran over there.

The little guy hugged Shen Qingjue's leg, raised his face, and yelled, "Little Uncle Wu, are you and your pretty sister here for dinner too? What a coincidence!"

Shen Qingjue picked up Gu Han and scratched the little guy's nose, "Yes! Do you want Uncle Xiaowu, Hanhan?"

The little guy is the best at flattering, "I think so, so much."

This time, it was impossible for Han Jing not to notice. When she looked up, Shen Qingjue had already walked to their table.

With a cynical smile on her face, she did not forget to tease Qiao Ran, "Meet you again! Should I change my name to... sister-in-law?"

Qiao Ran: ", call me Qiao Ran!"

Shen Qingjue smiled but said nothing, passed Jiang Xin with his hand, and tapped Han Jing on the forehead, "You don't know how to say hello when you see the boss?"

Han Jing was about to slap Shen Qingjue's hand away, but when she realized Jiang Xin was present, she withdrew her hand angrily, and glanced at Shen Qingjue quietly.

Mouth said, "Isn't it the boss after get off work?"

Undoubtedly, the actions of the two people and the expressions of the people present are different.

Qiao Ran subconsciously looked at Jiang Xin. The latter's complexion was indeed not very good, but before he could blink, Jiang Xin had already stood up.

Jiang Xin was originally sitting on the outside, but this time he stood up and blocked Han Jing.

Reaching out to Shen Qingjue, "Mr. Shen, it's a pleasure to meet you, quietly at the bar, thanks to Mr. Shen for taking care of you."

Shen Qingjue stretched out his hand and shook it meaningfully, with a wicked smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

"Mr. Jiang is polite!"

"The manager said just now that there is no room here. I wonder if Mr. Jiang would mind fighting for a table?"

"Of course I don't mind, please sit down, Mr. Shen!"

Shen Qingjue was not polite at all, and said to the woman beside him, "Squeeze here, do you have any objection?"

Although it was a question, it didn't even mean to ask for other people's opinions. Qiao Ran remained silent.

The woman was about to sit next to Qiao Ran, but Shen Qingjue pointed to the seat next to Jiang Xin, and said calmly, "You sit there, Hanhan and I will sit here!"

Qiao Ran suddenly felt... Qingjue was here to make trouble... Looking at Han Jing again, the latter seemed not to be surprised, but Jiang Xin's expression was not very good.

Qiao Ran didn't know if Han Jing had noticed it, but looking at Jiang Xin, men are already sensitive, so how could they not notice it.

In addition, Shen Qingjue arranged the woman he brought next to Jiang Xin, the latter was already a forced manner,
Qiao Ran sighed in her heart. With Shen Qingjue's capital, why did she focus on Han Jing if she didn't have any kind of woman?
It's fine for Han Jing to be single, but she has a boyfriend, and they are all talking about marriage.

Fortunately, Shen Qingjue didn't do any other bad things.

On the way, Han Jing went to the toilet, and when she came back, she changed places with Jiang Xin.But Qiao Ran could tell that Han Jing changed positions because she didn't like a woman blocking Jiang Xin so close.

Han Jing is sometimes too simple and straightforward, so her sensitivity to things she doesn't care about is very low.

The six people were quickly divided into two groups.

Jiang Xin was picking fishbone for Han Jing while chatting with Han Jing.

Shen Qingjue looked after the little guy, looking like an uncle, and even, that expression was quite gentle.The woman on the opposite side talked to him from time to time, and he responded, but his tone was very light.
Moreover, Qiao Ran also noticed that the woman on the opposite side put the thorny fish on Shen Qingjue's dinner plate, which Shen Qingjue had never touched.

The woman probably noticed it too, her expression was unnatural, so she didn't bother herself anymore.

The meal ended in such an atmosphere, Jiang Xin got up to pay the bill, and Shen Qingjue followed.

When Qiao Ran came back from the bathroom, she happened to pass by the counter. Seeing Shen Qingjue and Jiang Xin there, she walked slowly, listening to the conversation between the two behind her.

"Although I don't have much money, how dare I ask Mr. Jiang to settle the bill. After all, there are more people on my side!"

"What did Mr. Shen say, Hanhan and Qiao Ran were called by me and Jingjing!"

"One of them is my future third sister-in-law, and the other is my nephew, so naturally they should be counted as me!"

Qiao Ran heard Jiang Xin snort, "Then next time we are destined, let me and Jing Jing treat you."

"Good talk!"

How could Qiao Ran fail to hear what the two of them said, they were deliberately misinterpreting each other's meaning.On the surface, he was talking about her and Hanhan, but in secret, he probably assigned Han Jing to his side.

Qiao Ran was afraid that the two of them would find out that she was eavesdropping, so she hurriedly left, returned to the table and sat down.

And the woman brought by Shen Qingjue was chatting with Han Jing.Probably because Shen Qingjue said that Han Jing was his employee at that time, so he wanted to find out some of Shen Qingjue's preferences from Han Jing.

Han Jing has never liked these sugar daddy women very much, so she answered very perfunctorily.

However, the woman continued to ask again with a cheeky face.

Han Jing was not in a good mood, she seemed to be extremely patient, but she still suppressed her temper and spoke politely.

"He doesn't like to eat saliva, so when you eat with him, you must not serve him food, and serving chopsticks are not allowed."

"When he eats, if he doesn't talk to you, don't talk to him."


Qiao Ran raised her eyes and saw Shen Qingjue and Jiang Xin walking towards her, so she quickly winked at Han Jing.

However, when Han Jing was impatient, how could she care so much, and she couldn't stop talking.

(End of this chapter)

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