Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 202 "Damn! Gu Siling is really fierce!"

Chapter 202 "Damn! Gu Siling is really fierce!"

"When he is unhappy, he will frown. If so, you must keep absolutely quiet! Just sit by the side!!"

After Han Jing finished speaking, Qiao Ran heard Shen Qingjue smile and say, "I don't know, there are people who know me so well, and they are indeed competent employees! Well, not bad!"

Han Jing: "..." She didn't know it until she was called to the box by Shen Qingjue a few times when she was at work, okay?
Han Jing was depressed, and saw Jiang Xin reaching out to her, "After dinner, let's go shopping first and then go to the movies, huh?"

Han Jing stood up with Jiang Xin's outstretched hand, smiled, and her voice was very ladylike.

"I'm fine. We should ask Ranran and Hanhan first!"

Qiao Ran was afraid that the atmosphere was not right, so she hurriedly answered, "Then let's go shopping first, Hanhan ate a lot just now and needs to digest."

Jiang Xin smiled, hummed, turned around and said to Shen Qingjue who was behind him, "Then Mr. Shen, we will not accompany you!"

Shen Qing stood with her hands in her pockets, "Goodbye, Mr. Jiang! Sister-in-law...slowly!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

After leaving the grilled fish shop, Qiao Ran felt that the air was finally fresh.A few people wandered along the lake in the city for a while, and the little guy was tired and wanted to go home.

Qiao Ran took the little guy back to the residence first. In fact, it was also to give Han Jing and Jiang Xin a chance to stay together. After all, it is very difficult for the two to meet each other.

Although Han Jing and Jiang Xin treated her well every time, they never made her feel redundant, but being a light bulb is not good after all!

Because she only got up in the afternoon, Qiao Ran didn't feel sleepy. After putting Han Han to sleep, she sat on the bed and played with her mobile phone.

Hearing the sound of the car starting downstairs, Qiao Ran opened the bedroom door, and it was indeed Han Jing who came back.Qiao Ran looked at the clock on the wall, it was already early morning.

Han Jing was changing shoes, when she saw Qiao Ran coming out, she asked, "Did Hanhan sleep?"

"Well, I fell asleep not long after I came back. I didn't sleep during the day. I was so sleepy at that time!"

"Then why don't you sleep?"

"Like you, night owl!"

After Han Jing changed her shoes, she pulled Qiao Ran to sit down, "You, now that you have changed your job, you need to adjust your biological clock, otherwise it won't work."

"Well, I know, are you having fun?"

Han Jing stretched her waist, and leaned lazily, "Of course I'm happy, staying with the person I like, I'm happy doing everything!"

Qiao Ran smiled, feeling quite heavy in her heart, "That's good!"

"Well~ By the way, you've been staying with Gu Siling every day these days, and you stayed at his place last night. Did you... um... shoot off?"

Qiao Ran: "..."

Seeing that Qiao Ran was hesitant to speak, Han Jing moved closer and stared at Qiao Ran's face, which made Qiao Ran blush immediately.

Seeing this, a certain girl laughed loudly, and threw Qiao Ran down, "You're embarrassed to say, then I'll see for myself!"

As Han Jing said, she was going to pick Qiao Ran's neckline, but Qiao Ran was so frightened that she hugged her tightly.

Seeing this, Han Jing went to scratch Qiao Ran's creaking nest, and took advantage of Qiao Ran's itching to grab her clothes from underneath.

His eyes were rounded, and when he got excited, he started swearing again, "Damn! Gu Siling is really fierce!"

Qiao Ran: "..." Sure enough, it was careless making friends! !Embarrassed, he put down his clothes.

A certain woman was already full of curiosity, "Ran Ran, tell me quickly, did you throw Mr. Gu, or Mr. Gu threw you, or did they throw each other?"

"How many rounds did you fight?"


Qiao Ran said that she didn't know this rotten girl! !

His face was hot, just like when he did that thing with Gu Siling last night.

Han Jing pulled down Qiao Ran's hand covering her face, and put one hand on Qiao Ran's shoulder, like a gentleman,
"Oh, little Ranran, don't be shy! Come on, come on, give me a smile!"


When Qiao Ran returned to the bedroom, she was already blushing from being teased by Han Jing.

I was really curious in my heart, if Han Jing really let go of her temper in front of Jiang Xin in the future, Jiang Xin must think that she married a fake wife.

Qiao Ran shook her head with a smile, lay down next to Han Han again, and had a good night's sleep.

On Wednesday afternoon, Qiao Ran received an anonymous courier, which was a CD.

Thinking of what He Qingge said to her two days ago, her heart became somewhat confused.On the one hand, I am curious about the content of the USB flash drive, and on the other hand, I am a little apprehensive.

It must not be a good thing, it is impossible to use the company computer to play it, and she usually does not use the computer, so she did not spend that money.

In the evening, Gu Siling sent her back to her residence. After Gu Siling drove away, she went to the Internet cafe and copied the contents to her mobile phone.

However, when Qiao Ran was playing it in the bedroom and saw the contents, she was so frightened that she almost dropped her phone.

Because of fright, his eyes were wide open, and he was almost out of breath!

It turned out that that incident was really related to He Qingge!

After her breathing subsided, she picked up the phone again. This time, Qiao Ran blushed and watched the entire video roughly.

No wonder, Fu Yunshen would choose the latter between her reputation and imprisonment. If this video is released on the Internet, not only will her reputation be ruined, but the Qiao Group will also be affected.

Although... not all the people in the video are her!
Qiao Ran saved her phone and sat by the bed for a long time.Her mind is a bit messed up...

The contents of the video just now did not solve her long-standing doubts.Apart from this incident, four years ago, she was pregnant with Hanhan, but she had no memory of it, and she couldn't figure it out.

Whether someone removed her memory, or something else... These are all questions that bother her.

This night, she could no longer sleep peacefully!

At five o'clock the next morning, Qiao Ran made a phone call before getting up to take a shower.I didn't sleep all night, and I had a terrible headache.

This is also a bad habit of hers. If she thinks about other things before going to bed, she will suffer from insomnia.If you are preoccupied with things, you will suffer from insomnia.

Qiao Ran's makeup was a bit thick, but it still couldn't hide the tiredness on her face. After sending the little guy off, she was listless.

Fortunately, Gu Siling didn't ask too many questions, which made her feel at ease.

Based on Gu Siling's IQ and her current state, she might be able to trick her out in just a few words, and she didn't want to let her slip.

After finally getting to the intersection where she usually got off the car, she was about to get off, but Gu Siling grabbed her wrist.

I had no choice but to turn around and heard Gu Siling say to her, "When you arrive at the company, you go to my office first, huh?"

Qiao Ran nodded, and replied, "Well, yes, Mr. Gu!"

Qiao Ran turned around and covered her mouth and couldn't help yawning, two crystal clear teardrops hung on her eyelashes.

Gu Siling in the car looked at it, and couldn't help but shook his head, with a deep smile on his lips.

When they reached the 26th floor, the door was just wide open. Qiao Ran poked her head out and saw Gu Siling sitting there at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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