Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 203 Little money fan!1 fight with Hanhan

Chapter 203 Little money fan!Compete with Hanhan

Gu Siling waved at Qiao Ran, "Why are you poking around, come in!"

Qiao Ran pursed her lips, walked in resentfully, and heard the man order again, "Close the door!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

After closing the door, he walked towards Gu Siling and asked, "Mr. Gu, what's the matter?"

Gu Siling stood up, put one hand in his trouser pocket, and stretched out the other hand towards her, again with an uncompromising tone,
"Give me your hand!"

Qiao Ran stretched out her hand to Gu Siling suspiciously.No, but Gu Siling directly took her hand, pushed open a door of the office, and walked in.

Qiao Ran usually noticed this door, but she didn't expect it to be a bedroom.Because it is big enough, it looks very empty.

Qiao Ran was looking around when she heard Gu Siling pointing to the bed and saying, "Go and lie down!"

Qiao Ran: "..." Early in the morning, this man wouldn't be here to treat her...

Qiao Ran pursed her lips, dodged her eyes, and quietly moved towards the door, "Gu...Mr. Gu...well, I suddenly remembered something, I'm going back to the office first...Ah!"

Unexpectedly, she was pulled into Gu Siling's arms, and Qiao Ran shrank her neck, hearing Gu Siling whispering in her ear and teasing her.

"What are you thinking? Huh?"

Qiao Ran buzzed in her mind, and moved as far as possible, "Gu...Mr. Gu, I'm not thinking wildly, I really have something to do!"

Gu Siling looked at Qiao Ran's appearance, with a strong smile on the corner of his mouth, and deliberately said ambiguously, "Let's put it aside if you have something to do, go and lie down!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

Don't move, stay where you are!Then, when Gu Siling suddenly picked her up, he used both hands and feet, thumping, and shouted towards the bedroom door, "Help, the boss is a wretched female employee!"

Gu Siling angrily put Qiao Ran on the bed and fixed it, "Are you sure it's not a female employee who seduced the boss? I remember that you were very active that day."

"Or... this is playing hard to get, and you want me to do something to you? Huh?"

Qiao Ran: "..." Sure enough, a mistake would cause eternal hatred!Covering Gu Siling's gradually pressing body with his arms, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Mr. Gu, it's nothing, can you let me go? A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands!"

But someone's breath was getting closer and closer, spraying on her face, it was hot and humid, she closed her eyes tightly, her eyelashes trembled and trembled, so she had to cover her eyes with the back of her hand.

In the nervousness, the man seemed to have not moved. After about half a minute, Qiao Ran saw that there was no movement, so he opened one eye through his fingers.

Just happened to meet this person's smiling eyes, no doubt, he was playing tricks on her!This feeling... What the hell, she wants to curse!

However, she didn't dare, her lips moved, but she didn't think of saying anything.

The man had already pulled off her hand that covered her eyelids, approached her with an ambiguous gesture, and pecked her on the lips.

"A gentleman uses his mouth but doesn't move his hands...Is that the case? Hmm? Qiao Ran... I'm asking you something..."

Qiao Ran felt that she was almost driven crazy by Gu Siling's tone of voice, careless and careless, flirting is a master of all!
Fortunately, she thought he was very decent before! !hum~
"What are you humming?"

Qiao Ran: "..." Before I knew it, I hummed out, so I couldn't do it.

"Mr. Gu, it may be that this room is too big, you are hallucinating!"

"is it?"

"Yeah!" Qiao Ran's head suddenly became like a chicken pecking rice.

Gu Siling smiled deeply, and wanted to tease Qiao Ran again, but seeing the darkness in Qiao Ran's eyes, and thinking of his purpose for letting her come up, he let her go and stood up.

Pointing to the quilt that was being pressed by Qiao Ran, "Take off the quilt, get some sleep, and I'll call you after get off work!"

Qiao Ran: "..." She pursed her lips, telling her to come up to catch up on sleep before saying so, teasing her for a while, I don't even feel sleepy anymore!

And, thinking a little narcissistically, what if someone threw her down while she was asleep?She has heard that once a man eats meat, he will know the taste!

Thinking about it, Qiao Ran quickly shook her head, "Mr. Gu, I can't sleep right now, I'd better go to work first!"

"Aren't you sleepy? Why can't you fall asleep?"

"...Uh~" Qiao Ran sat up, tilting her head and talking nonsense, "Because your room is so big and empty, it makes people feel very insecure! Besides, you don't have any popularity, it's so cold, I'm afraid!"

With his hands in his pockets, Gu Siling looked down at Qiao Ran suspiciously, as if he was thinking about the truth of her words.

After a while, he walked to the other side of the bed, lifted the quilt, half-lyed and half leaned, and patted the open space around him.

"Come here and lie down, I'll go out when you're fast asleep!!"

Qiao Ran: "..." Do you want to be so serious!
"If you don't come again, I will deduct your salary. If you are late, you will be deducted for a month. For 1 minutes..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Ran quickly lay down obediently.Right now, natural wages are the most important compared to losing one's body and deducting wages.

Anyway, she doesn't suffer from this person or that, but a penny kills a hero, and the salary must not be deducted.

Gu Siling saw that Qiao Ran turned into a miser when she heard about wage deductions, couldn't help laughing, pinched Qiao Ran's nose, and when she spoke, there was a hint of pampering in her voice.

"Little money fan! Fight with Hanhan!"

Qiao Ran listened and stared at Gu Siling for a few seconds, her face was normal.But in her heart, only she knew, just now she heard Gu Siling's tone and how her heart was beating.

Gu Siling had never spoken to her in this tone before, it was like that between young lovers, it was very sweet.

Qiao Ran turned sideways silently, with her back to Gu Siling, "Mr. Gu, I really fell asleep!"

Gu Siling hummed, the voice seemed to come from the chest cavity, low and sexy.She moved down and patted Qiao Ran on the shoulder.

"Face me!"

Qiao Ran was rare, although she didn't open her eyes, she turned around obediently.Feeling that Gu Siling raised her head slightly and stretched out her arms, she was lying on the pillow, not daring to open her eyes.

But that man seemed to have seen through her mind, and gently kissed her eyes with trembling eyelashes.

The breath emanating from Gu Siling's body seemed to be able to hypnotize Qiao Ran, and Qiao Ran soon fell asleep, and she was still in a deep sleep.

When he woke up, Gu Siling was no longer by his side, but the place next to him was still warm, so he probably hadn't been away for long.

Qiao Ran lifted the quilt, got up, and felt a chill, as if the temperature had dropped, and opened the curtains, only to find that it was raining at some point.

Qiao Ran touched her arm. When she went out, she found that Gu Siling was not in the office either. She found a disposable paper cup and drank some water. Seeing that Gu Siling hadn't come back, she went back to the office downstairs.

As soon as she sat down, Zhao Siyu came over and looked at her curiously.

"Ran Ran, why are you coming to work now?"

Qiao Ran pursed her lips, "I have something to do, so I asked for leave from the higher-ups."

As soon as Qiao Ran finished speaking, she heard Song Qian's voice at the door, "Qiao Ran, come to my office!"

 10st watch, [-]nd watch [-] minutes later...

(End of this chapter)

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