Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 204 5 years ago, how did you have Hanhan?

Chapter 204 Five years ago, how did you have Hanhan?
Seeing Qiao Ran come in, Song Qian threw a document on the table, then leaned back on the seat, crossed her fingers, and stared at Qiao Ran.

The document slid a certain distance on the table, but did not fall to the ground.

Qiao Ran is a smart person, how could she not see Song Qian's temper.Didn't he use He Qingge's name last time to keep her away from Gu Siling?

Selling dog meat under the guise of sheep!
Qiao Ran didn't want to cause trouble, so she pretended to be confused and walked to the table, trying to pick up the documents.

I don't want to, as soon as her hand touched it, the document was held down. Qiao Ran raised her eyes, and there was already a coldness in her eyes.

Song Qian spoke first, "Qiao Ran, you're not in the office this morning, but you came out of the CEO's office this afternoon. Don't you think you should explain it to me, my boss?"

Qiao Ran looked at Song Qian calmly, and suddenly smiled.

"Secretary Song, if I can come out of Mr. Gu's office, I have to get Mr. Gu's consent before I can go in. As for why I stayed so long, it involves Mr. Gu's personal affairs. I'm afraid you have to ask Mr. Gu yourself."

"Qiao Ran's position is low, and she stays in the company to make a living. She doesn't want to be fired for leaking Mr. Gu's private affairs."

"Gu's is a big company. If you are fired, it may be difficult to find a job again. So I ask Secretary Song for your understanding. If there is nothing else, Qiao Ran will go to work."

Qiao Ran said, ignoring Song Qian's increasingly indifferent expression, took the documents from the table, bowed politely to Song Qian, and went out.

When Qiao Ran returned to the office, she was not in a good mood. Although she didn't suffer from Song Qian just now, she felt very uncomfortable.

There were several female secretaries, and maybe others, like Song Qian, coveted him.For such a shrewd person as Gu Siling, she didn't think he would be unaware.

Qiao Ran pursed her lips tightly, secretly thinking that after her relationship with Gu Siling got closer, she really couldn't help but make more progress!
A few days ago, she was indifferent, but now, she had to admit that the acid bubble in her heart was constantly expanding.

Just as Qiao Ran was thinking about it, she saw the screen of her mobile phone lit up, and she reached out to open it. It was a WeChat message with a few words.

"The matter has been settled, she should receive the news soon!!"

Qiao Ran stared at the screen for a while, then turned back with a calm expression.

"Ok, thanks!"


Qiao Ran looked at the reply without even punctuation marks, smiled and shook her head, put the phone away, opened the file, and read it intently.

After a few minutes, unexpectedly, another message came from the number just now.

"Shouldn't it be said that at least I have to treat myself!"

Qiao Ran glanced at it and thought she had read it wrong. When the phone was brought close to her, she couldn't help blinking. What's going on?
A person who hadn't exploited her for a long time suddenly began to exploit her again?
But he quickly went back, "Okay, you decide the time and place, but it's best at noon or Sunday."


After get off work in the afternoon, Qiao Ran walked to the intersection and met Gu Siling as usual.

However, today, Qiao Ran was very sensitive to the fact that the atmosphere in the car was not right.Almost as soon as he got in the car, Gu Siling didn't take the initiative to talk to her.

It seemed that the one who hugged her to sleep and kissed her eyes in the morning was not alone.

Qiao Ran fastened her seat belt and didn't speak. The car was so silent that you could hear a needle drop on the ground.

At an intersection, the car stopped at the red light, and the people beside them didn't even turn their heads, and their eyes fell on the front.

He asked her in a deep voice, "The heroine of the drama "The Robbery of Beauty" was replaced by you, right? Who is that person?"

In City S, who would recklessly grab the resources he acquired with his face?Moreover, he also won! !

Hearing this, Qiao Ran finally realized the root of Gu Siling's abnormality, and felt uncomfortable, that's for sure.

She looked away, for a moment, whispered, and smiled mockingly.So much so that when Gu Siling looked at her, his eyes were deep and secretive, and his eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Mr. Gu, are you joking? I don't have that ability!!"

"You don't have it, it doesn't mean others don't!"

"Mr. Gu's words are really funny. Even if other people have that ability, why would he help me?"

"I want to know too! So, you'd better tell me the truth, who is that person?"

He Qingge told him on the phone what Qiao Ran said when he was in Gu's house two days ago.There is no doubt about some things in Lenovo's past.

Hearing Gu Siling's uncompromising tone, Qiao Ran's heart felt astringent.Does he still want to help He Qingge after all?
Qiao Ran couldn't help biting her lower lip, her eyes were sore, she still didn't look at Gu Siling, and said coldly.

"Since Mr. Gu thinks I did it, it's useless to explain more. Anyway, it's in your car, if you don't like me, just find a place and throw me down!"

Gu Siling knew that Qiao Ran was angry, and even said angry words, full of childishness.Withdrawing his gaze and starting the car, the cold and hard lines on his face softened a little, and he looked forward.

"If it's not you, it's not you! As I said, I don't ask you to shake hands with Qing Ge to make peace, but I hope you can let go of the grievances with her."

"She used to be bullied in the orphanage, so she has some psychological problems... She was an orphan since she was a child, and she was adopted by the orphanage at the age of seven. Not to mention that she was often bullied after being adopted. Before the age of seven, she was a child and wandered around. , I don’t know how much unfair treatment I have received!”

"Later she brought down Joe's and put you in prison for five years, which is also understandable. After all, her tragedy was caused by your father!!"

Qiao Ran listened, pursed her lips, and said resolutely, "Impossible. Although my father has done something wrong to my mother, he is a very decent person! I believe him!"

"Everyone has a short-term mentality! It's normal, but some things can't be controlled by people, even if they are not intentional, but they can't avoid harm!"

"What's more... If your father really didn't do anything illegal, he wouldn't be caught by Qing Ge!!"

When Gu Siling had almost finished speaking, Qiao Ran's gaze shifted over, staring at Gu Siling with sharp eyes.

"Mr. Gu, do you know something?"

Gu Siling looked away and focused on the traffic ahead, "Qing Ge doesn't tell me much. After all, it's a sad thing. Bringing it up one more time will undoubtedly tear open the healed wound again. I won't do that."

There was another silence between the two, and after a while, Qiao Ran spoke slowly.

"I asked my friend to intervene. I have already prepared for this matter. I originally planned to delay it by two days, but yesterday, I received a courier from He Qingge!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Siling paused for a moment while holding the steering wheel, "What video is it?"

It was impossible for Qiao Ran to say what kind of video, so she just said, "Mr. Gu, I'm confessing, so what will you do? Continue to help He Qingge get the female number one in "Beauty Robbery", right?"

Seeing Qiao Ran's cold, even aggressive tone, Gu Siling pursed her lips for a moment before speaking.

"Since it was you who spared no effort to snatch it away, it's natural to let it go."

Qiao Ran: "..." Biting her lip, she paused for a few seconds, then opened her mouth in confusion and curiosity.

"Mr. Gu, don't you wonder how we got Hanhan five years ago?"

 The second update is over~Thank you for your votes~
(End of this chapter)

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