Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 205 Playing hooligans aboveboard

Chapter 205 Playing hooligans aboveboard

Gu Siling said heavily, "How can men and women have children? Isn't it like that night?

When Qiao Ran heard this, her lips tightened.She is talking nicely with this person, but he is playing hooligans in an open and aboveboard way. Do you want to do this?
I was so bored that I didn't want to talk at all.She was also careless. When she saw He Qingge in Gu's house that day, she should have followed her words.

Now, she is very confused, but she also doesn't want to see He Qingge!But this matter, apart from He Qingge, she couldn't think of anyone else!
What's more, Hanhan happened to be by Gu Siling's side since childhood.This is even more surprising!Could it be that Gu Siling never suspected it before?
In other words, it was also investigated, but it ended without a problem?

Qiao Ran felt that, no matter what, she should ask Gu Siling about this matter, even if it was a little clue, it might become an important clue.

Thinking about it, he turned his head and looked at Gu Siling again, "Mr. Gu, I want to ask you a question, can you answer me seriously? This is very important to me!"

Gu Siling put his hands on the steering wheel, leaned back slightly, and glanced at Qiao Ran. This time, he restrained his carelessness just now.

"Well, tell me?"

"Excuse me, when Hanhan was born, how did he get to the Gu family?" Qiao Ran said bluntly.

Gu Siling looked at Qiao Ran again, with doubts in his eyes, and asked, "You don't know?"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't ask you! To be honest, I have no impression of being pregnant at all. And Hanhan, if you hadn't been drunk once and sent me to the hospital, and you happened to meet him, maybe I would have been pregnant by now. I didn't know I had a child yet."

Hearing this, Gu Siling frowned deeply, and said after a while, "At that time, someone came to Gu's house with a child in his arms to meet my grandfather, and said that the child in his arms was mine. Later, a paternity test was done. 99.99% match rate."

"Where did the person who sent the child go? Can you still find it now?"

"I looked for it at the time, but someone paid a high price for this child and sent it to Gu Zhai through the hands of several people. At that time, my grandpa and I just thought it was the child's mother and didn't want us to know about her."

After hearing this, Qiao Ran clenched her hands so tightly that her nails almost sank into the flesh of her palms, her mood could no longer be described as complicated.

After a while, he slowly opened his mouth, "Mr. Gu, do you think this matter has something to do with He Qingge?"

Astonishment and astonishment flashed across Gu Siling's eyes, and his thin lips formed a line, "This possibility cannot be ruled out, but there must be evidence for everything!"

When Gu Siling said this, his tone was very flat and calm, but Qiao Ran's heart was in a mess at the moment, and hearing it, he felt that it was not the case.

It is clear that he intends to protect He Qingge!
I was very upset, so I didn't want to say any more, but my face was obviously not good, very cold, which was comparable to Gu Siling's cold face sometimes.

Gu Siling couldn't help frowning when she saw that Qiao Ran was silent and stared straight ahead in a daze, as if strangers were not allowed to enter.

"You may wish to speak out what's on your mind. No matter how you look at it, my ability to solve problems will be much more efficient than yours."

Although Gu Siling's words were not so pleasant, there is no doubt that what he said was the truth.

Qiao Ran thought for a while, and she obviously calmed down a lot when she spoke. She narrowed her beautiful eyes, which was her usual action when she was unhappy, but with a rare charm.

"Mr. Gu, I think you are deliberately biased towards He Qingge. So even if I confess all my thoughts to you, I don't think it will do me any good?"

"Is that how you think of me?"

Qiao Ran nodded confidently, "That's right, although everything is based on evidence, sometimes a woman's intuition is very accurate!"

Gu Siling laughed softly, and looked at Qiao Ran, "Since you think so, let's make a bet. If it's really Qing Ge, I'll promise you one thing, if not, you promise me one thing! How about it?" ?”

"Okay!" Qiao Ran agreed almost immediately, with an attitude that she must win.

Qiao Ran's behavior was very cute. Normally, Gu Siling might have curled the corners of her mouth, but at this moment, she was in a secretive mood and her face was very serious.

Along the way, the two of them didn't talk about this topic again, but undoubtedly, it was already in their hearts, and even put it in the priority position.

After returning home at night, Qiao Ran found out the wechat number in the afternoon and sent a message there.

"I have something to ask you, do you have time at noon tomorrow? Can we have an interview?"

The other end replied almost in seconds, "Okay, let's go to the coffee shop opposite Gu's! I just happen to have something to pass by there tomorrow!"

Qiao Ran stared at the news for a few seconds, her eyes filled with embarrassment.Where did he happen to be passing by?It was clear that he was thinking about her everywhere.

Qiao Ran picked up the phone, typed a string of characters and deleted them several times, but finally only sent one word: OK!

In the morning, Qiao Ran wanted to tell Gu Siling that she was going out after cooking, but by coincidence, Gu Siling told her in advance that she didn't need to cook at noon.

Qiao Ran naturally couldn't ask for it, she was afraid of making others wait for a long time, since she was the one who wanted to ask others

However, unexpectedly, that person arrived one step earlier than Qiao Ran.Seeing Qiao Ran walking towards him, she got up and opened the seat for Qiao Ran, acting like a gentleman!

In fact, this person, even though he looked like a dandy five years ago, was always as caring to her as ever.Naturally, the actions of the two are also in harmony.

After Qiao Ran sat down, she put the bag on the seat next to her, smiled at the corner of her mouth, and looked at the man opposite, "Ayan, I'm sorry to keep you waiting again!"

The corners of Xiao Yan's mouth slightly raised, clear and charming, "Why are you being polite to me? But, I'm afraid your title of Miss Late is attached to you, and you won't be able to tear it off!"

When Qiao Ran heard this, she pursed her lips, "It's obvious that you arrive earlier than the agreed time every time, okay? Mr. Early!"

The titles of Miss Late and Mr. Early were their nicknames in the past, but they hadn't called them for many years. For a while, both of them were in a daze.

And Qiao Ran's casual expression brought back the vague past.Xiao Yan watched, his heart moved slightly, and he stretched out his hand to hold Qiao Ran's hand on the table, as if mustering up a lot of courage.

The words were secretive, "No matter when, I will always wait for you!"

Qiao Ran's expression was unnatural upon hearing this.

Xiao Yan knew it in his heart, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was a bit bitter, half-joking, "You are the boss, I won't wait for you, who will take the lead for us, don't you think so?"

Qiao Ran went down the obvious steps.Withdrawing his hand, he pretended to stroke the hair next to his ear.

"Well, that's right! But right now, I'm the boss who is the worst mess!"

 The first update is finished ~ the second update is 10 minutes later!
(End of this chapter)

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