Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 206 Ran Ran, I Didn't Protect You Well

Chapter 206 Ran Ran, I Didn't Protect You Well

"Huh? Just live happily, don't you?"

Are you happy?

That's right, she now has a serious job, has Hanhan, and faces Gu Siling day and night, with such a life, apart from other factors, she should indeed be content!
Qiao Ran nodded her head, "Speaking of which, Ayan, you are not young, and it's time to start a family!"

Xiao Yan smiled lightly, but did not answer Qiao Ran, and gestured to the waiter, then looked at Qiao Ran, "What do you want to drink?"

"Mocha, you forgot, I only drink this coffee!"

There was still a smile on the corner of Xiao Yan's mouth, and his voice was meaningful, "Do you think it's possible? There are many types of coffee here, why don't you change the taste, maybe you will like it?"

Qiao Ran pursed her lips, "Well, although I like chocolate very much, but hearing what you say, it's okay to try other things!"

As Qiao Ran spoke, she said to the waiter beside her, "Give me a cappuccino!"

"Yes! Sir, what would you like to drink?"


"Okay, please wait a moment, both of you!" The waiter withdrew after finishing speaking.

Xiao Yan looked back at Qiao Ran, who looked at him calmly and smiled lightly, "I heard that cappuccino is very popular among girls!"

Xiao Yan hummed, his expression looked calm, but it was not. After watching Qiao Ran for a few seconds, he spoke slowly.

"Although I suggest you change the flavor, you don't have to force yourself. I remember you don't like milk?"

Qiao Ran nodded seriously, and when she spoke, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, which was pretty, "I heard that drinking milk can be addictive, so I just want to be a guinea pig for an experiment!

Undoubtedly, both of them laughed at Qiao Ran's words!
"What do you want from me today?"

Qiao Ran touched her neck with her white hand, and said bluntly, "Ayan, I want you to help me find out about my pregnancy five years ago! I suspect that this matter is also related to He Qingge! I don't know how long it will take to find out my own ability!"

Xiao Yan nodded, "Do you have any clues?"

"At that time, the child came to Gu's family after several attempts. From this point of view, it was indeed premeditated. But I just want to know why I don't have the memory of being pregnant!"

"Okay, I'll get someone to investigate as soon as possible!...Ran Ran, I'm sorry, but I wasn't by your side when you had an accident!"

Hearing this, Qiao Ran lowered her head, feeling sore in her heart, "Ayan, I should be the one to say sorry to you!"

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been sent abroad by Uncle Xiao, and you wouldn't have to take over the family business now!"

Xiao Yan raised his hand and touched Qiao Ran's cheek, "What did you say? I was born in this kind of family, and I have to bear the family responsibilities. I have to bear everything on my shoulders. Do I want to live?"

Qiao Ran smiled and said no more.What she owes this person has long been beyond words!
At this time, the waiter just brought the coffee, put it on the table, and said politely, "Please take your time, both of you!"

Xiao Yan nodded to the waiter, "Go down first!"

"Okay, sir!"

Qiao Ran gently stirred the coffee with a spoon, looked up at Xiao Yan, "A Yan, I think you are different from before! You are much more mature and stable!"

The latter smiled slightly, "You can't change the environment, so you have to change yourself! People can't live forever at the age of 20, don't you think?"

Qiao Ran nodded and joked, "It turns out that Mr. Xiao Yan still has the potential to talk about chicken soup for the soul. It seems that I have always been blind!"

Both of them couldn't help laughing!The atmosphere of this conversation is no stranger to each other!

When chatting, time always passed quickly. Qiao Ran returned to the company, and Xiao Yan got up to see Qiao Ran off.

But unexpectedly, before reaching the door of the coffee shop, he ran into two people who came down from the second floor.

Qiao Ran froze for a moment, her expression quickly returned to normal, but she was cold, and she didn't intend to say hello, so she spoke to Xiao Yan beside her.

"Ayan, let's go!"

Xiao Yan glanced at the two people not far from them, nodded politely at them, and followed Qiao Ran's pace.

Qiao Ran just started to take a few steps, when she heard a cold voice behind her calling her name directly.She couldn't help but frown, and stopped, but didn't turn around.

Gu Siling stepped forward a few steps and walked up to Qiao Ran, with a serious expression on his face, but when he saw Qiao Ran lowering her head and refusing to look at him, she somewhat guessed what Qiao Ran was thinking.

Glancing at Xiao Yan, while holding Qiao Ran's arm, she couldn't help but relax a lot, and when she spoke, her voice seemed to be tinged with warmth.

"Why didn't you say hello when you saw me?"

Qiao Ran bit her lip, and after a few seconds, she slowly said, "I'm afraid I'll disturb your good business!"

Gu Siling: "..." Raising his hand slightly, he pointed at Xiao Yan, "Your friend? Why don't you introduce me?"

Seeing that Qiao Ran didn't speak, Xiao Yan stretched out his hand gracefully, smiling gracefully, "Mr. Gu, I've known you for a long time, I'm Ran Ran's younger brother, Xiao Yan!"

Hearing this, Gu Siling narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hand, "Xiao Yan? Is it the Xiao family from City Z?"

Gu Siling remembered that none of the rich and powerful in S city had the surname Xiao!On the other hand, the Xiao family in z city has a lot of money. Although it is not as good as the Gu family, it should not be underestimated.

Just because of some entanglements, the two clans never had any cooperation.Grandpa expressly prohibited it, so he didn't say much, so he didn't ask too much, since he only heard his name and didn't know much about it.

Two years ago, I heard that the new director of Xiao's took office and made a lot of achievements, but because he refused any media interviews, no one except internal high-level personnel and long-term cooperation customers had seen his true face.

I don't want to, I met today, and, Faxiao?Ah……

The smile on Gu Siling's face didn't reach his eyes, and he even showed a little indifference, "The outside world once said that Xiao's business has never set foot in City S, and it seems to be a rumor. It is really wonderful to see Mr. Xiao in City S today." ... Nice to meet you!"

With a polite and distant smile on the corner of Xiao Yan's mouth, he reached out and pulled Qiao Ran to his side.

"It's not a rumor! My father really doesn't allow it. It's just that I came to S city not to expand my business, but for Ranran. I'm sure where she is!"

Gu Siling's eyes flashed coldly, "Mr. Xiao grew up in City S?"

Xiao Yan naturally knew why Gu Siling asked him like this, but obviously, he couldn't tell the truth, "Almost!"

Hearing this, Qiao Ran couldn't help being puzzled, but it wasn't obvious, her lips were drawn into a line, and she looked at Xiao Yan.

She and him have known each other since they were young, but he came to City Z two or three years after her family moved to City S. He left the country five years ago, and he took over the family business three years ago. City S, but the focus of work is still in City Z.

If you say you grew up in S City, yes or no, at least, your household registration is not here!

However, the latter received her gaze and just smiled warmly at her!
 After the second update, the title of this chapter is wrong and cannot be changed, please forgive me!Tomorrow will follow the original chapter order~
(End of this chapter)

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