Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 207 I Am Not Important To You?

Chapter 207 I Am Not Important To You?
Qiao Ran didn't think about it any more, and just said, "Ayan, let's go, I'm going to work soon!"

Xiao Yan shrugged his shoulders towards Gu Siling, "Then Mr. Gu, let's go first!"

The latter looked at Qiao Ran with a frown, said to Qiao Ran solemnly, "Wait a minute", then turned around and raised his hand to He Qingge, saying, "Qing Ge, you go back first!"

He Qingge heard that this time, it was difficult to know whether to advance or retreat, "Alright then, Sling, I'll go first!"

Gu Siling hummed, "Be careful on the road!"

"Okay!" He Qingge replied with a gentle expression, and when he passed by Qiao Ran, he glanced casually at Xiao Yan, who had a calm expression.

But obviously, He Qingge was in a happy mood!

As soon as He Qingge left, there were only three people left. Gu Siling hugged Qiao Ran domineeringly and looked at Xiao Yan.

"Mr. Xiao, Ran Ran and I have to go to work, so we won't see each other off. If there is a chance in the future, Mr. Gu will definitely entertain Mr. Xiao himself!"

Gu Siling's hands were strong, and the more he struggled, the tighter he was clasped. Qiao Ran felt the pain and raised her head irritably, "Mr. Gu, can you please let go of your hands?"

The man ignored her, and with an upright look, he leaned very close to her, "Why should I let go?"

Looking at Gu Siling's actions, Xiao Yan undoubtedly had a deep cold in his eyes. When he heard Gu Siling's words, his eyes were covered, which was even more dangerous.

"Mr. Gu, please respect yourself. After all, you are opposite Gu's. If your employees see you, I'm afraid it will affect you badly!"

Gu Siling smiled slightly, "Since you and Ran Ran are young, didn't she tell you what relationship I have with her?"

Xiao Yan heard that, after the silence, his complexion softened, and he asked, "Isn't it the relationship between the boss and the subordinate?"

Gu Siling squinted evilly, staring at Qiao Ran who was still struggling, "Is that what you told him?"

Qiao Ran stopped struggling and raised her head, "What else?"

Watching the interaction between the two, Xiao Yan smiled suddenly, and in Gu Siling's spare time, Qiao Ran pulled him to his side and spoke politely.

"Forgive me, Mr. Gu. Generally speaking, Ran Ran won't mention the unimportant people to me. Don't be offended if you have such a temper!"

After hearing this, Gu Siling's face instantly turned black into the bottom of a pot, staring at Qiao Ran for several seconds at a temperature of minus 120 degrees, obviously angry, and walked away!
Qiao Ran: "..."

Seeing Gu Siling leaving in anger, Qiao Ran was speechless, but seeing Xiao Yan helplessly shrugging at her, she naturally held back what she wanted to say.

She did not tell Xiao Yan about her relationship with Gu Siling, she only told him that she had a very cute child.But she didn't say it because she knew Xiao Yan's feelings for her.

After so many years of companionship, it was impossible for her to let go of her quickly.Even if he thought about it before, he dismissed it later.

She has no love for him. She once confessed to him that he was calm and calm, and she couldn't do it either.What's more, there is still a friendship between them that is comparable to family love!

Xiao Yan said innocently, "Am I causing you trouble?"

Qiao Ran glanced at Gu Siling's back, then looked away, "That's not the case, it's just that his temper is a little volatile!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yan laughed lowly, "That's it~ Why don't you go to my company, my temper is better than waiting!"

Qiao Ran was not in a good mood, so with his temper, he was okay with her, and the others... Let's forget it!

"It's not that you don't know why I stay here. I won't leave until those things are resolved!"

As Qiao Ran spoke, she lifted her feet and walked out, and was put on her shoulders by Brother Xiao Yan behind her.

"So, after those things are dealt with, you still have the possibility to leave here, right?"

"Well, maybe!" It is indeed possible, after all, her memories here are not very good, and she may prefer City Z in comparison.

There was an innocent childhood, a harmonious and happy family, and it was there before that she met Gu Siling.

There, she still wants to go back!
Xiao Yan saw that Qiao Ran didn't know what he was thinking, so he didn't say any more. After walking a few steps, he took back the hand on Qiao Ran's shoulder and sent Qiao Ran to the door of the company.

Before leaving, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and looked at Qiao Ran who was still standing there, and spoke in Qiao Ran's puzzled eyes.

"Ran Ran, I think you should ask Fu Yunshen about what happened five years ago. Although I don't want you to see him, maybe he can provide important clues!"

"Well... I thought so too!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yan stretched out his fist, and Qiao Ran also stretched out his own, and touched Xiao Yan. Because of the coincident idea, the two laughed happily!
Qiao Ran didn't know that some people just wanted to breathe fire when watching their actions!

Qiao Ran watched Xiao Yan get into the car, the car drove away, took out the hand in the bag to check the time, and then walked towards the elevator.

But he didn't want to, just walked a few steps, his arm was pulled vigorously by someone, Qiao Ran was in pain, and was terrified, thinking that he had encountered a kidnapping incident, and was about to throw his bag at the person, when the other hand was also tightly Saved up.

His body bumped into a wall of flesh, and an angry voice came from above his head, "It's me!"

Qiao Ran looked up in surprise, it turned out to be Gu Siling.While he was relieved, he was also extremely angry. What is this person going to do?Want to scare her to death?
But someone, not only did not comfort her emotions, but touched her waist and walked towards another elevator entrance.

It's his special elevator!
The door opened, and the man pushed her in. Before the elevator door closed, he pressed her against the wall, and gnawed at her lips without saying a word.

Qiao Ran was in pain, but she couldn't break free, so she could only bear it.

But the man was still not satisfied, he pinched her waist hard, Qiao Ran let out a soft breath, and was taken advantage of.

He always seemed to like this, kissing and kissing, pinching her waist, waiting for her to open her mouth... Either gentle or rough, making her lose herself.

Qiao Ran's face was flushed due to lack of oxygen, and the person who was kissed was so weak that she couldn't stand up, so she could only lean against the wall and gather his sleeves tightly.

It wasn't until she became dizzy and almost slipped that Gu Siling let go of her lips, hugged her waist with one hand, and lifted her chin with the other, forcing her to look at him.

With a deep voice, the sullenness still persisted, "I am not important to you?"

Qiao Ran was still panting, her chest was heaving, facing Gu Siling's words, she didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Is he not important to her?
No, it's important, it's important! !

Seeing that Qiao Ran didn't respond, Gu Siling's complexion became even worse, and he narrowed his eyes slightly, "It's hard for you to answer this question?"

Qiao Ran shook her head, but didn't answer directly, "I just don't think it's appropriate to tell Ayan...I..."

 I recommend a young lady's book, Lin Xiyan's "The Stunning Princess: The Domineering Prince Specially Pets His Wife", if you like old sayings, you can go and read it~~
  The last updated chapter was 211, so don’t worry about it, as long as the content is correct!

  The second update is still 10 minutes later~~

(End of this chapter)

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