Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 211 I Didn't Protect You

Chapter 211 I Didn't Protect You
"Qiao Ran, come here!"

"...What?" Gu Siling's sudden words made Qiao Ran very inexplicable.

And because he was trying to make fun of it just now, he was worried that he would offend Gu Siling, so he hesitated a little. Although he was already very close to Gu Siling, he didn't take another step.

Staring at Gu Siling, hesitating and feeling uneasy, if she doesn't go over, will Gu Siling pull her over?
In fact, when she just took a small step, Gu Siling hooked her waist, and her body was pressed against his, making Qiao Ran very nervous.

I heard this person say in my ear, "There is one thing, I think I have to reiterate!"

"What... what?" Qiao Ran stammered.

Gu Siling put one hand around Qiao Ran's waist, and lifted Qiao Ran's chin with the other.

Qiao Ran thought to herself: Speak as you speak!Why do you have to move at all?Let her always have the illusion of being molested.

Gu Siling said in a low voice, "Shouldn't you change the title? Huh?"

"..." Although Qiao Ran really wanted to call Si Ling, but for some reason, she couldn't call her in a serious way.

"It's better not to, Mr. Gu! If one day I make a mistake in the company, I will be treated as a monster!"

"We don't often meet in the company, how could anyone hear it?"

"What if?"

"Where are there so many contingencies? Call Si Ling twice to listen to me!!"

"No..." Before the word "yes" could be said, Qiao Ran's lips were pecked.

A certain person said heavily, "In the future, no calling and wrong calling, punishment and so on! Every time the power function is superimposed, we will settle together at night!!"

Qiao Ran: "..." What the hell! !

Fu Yunshen was very surprised that Qiao Ran proposed to meet him!Although he knew that she would not look for him for no reason, he agreed without hesitation.

It's scheduled for Friday night at the Predestined bar!

After knowing something about five years ago, and meeting again, Qiao Ran was obviously not as hostile to Fu Yunshen as before.

But maybe because of the grievances hidden in his heart for a long time, Qiao Ran couldn't act as indifferently as if nothing had happened before.

It was like shards of glass pierced into the flesh, bleeding and leaving scars, even though the wound was healed, looking at the cut still felt very painful!

The two of them didn't book a private room, and sat in the corner of the hall on the first floor, listening to endless rock music and screams, but it didn't seem to affect the quietness of this place.

Qiao Ran and Gu Siling sat opposite each other, speechless for a long time, they didn't know how to speak, and they didn't know how to start!
It had been a long time since they sat together face to face, this feeling seemed like a world away!

In the end, it was Qiao Ran who broke the atmosphere. After all, she came here tonight because she wanted to ask him something!
Qiao Ran picked up the wine glass, and only took a sip. She used to think that the wine tasted good, and the feeling of being drunk was also good.

But ever since she worked at the bar and had a stomach ache from drinking countless times, she didn't think that way anymore.

The wine is bitter, just like the first half of her life!
Qiao Ran put down her wine glass, her voice was always alienated, "Mr. Fu, I asked you out today because I wanted to ask you about... what happened five years ago!"

"If you know something, I hope you can tell me the truth!"

Fu Yunshen was not surprised by Qiao Ran's words. Ever since Qiao Ran called him to ask her out, he knew that what she wanted to ask must have happened five years ago!

Apart from those things, he couldn't think of any other reason for her to ask her out.

He was very calm. Sitting there, he was still unparalleled in style, but he was thinner and more angular, but it also made people see at a glance the wisdom and experience accumulated in this person over the years.

"Ran Ran, you can ask whatever you want! I know everything!"

Qiao Ran nodded, but said nothing.

"Before I went to prison, I remember that I felt like throwing up when I smelled the greasy smell for a while, so you let the kitchen pick tricks and cook light meals. Did you know that I doubted it then?"

Fu Yunshen was silent for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth.

"Well, do you remember that I took you to the hospital once? I told you at the time that it was because of your irregular diet that caused your stomach to be bad!"

"Actually, the doctor said that you are pregnant and your body is weak, you cannot have an abortion, otherwise you may be infertile for life!"

"Although I was very sad and contradictory at the time, I still decided to keep the child. When he is born, I will treat him as my own child and raise him up!"

"Because of what happened to your father, you also had an accident in the bar. I saw that you were in a trance and in a very bad state, so I didn't tell you!"

"But I don't want to. I never had a chance to talk about it. Qingge brought a lot of video materials of you hanging out in the bar that day, as well as a video of you beating someone, and even...a photo of you and a man..."

"Although those videos can't constitute evidence to send you to jail in today's society, once they are posted on the Internet, your reputation will be ruined. If you go outside, you will be pointed at..."

"That's why I chose to put you in prison. Qing Ge said at least five years. I thought at the time, five years is five years. It's much better than being judged and judged for a lifetime!"

"But I didn't expect that after you were imprisoned, Qing Ge threatened me with those evidences, telling me not to go to see you, not to take a look at you!"

"I don't dare to bribe the people inside to take care of you, for fear that Qing Ge will find out. You also know her temperament, blinded by hatred, and do things regardless of the consequences!"

"That's why I didn't dare to act rashly... After all, it's a society ruled by law. Apart from having no freedom, you shouldn't be bullied either!"

When Fu Yunshen spoke, he looked at Qiao Ran from the beginning to the end, and he saw every expression on her face.

"But actually, you didn't have a good time in there, did you? I heard from your colleague that you can't hold heavy things with your hands?"

Qiao Ran's gaze fell on the wine glass. While listening to Fu Yunshen's words, she watched the bubbles on the glass wall rise and disappear.

She hummed lightly, as if she was talking about something innocuous.

"I once had a broken meridian, and now I can't hold a paintbrush or play the piano! But it doesn't matter anymore."

"But fortunately, there are no scars on my body now. Later Xiao Yan took me to South Korea, and after plastic surgery, I couldn't see it at all."

Hearing this, Fu Yunshen's eyes were full of pain. He opened his mouth only to realize that he could not make a sound at all.

With scarlet eyes, she listened to the girl in front of her who had been held in her hand calmly talk about the trauma she had experienced.Although it is an understatement, it is enough to shock people!
Thousands of words seem to converge into one sentence, "Ran Ran, I failed to protect you!"

(End of this chapter)

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