Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 212 I'm in pain, so don't you!

Chapter 212 I'm in pain, so don't you!

"Those things are in the past! You have unavoidable difficulties, I used to... I shouldn't blame you!!"

Although it was very difficult to say this, Qiao Ran had to admit that she shouldn't blame Fu Yunshen for not going to see her. He had treated her with the utmost kindness, and she was the one who blamed him!
Hearing this, Fu Yunshen's body froze suddenly. He never thought that he would hear Qiao Ran say such things to him in his lifetime!
He used to think that she never wanted to see him or deal with him again!
The shock in my heart is undoubtedly great!For him, it was too unexpected, too surprising!

"Ran Ran, I didn't expect to hear you say this to me! I thought..."

As Fu Yunshen spoke, the rest of his words choked up.Qiao Ran's attitude towards him has always been on his mind.

Qiao Ran smiled lightly, and didn't talk about this topic any more, but asked, "So, you don't know anything about what happened after I went to prison, do you?"

"Not really. Do you want to know about the child?"

Qiao Ran nodded truthfully, "I only care about this matter!"

"As for the child, I can tell you with certainty that Qing Ge did not do it! When Qing Ge learned about the child, Elder Gu had secretly conducted a paternity test."

"I remember that Qing Ge lost his temper the day he heard the news and came back. So I'm sure it's someone else!"

This answer is very unexpected, because apart from He Qingge who has a grudge with her, she can't think of anyone else!
Who is this person?

"Think again, have you offended anyone before? It's best to recall each one, maybe it's a clue!"

When Qiao Ran heard this, she squinted her eyes and carefully went through the memories of five years ago in her mind.

A long time passed, and Fu Yunshen didn't bother her, and sat quietly by the side.

After a while, Qiao Ran opened her eyes, her eyes were clear, and she shook her head.

"I really can't think of it!! It's not easy to do all this quietly. You can't do this with a normal background."

"My circle is so big. Although I will intentionally make some troubles to attract Dad's attention, they are all small troubles, not enough to make grudges with others!"

"Could it be my father's business competitor? Or someone my father suppressed? Qiao's growth must have offended many people!"

Fu Yunshen listened to Qiao Ran's analysis and nodded, "I don't rule out the possibility! How about this, I'll go back and ask someone to investigate, and I'll tell you as soon as I have any news!"


"It's getting late, I'll take you back!"

This time, Qiao Ran did not refuse, picked up the coat on the sofa, put it on, walked beside Fu Yunshen, and walked outside.

Qiao Ran was sitting in the passenger seat, and it was rare for her to initiate a conversation with Fu Yunshen.

"You are a very nostalgic person!"

As Qiao Ran spoke, seeing Fu Yunshen smiling unintentionally, she glanced at her and continued, "I remember the first time I rode in your car, and you drove this Maybach!"

"Hmm~ Maybe it's because I'm used to it. This is the first car I bought. It has been driven for many years and has been under warranty countless times. I never thought I could still drive it now!"

"The maintenance is very good. If you don't mention that you have bought it for many years, most people will not notice it at all!"

"is it?"

"Well! But, I can feel it! I used to sit here often, and I have an inexplicable familiarity with this position!"

"You are also a nostalgic person!"

"That's right! But actually... nostalgia is not good! Mr. Fu, do you know what I mean?"

After Qiao Ran finished speaking, Fu Yunshen fell silent, and Qiao Ran didn't urge him. It took a while for Qiao Ran to hear the man speak.

"I know! But a lot of things don't mean you can let go of them, and many things don't mean you can just let them go!"

"You may think I'm stupid. Anyone with a discerning eye can see what Qing Ge has done, but I'm still obsessed with her!"

"Because you don't understand our experience! When she was in the orphanage, Qing Ge was actually not like this. At that time, she was full of lonely courage and unyielding, weak and petite, longing for warmth."

"I just went to the orphanage at that time. Although I was older among them, I was thin and withdrawn. Other children always bullied me in pairs."

"Qing Ge always stands in front of me and doesn't let them get close to me. Although she is taller than me, she is two years younger than me. She is eccentric, she can't provoke others in the open, and always secretly does some tricks to make people I can't laugh or cry."

"She and I depended on each other for life, and became the only two isolated people in the entire orphanage. Because every time a new child came, they would bully them, but neither she nor I wanted to."

"Later, after she was adopted by Gu Siling's grandfather, she couldn't come to visit me in the orphanage, so she often wrote to me and sent me her pocket money, so that I could study hard!"

"You also know that the older children in the orphanage are actually not easy to be taken away! I relied on the money Qing Ge sent me, finished junior high school, and started to earn my own living in high school!"

"Qing Ge wrote to me and told me that Mr. Gu hired a tutor for her. She couldn't learn the things she taught her, but she was afraid that Mr. Gu would not like her and sent her back to the orphanage, so she You have to learn to please others!"

"It's conceivable, what kind of character Qing Ge can develop in such an environment? Later she told me inadvertently that she knew how her parents passed away!"

"It is said that she was forced by your father to jump off the 21st floor and died on the spot. Soon her mother also passed away. She was less than three years old when she became an orphan!"

Fu Yunshen talked a lot, but Qiao Ran listened quietly all the time, saying that she was not emotional, it was a lie!Entanglement of grievances always takes the next generation as the victim!
But at that time, they didn't know that the grievances of the previous generation were far more than that simple!
The operator stands on a high place, overlooking them to kill each other.The pain caused by revenge belongs to others, and they deserve it!
It seems that only in this way, the joy of revenge can smooth their wounds!I am in pain, so don't you!

Qiao Ran knew that Fu Yunshen told her so much just to tell her that even if He Qingge had many imperfections, he would accept them!

This is nostalgia, not nostalgia!He didn't bet on his life lightly, but if others gave him an apple, he would not give others a pear!

Qiao Ran didn't say anything in the end.A few days ago, Gu Siling said that she didn't understand love, but now, she really doesn't understand.

There are thousands of forms of love in the world!The fate is different, the robbery is different!No one is right or wrong, whether it is worth it or not, only, willing or not!

(End of this chapter)

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