Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 214 "Look here, the one with breasts!"

Chapter 214 "Look here, the one with breasts!"

Han Jing's eyes were empty, and after looking at Qiao Ran for a long time, she seemed to recognize her.

When he spoke, his voice was already hoarse, and big tears rolled down the side of his face.

"Ran Ran, I'm not clean anymore!"

Qiao Ran was trying to endure the pain in her heart, but when she heard Han Jing's words, her tears burst into tears, she hugged Han Jing, and couldn't help crying.

"Quiet, everything will pass! I will accompany you through it! Don't think about it, okay?"

Han Jing shook her head, didn't speak any more, shed tears silently, Qiao Ran looked at it, her heart was already flooded.

Let go of Han Jing, let go of the cold water in the bathtub, and then put in hot water. After Han Jing's body gradually warmed up, Qiao Ran brought a clean bath towel, wrapped Han Jing up, and helped her onto the bed.

During the whole process, Han Jing did it mechanically, without any vitality.Qiao Ran turned her head several times and couldn't help crying.

After Han Jing lay down, Qiao Ran quickly put a wet towel on Han Jing's forehead and took her temperature.

The body temperature was too high and couldn't be lowered no matter what, but Han Jing was determined not to go to the hospital, staying up until midnight, Qiao Ran was so anxious that her feet jumped.

Finally, after much deliberation, he had no choice but to call Ji Yuhuan, but he couldn't get through.

Qiao Ran hurriedly dialed Gu Siling's phone number, and the other end answered quickly, calling Qiao Ran.

Although it was a name with a surname, but at this moment, he suddenly settled down, and the stone in his heart seemed to finally fall to the ground.

She knew that as long as Gu Siling answered the phone, he would definitely be able to fulfill her request.

Qiao Ran couldn't help sobbing, "Sling, do you have the number of the fourth brother's house? Something happened to Han Jing, can you ask him to send a female doctor?"

The other end of the phone paused, and quickly said, "I'll contact him right away, don't worry, drink a glass of water first, and calm down!"

"Okay!" Qiao Ran held the phone tightly in her hand, and didn't hang up until there was a beep on the other end.

Gu Siling's efficiency was really high, and within half an hour, Ji Yuhuan came with the female doctor.

It's just this 'female doctor', Qiao Ran couldn't help being stunned when she opened the door.Didn't you say good female doctor?What is it... a man!
Unexpectedly, the 'female doctor' didn't care about Ji Yuhuan's presence, pointed at her chest, and straightened Qiao Ran with a clear and crisp voice.

"Look here, boobs!"

The 'female doctor' almost finished speaking, when she heard a cough from above her head, she pouted and looked up at someone dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Qiao Ran couldn't help but look over, has breasts?It seems a little... small!However, the one who can say this should undoubtedly be a female doctor.

Thinking about it, Qiao Ran hurried out of the way and said politely, "Fourth brother, come in! You don't need to change your shoes!"

Ji Yuhuan nodded, took the female doctor's hand and walked in, talking to Qiao Ran, "Take her in to see your friends first!"

"Yeah, okay! Fourth brother, then please go ahead and neglect it first!"

"It's okay, the patient is important!" With a gentle voice, he handed the medicine box in his hand to the female doctor.

Qiao Ran led the way, pushed open the door of Han Jing's bedroom, and explained the situation to the female doctor, "My friend has a high fever and may still be injured. Please help me check it out."

The female doctor nodded her head, her eyes were beautiful, twinkling and big.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me!"

Qiao Ran nodded her head, feeling uneasy at the moment, and didn't say much polite words.

The female doctor walked to the bed, put the medicine box on the small table, and examined Han Jing in an orderly manner.

Han Jing was in a coma at the moment and didn't react at all. Fortunately, although she couldn't cooperate, she didn't resist.

Qiao Ran stood aside and listened to the female doctor's orders. Her voice was clear and her demeanor was detached and calm.

Even when he lifted the quilt and saw the bruises and bruises in Han Jing's life, he just frowned.It is probably because doctors have seen all kinds of patients, and it is not uncommon for them.

Qiao Ran listened to her instructions, and unconsciously, the tension just now seemed to gradually disappear, and her mood calmed down inexplicably.

After some inspections, the two wiped Han Jing's body again, changed the quilt again, and were covered in sweat after work.

The female doctor walked out with the medicine box, and said to Qiao Ran, "She is in a serious condition, and she may have a high fever tonight. I suggest sending her to the hospital early tomorrow morning. I will ask Dr. Ji to arrange it."

Qiao Ran licked her lips. Han Jing had a fever and was still telling her not to go to the hospital. She naturally knew what Han Jing was thinking.

Han Jing always puts innocence above all else, so she must be afraid of going to the hospital because there are too many people talking.

Thinking of this, Qiao Ran couldn't help frowning, "Can I not go to the hospital? I can go to the hospital to get the medicine!"

The female doctor hesitated for a moment, stared at Qiao Ran for a few seconds, and then said, "Is this what your friend meant?"

Qiao Ran nodded, "Well, doctor, can you... please keep this matter a secret? It's best... don't even tell the fourth brother."

"Yes! When I came here just now, I noticed that there is a 24-hour pharmacy not far away. You can take care of your friend at home, and I will go buy some medicine with Dr. Ji."

"Why don't you write me the medicine list, and I'll buy it myself! I'm really sorry to bother you so late."

"Don't you call Dr. Ji the fourth brother? What trouble are you talking about! Your friend is important, so don't be polite to us at this time! Huh?"

Qiao Ran nodded, and when she went to the living room with the female doctor, she didn't expect that Gu Siling also came. She didn't know how long she had been here, and she sat on the sofa with Ji Yuhuan without chatting.

He seemed to see them coming before he raised his head and looked at them.

The female doctor looked at Gu Siling who was on the sofa with a little surprise in her eyes, and then looked at Ji Yuhuan.

The latter got up, walked up to them, and asked the female doctor, "How is the situation?"

"The high fever is very serious! Doctor Ji, you can accompany me to buy some medicine first~"

"Well, good!" Ji Yuhuan put the medicine box he took over on the table, and said to Qiao Ran, "Fever is one of the most common symptoms, so don't worry!"

Qiao Ran nodded, because she was nervous, she twisted her fingers together, completely revealing her feelings, Ji Yuhuan saw it.

"Then you sit with the third child for a while, and we go to buy medicine."

"Well, thank you fourth brother!"

"Should be!"

As soon as Ji Yuhuan and the female doctor left, Qiao Ran let Gu Siling pull her to sit beside her. Every time he talked to her at close range, he would habitually pinch her chin with his hand, forcing her to look back. he.

But this time, Qiao Ran kept her head down and her eyes down, without raising her eyes.Gu Siling naturally noticed something unusual, his face darkened, but his voice sounded soft.

"Your it not as simple as just having a fever?"

The one-sentence question just hit Qiao Ran's tears. While Qiao Ran kept shaking her head, tears fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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