Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 215 It's always good to be able to cry

Chapter 215 It's always good to be able to cry
Qiao Ran hugged Gu Siling's neck, and buried her face in his arms just like that, crying to the point of tears.

"Sling, don't ask, okay? Don't ask, okay? I'm so sad! I just want to be quiet."

This was the first time Qiao Ran cried like this in front of Gu Siling. Gu Siling felt a little helpless for a moment, his body was stiff for a moment, but he quickly raised his hand and attached it to Qiao Ran's back, giving her relief.

Coaxing her softly, "Okay, I won't ask anymore, you can cry! When you feel at ease, don't cry anymore, okay?"

Qiao Ran nodded, grabbed Gu Siling's clothes, and rubbed her tears and snot up, but Gu Siling could only laugh or cry!
He has a cleansing habit, she has always known it, but she still treats him like this.But this is not unbearable.

Qiao Ran was sobbing, she lost her image at all, and her hair was even more disheveled in Gu Siling's arms.

Gu Siling lamented that the woman was water, but she still coaxed her patiently. Looking at Qiao Ran's tears, she felt uncomfortable.

It wasn't until she heard the knock on the door that Qiao Ran got out of Gu Siling's arms, her nose and eyes were red from crying, like a rabbit.

Gu Siling rubbed Qiao Ran's hair, "I'll open the door, you go to the bathroom and wash your face, huh?"

Qiao Ran nodded, her eyes fell on Gu Siling's disfigured shirt that had been ravaged by her, she blushed and fled in despair.

Han Jing was given antipyretic injections, and two bottles of water were hung up, and the sky outside was already dark.

Fortunately, Han Jing's body temperature has dropped a lot, although it is still on the high side, the situation is much more optimistic.

After seeing off Ji Yuhuan and the female doctor, Qiao Ran went to the bedroom and applied the topical cream on Han Jing again.Looking at the stained marks, the eye sockets couldn't help getting wet again.

She really couldn't imagine what Han Jing's reaction would be when she woke up, she didn't dare to think about it at all.

After walking out of the bedroom, Gu Siling was still sitting on the sofa. He hadn't slept all night, but he was still refreshed.

Qiao Ran walked over and sat down beside her, "Sling, I won't go to work these few days, I want to be with Jing Jing."

Hearing this, Gu Siling stared at Qiao Ran's face for a while, and knew that Han Jing definitely had more than just a fever, but he didn't ask any further questions.

She wants to tell him, he will listen, he doesn't want to tell him, as long as there is her reason, he will respect it!

"You don't have to worry about work and Hanhan! Your friend is important, take good care of her."

Qiao Ran nodded, "It's almost dawn, you should go back and wash up, you have to go to work!"

Gu Siling frowned, "You don't need my company?"

"Well~ I can do it myself!"

Gu Siling hummed, picked up the coat that was taken off at the side, and got up, "Then call me if you have anything to do, my phone will be turned on 24 hours a day!"

"it is good!"

"Well, then I'm leaving!"

After sending Gu Siling away, Qiao Ran set up a stool and sat by the bed, holding Han Jing's hand tightly.

My heart was very painful and I was struggling.On the one hand, he hoped that Han Jing would wake up early and talk to her, but on the other hand, he felt that it was actually good to fall asleep, and he didn't have to think about those unhappy things.

After not sleeping all night, Qiao Ran couldn't help but fell asleep beside the bed.In the dream, I suddenly felt the hand move in my hand, and I woke up from the dream.

Han Jing's eyes were still closed, but her mouth was murmuring, "Water...water...", sleeping very restlessly, her two slender eyebrows were tightly knit, as if she was uncomfortable.

Qiao Ran got up quickly and poured Han Jing a glass of constant temperature water from a paper cup.

When the water touched Han Jing's lips, she seemed to be very thirsty and kept swallowing.Qiao Ran was afraid that the water would spill on Han Jing, so she took a small spoon and fed her spoonfuls.

The glass of water bottomed out, and Han Jing finally stopped murmuring. Qiao Ran went to get the thermometer again, and seeing that her body temperature had dropped again, a smile finally appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Han Jing's body temperature did not completely drop until noon, but it was in the afternoon that she really woke up.

When Han Jing woke up, she kept staring at the ceiling above her head, her eyes were dull, and she didn't say a word.

Seeing Han Jing like this, Qiao Ran turned her head several times, wanting to cry, but in the end she couldn't hold it back.

If Han Jing cried like yesterday, or made a fuss, or vented, Qiao Ran would feel more at ease.

However, Han Jing didn't cry, and she didn't make trouble, but the empty eyes made her very scared. In her heart, an idiom came out inexplicably: the heart is like ashes!

She experienced such a thing five years ago, having sex with a man who she didn't know whether he was fat or thin, tall or short, no one would be able to stand it!
Most importantly, the innocence that girls cherished was gone, and they no longer deserved to call themselves girls.

Qiao Ran couldn't hold back her tears. She bit her lip for fear of choking her sobs, so she didn't speak.

After leaving the bedroom, she went directly to the kitchen. The lean meat porridge she asked Mrs. Fang to cook for Han Jing should be almost cold.

Qiao Ran filled a bowl, took it in, and helped Han Jing to sit up.

She sat down by the bed, took a bowl, scooped up a flat spoonful of porridge, put it near her mouth, blew it gently a few times, and then fed it to Han Jing's mouth, and spoke softly.

"Quiet, would you like some porridge?"

Apart from shaking her head, Han Jing didn't respond at all, and Ren Qiaoran didn't even open her mouth when she said anything.

Seeing that the porridge was getting cold, Qiao Ran had no choice but to keep her mouth shut, and helped Han Jing to lie down again, "Then you sleep a little longer, what do you need to tell me, huh?"

Han Jing finally blinked, her face retracted into the bed, and she said in a low voice, "Ran Ran, go get busy, I want to be alone!"

Qiao Ran wanted to stay, but thinking of Han Jing's difficulty in saying a word, she had no choice but to agree.

Sometimes, it's really a good idea to be alone.If you can't get out of the predicament by yourself, no matter how much others say, it will be futile.

Thinking about it, Qiao Ran took the bowl and went out for a while. When she reached the door, she couldn't help but turn her head.

The person on the bed curled up in the quilt. Although there was no sound, the quilt rose and fell with breathing.It is not difficult to see that the people in the quilt are suffering very much.

With the sound of closing the door with a click, there was finally a low weeping sound from inside.Qiao Ran lowered her eyes, feeling a little relieved suddenly.

It's always good to cry!

She has experienced this kind of thing twice before, and she survived both times. She believes that Han Jing can also do it.With Han Jing's temperament, it will be a matter of time before she comes out, and she has confidence in her.

However, what Qiao Ran didn't know was that Han Jing was indeed lively, but this incident, to her, left more than just a shadow in her heart.

The girl in the door was crying not just because she had lost her innocence, but because her life's promise of happiness and marriage had come to naught.

She can no longer save the first time for the wedding night, the most important moment, even, she and Jiang Xin, it is no longer possible.

It was impossible for his parents to accept her anymore, and she couldn't get past that hurdle in her heart.

 Aww~ Because this book is expected to have more than 40 words in the main text, the plot develops relatively fast, and there are many updates in the past few days. There are a lot of holes dug, and I will explain them one by one later, don't worry!

(End of this chapter)

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