Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 217 She Won't Trouble You For No Reason!

Chapter 217 She Won't Trouble You For No Reason!

After Gu Siling finished speaking, he hugged He Qingge and walked out. Seeing a group of people standing at the door, he spoke sharply.

"Whoever dares to say a word about today's matter, be prepared to live in uneasy life!"

When a group of people heard the words, they all nodded Nuonuo and echoed in deep voices, not daring to look up.

Gu Siling put He Qingge in the passenger seat, and drove directly to the hospital.Along the way, I felt uneasy and worried about Qiao Ran.

She looked at him just now, so hurt, so helpless... She must have hoped that he would help her, but as for him, he hit her!
But at that time, she was so out of control, if it was true that the neck of the entire bottle of wine had plunged into He Qingge's arm, she would undoubtedly be unable to argue.

Is it going to be a few more years in prison?
For a moment of anger, it's not worth it, it's not worth it!

What's more, with Qing Ge's temperament, if she doesn't give her some explanation, she won't give up easily!

Just as Gu Siling was thinking, he heard He Qingge, who was sitting beside him and had never been silent for a long time, speak.

"Sling, I think you're treating me very unfairly! Qiao Ran hurt me like this, why do you still want those people at the door to shut up?"

Hearing this, Gu Siling still didn't look at He Qingge, but spoke calmly.

"Qingge, you have to forgive and forgive! You have to ask fairness, it was her father who ruined your family, but you let her spend five years in prison. Have you ever thought that this is unfair to her?"

He Qingge's eyelashes flickered, "But not only have my family been ruined, but I've also been an orphan for so many years. Am I not innocent?"

"Innocent to innocent, Qing Ge, when it's time for retribution, it's right! Generation after generation, if you can't let it go, it will only implicate more innocent people."

"Then do you think Qiao Ran is innocent today?" He Qingge asked sharply.

Gu Siling looked at the front with pursed lips, and after a while, she said slowly, "Based on what I know about her, she won't trouble you for no reason!"

"She just troubled me for no reason!! I didn't provoke her friends, so why did she insist on biting me?!"

As He Qingge said, he paused, "Sling, you have to ask her to give me an explanation for what happened to Qiao Ran today, otherwise, I will go to the hospital for an injury test, and I want the public to know that Qiao Zhengnan's only daughter is What a vicious person!!"

Gu Siling was already in a bad mood because of Qiao Ran's behavior just now, but hearing what He Qingge said, one can imagine.

"He Qingge!!" He called her by name and surname in a low voice, "Let's leave today's matter alone! As for the misunderstanding you mentioned, I am willing to bring her to confront you. But if this matter is leaked out, don't expect to see her again. Take a profit from me!"

Gu Siling's voice was full of seriousness, and He Qingge's body couldn't help trembling, knowing that Gu Siling never said anything different, and he had to swallow any grievances.

Gritting his teeth and looking out the window, tears filled his eyes, and after a while, he struggled to squeeze out the word "good" from his lips.

He Qingge was unwilling, very unwilling!Gu Siling naturally knew that with her temperament, it would be difficult for her to suffer from being dumb, but he didn't want He Qingge to have anything to do with Qiao Ran again because of his unwillingness.

His eyes moved, and his tone softened a lot, "Fu Yunshen had a very good relationship with Qiao Ran before, you don't know it. If you have any entanglements with Qiao Ran, you will only push him further and further away!"

"And I am the same now! Qing Ge, do you understand what I mean?"

He Qingge clasped his hands tightly on his knees, didn't shake his head or nod, just looked out the window and spoke coldly.

"Sling, why do you protect Qiao Ran so much because she is your son's mother?" Obviously, you haven't known each other for long!

However, she didn't ask the second half of the sentence after all, it was slapping herself in the face.

Gu Siling didn't reply to He Qingge immediately, and He Qingge didn't ask any further questions!Unwilling, so what?
The car parked slowly in the parking lot of Deren Hospital. Gu Siling put his hands on the steering wheel and spoke when He Qingge was about to get off the car.

"Because she is not only my son's mother, but also the future Mrs. Gu!"

The unexpected answer made He Qingge's whole body stiff, as if someone had tapped his acupoints, and the blood in all his limbs seemed to be flowing backwards.

She felt that her vision was a little blurry, she blinked, and it landed on the back of her hand on her knee with a slap, she lowered her head, it turned out to be tears.

"What's so good about Qiao Ran? You all have to protect her?"

Neither Fu Yunshen nor Gu Siling belonged to her alone anymore.

Gu Siling pushed open the car door and got out of the car, with one hand still on the car door, looking at the blue sky, narrowing his eyes slightly, but didn't speak.

However, not speaking, does not mean that there is no answer in my heart.As a man, an ex-boyfriend, he would not answer He Qingge's question.

Qiao Ran kept the same movement since Gu Siling left, her eyes were staring straight at the direction of the door, her expression was indifferent, and her hands on both sides were tightly clenched.

The manager's lecture outside came into the private room through the half-open door, but in her ears, only the words that Gu Siling left when she left were buzzing.

"Qiao Ran, reflect on your actions today!"

Qiao Ran sneered again, grabbed the bag on the table, and walked out quickly.

The few people outside the door felt like a gust of wind around them, and when they looked over, they only saw the graceful back of a woman.

On an autumn night, as soon as I stepped out of the bar, there was a gust of cool wind blowing on my face, which was very cool.

Qiao Ran took a few steps forward, then stopped suddenly, her gaze fell to the ground, the wind ruffled her hair by her ear, and lifted her skirt.

The coldness poured into her heart continuously, her feet could no longer be lifted, as if they were as heavy as a thousand catties, and when people came and went, her body trembled, squatting on the ground, and the tears she had endured for a long time slipped quietly.

She could no longer hear the whispers of pedestrians, she was immersed in her own sad world, like a helpless child.

Not long after, a handsome and extraordinary man appeared in the crowd, dressed in black clothes and black trousers, with a button unbuttoned at the collar of his thin shirt, clinging to his body in the wind, lean but powerful.

The voices of the passers-by talking stopped abruptly, and they all watched the tall and straight man walk towards the crying girl covering her face in the road, spread the windbreaker around her arms, and put it on the girl's trembling shoulders from crying.

The woman noticed that when she raised her small face from her knees, her face was full of tears, and her eyes gleamed with crystals.

I saw that the woman looked at the man who was squatting with her in the crowd, who was wearing brand-name clothes and trousers without regard for her image. Her gaze changed from surprise to softness. She hugged the man's neck and buried her head in the man's arms, feeling sad. cry.

(End of this chapter)

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