Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 218 Don't Reject Me

Chapter 218 Don't Reject Me

Xiao Yan raised his hand to caress Qiao Ran's back, and patted her lightly, giving her a smooth face, with a face as warm as water.

In the midst of people coming and going, it seemed that there were only two people left in the world.The strange eyes of others, the endless whispers, and finally at the moment when the man picked up the woman, all the surprises dissipated.

Because they saw the murderous look in the man's eyes the moment he raised his eyes.

Pedestrians seemed to have a sudden realization, how could such a man tolerate other people's pointing fingers, so he was silent just now, but it was because comforting the pregnant woman was the most important thing.

Xiao Yan hugged Qiao Ran and walked to the side of the car. The driver had already opened the door of the back seat, put Qiao Ran in carefully, and then got into the car from the other side.

He took a bottle of water from the driver, unscrewed the cap, handed it to Qiao Ran, and asked in a low voice, "Where do you want to go now?"

Qiao Ran's mood hadn't completely calmed down yet, her nose was red and twitched, she took the water, took a sip, and then spoke.

"I've been out for a while, and I want to call home first."

"Well, then drink some water to moisten your throat!"

Qiao Ran nodded, took a few more sips, and handed the water bottle to Xiao Yan, who took it naturally and put the lid on it.

Qiao Ran took out her mobile phone from her bag, only to find that there were several small circles of red numbers on the mobile phone. There were twelve missed calls, including Gu Siling's and Mrs. Fang's.

She tuned it to vibrate when she went to work, but she forgot to tune it back in the past two days, she just didn't care at all, and put it in her bag again, so naturally she didn't hear it.

She stared at it for a few seconds, then swiped her finger, and the number disappeared.

Qiao Ran's hand was on Mrs. Fang's number, and Mrs. Fang's call came, and Qiao Ran pressed to answer.

"Sister Fang!"

"Ran Ran, you can answer the phone!"

"Well, Jing Jing asked me just now, didn't she?"

"Ah~ Ranran, when are you coming back?"

"I still have something to do, I will as soon as possible!"


"Well, that's it for now, bye~"

Mrs. Fang hung up the phone and dialed another number. A deep and familiar male voice came from there.

"Is she back?"

"Mr. Gu, not yet. Ran Ran said she still has something to do and will be back in a while."

Suddenly there was no sound at the other end, but based on the old servant's understanding of Gu Siling, it is not difficult to know that the other end must have frowned.

Sure enough, when he spoke again, his breath seemed to be a little heavier, "After two hours, if she hasn't come back, tell her that her friend is looking for her."

"...Here, Mr. Gu, what if Ranran comes back and finds out that Ms. Han didn't look for her at all?"

"Let her come back first, and you don't have to worry about the rest. Also, after she comes back, call me and talk about it. "

"Okay, Mr. Gu!"

There was a hum on the other end, and the phone beeped and hung up.Sister-in-law Fang looked at it for a few seconds, her lips pursed slightly.The two of them were fine in the morning, why did they suddenly have a conflict?
Qiao Ran's every move, including turning a deaf ear to Gu Siling's missed calls, was naturally noticed by Xiao Yan, who had a flat expression on his face.

Seeing Qiao Ran hang up the phone, she asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Qiao Ran nodded, and hung her hair around her ears with her fingers, "I was in a bad mood at the time, and I made a phone call and suddenly remembered, I have to go back to the bar?"

Xiao Yan frowned slightly, puzzled, "Go back to the bar?"

"Hmm! Something happened to my friend two days ago, I want to adjust the monitoring of the bar."

"In this level of bar, the people who go in are either rich or expensive. The monitoring of the bar should not be watched casually."

The corner of Qiao Ran's mouth slightly curved, "I happen to know the owner of the bar, you can call him first and ask."

"Hmm... What happened to your friend is not a trivial matter, is it? The bar owner didn't give an explanation for what happened two days ago?"

"...What you said reminded me. I have been taking care of my friend for the past two days, but I haven't had time to take care of it. I'll call first and ask."

Xiao Yan hummed, and raised his hand to Qiao Ran as a signal.

However, Qiao Ran made several phone calls to Shen Qingjue, all of which were reminders that the phone had been turned off, so she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Xiao Yan also heard the voice of the phone, and he also saw Qiao Ran's loneliness. He looked out of the window silently, wondering what he was thinking, and after a while, he turned his head and looked at Qiao Ran.

"Didn't you work here? Do you know the people in the monitoring room?"

Qiao Ran shook her head, "Except for the staff in the monitoring room, no one is allowed to approach, let alone enter!"

"Well... just wait a moment, I'll make a call, maybe it can be done!"


Xiao Yan looked at Qiao Ran with wide eyes in surprise, and couldn't help but smile, and reached out to touch Qiao Ran's head.

Since Xiao Yan dialed the phone until he hung up the phone, the girl next to him kept looking at him. He couldn't help laughing, looking forward to Qiao Ran's face, and slowly said, "Yes."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Ran swept away the gloom, and finally a few smiles appeared on her face. She opened the car door neatly and went down, not forgetting to praise others.

"Ayan, you really impress me more and more."

Xiao Yan smiled and pointed to the front, "Let's deal with the business first. When the business is over, I will sit there specially and let you boast enough."

Hearing this, Qiao Ran wrinkled her nose at Xiao Yan, dropped the word "smelly" before walking ahead.

Xiao Yan, who was behind him, looked at Qiao Ran's back, the smile on his face had turned into a wry smile, and he raised his heels.

However, when Qiao Ran and Xiao Yan came to the monitoring room and wanted to call up the video of that night, they did not expect that there was no trace of the relevant video of that night.

There was even no trace of He Qingge's back in the surveillance, which undoubtedly made people even more suspicious.

Qiao Ranfang's relaxed mood suddenly became heavy again.When he came out of the bar, he didn't speak a word.

Xiao Yan sat beside her, and didn't ask her where she was going, but just sat with her.

The driver in front looked behind him through the rearview mirror, but did not make a sound.

It was Qiao Ran who spoke first, "Ayan, just find a quiet place and put me down, you can go to work!"

"Is there somewhere you want to go?"

"...Lake in the city, it's time to blow some air, or your brain will be broken!"

Qiao Ran's half-joking tone did not sound relaxed, but rather heavy.

"Okay! I'll be with you." Before Qiao Ran could refuse, Xiao Yan said again, "Don't refuse me!"

Seeing Xiao Yan's serious and aggrieved expression, Qiao Ran finally couldn't help laughing.Who are these people!
Not long after the two sat by the lake, Mrs. Fang called, and Qiao Ran finally had to go back.

When Xiao Yan sent her downstairs, the night had already darkened.

The moment Qiao Ran turned around, Xiao Yan grabbed Qiao Ran's arm again and pulled Qiao Ran into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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