Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 220 Family matters, you have the final say

Chapter 220 Family matters, you have the final say

When Qiao Ran opened the door, Han Jing had just finished washing up and came out of the bathroom. When she saw two people at the door, she couldn't help but stop.

Qiao Ran walked over and introduced Han Jing, "Jing Jing, this is Lin Xiang, a doctor from Deren Hospital, I came to see if you have a fever today?"

Han Jing smiled politely when she heard this, "Thank you, I'm fine now. Please make another trip."

Han Jing's words were flat, but it was not difficult to hear the rejection.

Lin Xiang smiled slightly, the dimples on his cheeks looming, "It's all good! Then you have a good rest. If you need anything, you can call me, Ran Ran has my number."

"Well, thanks!"

"You're welcome!" Seeing that Han Jing was still in pajamas, Lin Yang said again, "Then you change your clothes first, and Ran Ran and I will go out first."

Qiao Ran closed the bedroom door, looked at Lin Xiang with an apologetic face, "I'm sorry, Xiao Dan, Jing Jing is not in a good mood, she is usually very enthusiastic."

Lin Xiang raised her eyebrows cutely, "Actually, your friend's condition is better than I imagined, at least she won't refuse to talk to people."

"Usually when such things happen, girls are prone to autism, develop fear, and are afraid of people approaching. Obviously, your friend is much braver and stronger."

"However, during this time, you'd better spend more time with her, relax and so on. It doesn't rule out that she pretends to be indifferent in order not to worry you."

Undoubtedly, Qiao Ran was shocked by Lin Xiang's last words.Pretending to be indifferent?Her heart suddenly seemed to miss a beat.

Talking with Han Jing last night, although she didn't smile very much, she was weak in speaking, she was recovering from a serious illness, she was actually very happy.

But Lin Yang's words of being strong and indifferent were like ringing alarm bells in her ears.With Han Jing's personality, it's not impossible.

Ji Yuhuan saw Lin Yang coming out, asked about the situation, and left with Lin Yang.

Qiao Ran thought that Gu Siling would leave too. After all, she never said a word to him from the beginning to the end, but she didn't want to. This man was sitting on the sofa, and when he saw someone get up, he didn't move.

Qiao Ran was also embarrassed to drive this person away in front of Ji Yuhuan and Lin Xiang.

Firstly, Ji Yuhuan and Lin Xiang were invited by him anyway, and secondly, in front of her brothers, she always wanted to save him some face.

But she didn't believe this man with such a thick skin, he couldn't see that she didn't welcome him.

At this moment, Mrs. Fang didn't know where she was going. There were only the two of them in the living room, and the atmosphere was so dull.

Qiao Ran closed the door and planned to go back to the room directly. This person can sit there if he wants to!
Without squinting, Qiao Ran walked directly to the door of the bedroom, and heard footsteps faintly behind her. Qiao Ran didn't turn her head, but guessed that Gu Siling must have followed.

He took a longer step, pushed open the door and walked in.No, the door was not closed, and a long leg had already stretched out, blocking the door.

Qiao Ran couldn't close the door. When she looked down and saw the leg, she was very angry. When she looked up, she saw someone stretching her leg calmly, with her hands in her pockets, looking at her like that.

Before she could speak, she preemptively said, "Are you still angry with me?"

When Qiao Ran heard this, her eyes turned a little red, "Mr. Gu, shouldn't you be angry? Then should I be grateful for the slap I gave you?"

After hearing this, Gu Siling knew she was wrong, turned her head to one side, her expression was already very unnatural, her lips were pursed tightly, but her legs did not retract.

Qiao Ran looked even more angry, and turned her face to the side, "Mr. Gu, please hold your feet high, I don't want to see you again!"

Gu Siling's brows furrowed tightly, her thin lips moved, and finally she turned her head, looked at Qiao Ran, sighed softly, took a step forward, and hugged Qiao Ran into her arms, the compromise in her voice was obvious.

"Ran Ran, I'm sorry!"

Qiao Ran was even more aggrieved when she heard the words, tears rolled down her cheeks, she wanted to push Gu Siling away, but she couldn't do it, feeling uncomfortable, so she had to beat Gu Siling with her fist.

He said, "Do you think I'm just angry that you hit me? Why are you on He Qingge's side? You know that I hate her."

Gu Siling let Qiao Ran vent her anger, and after a while, Qiao Ran stopped doing anything and buried her face in Gu Siling's arms, crying while still condemning Gu Siling.

Qiao Ran didn't speak until she was more or less emotionally stable, "I know that Qing Ge has a history of provoking you, but you have to think about what you were like yesterday, if I didn't go, what would you do to her?"

"Yesterday you completely lost control, do you know? Qing Ge is a public figure now, if you hurt her, how many people will fight against you?"

"Let's put this aside for now. What if she wants to sue you? Do you want to sue her? Which one of you has a better chance of winning?"

"Have you ever thought about Hanhan, Hanhan is still so young, do you want him to leave any bad impression on you?"

"Yesterday, I was not good, so I shouldn't have hit you. But in that situation, if I were on your side, Qing Ge would definitely keep going. Have you ever thought about it?"

"I know you are not afraid of her, but you are not alone now, you have me and Hanhan, do you know that?"

Anyone who hears Gu Siling's words will be shaken in his heart.Besides, he's not the type to find excuses to justify himself.

Knowing his character, Qiao Ran knew better, what he said was undoubtedly from the bottom of his heart.Emotionally and rationally, what he did was right.

But in her heart, she was still very uncomfortable.Since this discomfort was left yesterday, it is impossible to say that it will be relieved when it is relieved.

Therefore, after hearing this, he turned his face to the side, stopped crying, and did not look at Gu Siling, his lips were slightly pursed, like a little bun.

Seeing this, Gu Siling felt helpless, took Qiao Ran's hand, and slapped her face.

Qiao Ran was caught off guard, and even though she pulled back in time, her fingernails still scratched Gu Siling's face, leaving a mark on the side of her ear.

Qiao Ran was terrified, and vigorously broke free from her hand, took two steps back, clasped her hands together, and said loudly, "What are you doing?"

Gu Siling touched the wound, smiled lightly, "I slapped you, you slap me back, that's fair."

Seeing Gu Siling talking, Qiao Ran looked at her hand again, and quickly shrank behind her back to hide, not looking at Gu Siling anymore, she was already very angry.

"Fair or not, why do you have the final say?"

With a cheeky face, Gu Siling walked over and put Qiao Ran into her arms again, "Okay, okay! You have the final say on family matters!"

"..." What is a family matter?

Qiao Ran remained silent and didn't want to talk to this person, so she came to apologize for being so dishonest.

Gu Siling saw that Qiao Ran was standing still and sulked, so she could only ask, "Then tell me, why don't you stop being angry?"

Qiao Ran bit her lips, "Why do I feel that your tone seems to be saying that I am making trouble for no reason?"

Gu Siling: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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