Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 221 She Left, She Doesn't Want Mommy Anymore

Chapter 221 She Left, She Doesn't Want Mommy Anymore
"Nothing! I am making peace with you very sincerely."

Qiao Ran pursed her mouth when she heard this, "Then you must be called He Qingge by his full name from now on, and you must not be so affectionate!"

A faint smile appeared on Gu Siling's face, "Okay!"

"You need my permission to meet her!"

"it is good!"

Seeing Gu Siling answering so bluntly, Qiao Ran couldn't help being puzzled. She stared at Gu Siling and raised her jaw again, "You're not allowed to meet alone either!"

"Okay!" Seeing that Qiao Ran stopped talking and was staring at the ground depressed and confused, Gu Siling said, "Then I promised you so many conditions, should you also make it up to me?"

"Compensation?...How to compensate?"

"It's very simple! I'll teach you!" Gu Siling said, wrapping her arms around Qiao Ran's slender waist, and kissing her pink lips.

Qiao Ran: "..." Does this person want to be such a rascal?

With the door open, it is naturally impossible for Qiao Ran to let Gu Siling take advantage of her all the time. If Han Jing comes in, how embarrassing it will be!

Furthermore, if Han Jingruo saw it, she would inevitably think of other things. After thinking about it, it was certain that her mood would get worse.

Qiao Ran quickly pushed Gu Siling away, but fortunately Gu Siling also cooperated, knowing that this was not a random place, so she coughed and walked outside.

Fang turned around, and Han Jing was walking to the door. She was not surprised to see Gu Siling, and greeted with a smile.

"Mr. Gu, hello, are you here to see Ran Ran?"

As Han Jing said, she turned Gu Siling's body and moved forward. Seeing Qiao Ran's face was red, she joked.

"Did I interrupt your good business? Go ahead, I'll go to the kitchen to find something to eat!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

Seeing that Han Jingguo had gone to the kitchen, Gu Siling looked back at Qiao Ran and said, "Your friend..."

In the middle of speaking, seeing Qiao Ran's defensive and threatening expression, he swallowed back what he was going to say, and then said, "It's quite individual!"

Qiao Ran snorted lightly, with a smile on her lips, and Gu Siling also smiled.

Han Jing stayed at home for several days and recovered completely.On weekdays, he still talked and laughed happily with Qiao Ran.

Qiao Ran knew that Han Jing was reassuring her, but in that still heartless smile, she still sensitively grasped the reluctance in it.

Qiao Ran knew that this was undoubtedly a very thin piece of window paper, which would be broken if poked, but she couldn't pierce it!It's like, Han Jing didn't want to talk about what happened that night, and she wouldn't ask.

Even if it's a forced smile, as long as Han Jing is willing, one day, she will really laugh from the bottom of her heart.

She will accompany her, just like Han Jing once accompanied her!
Time passed quickly, and her and Han Jing's life soon got on the right track.

Qiao Ran returned to the life of three o'clock and one line.As for Han Jing, she didn't go to work anymore, she would go out for a walk every day, and she didn't come back until ten o'clock in the evening, her life seemed to be regular.

Everything is as still as still water. There is nothing wrong with such a day.

However, just when Qiao Ran was completely relieved of Han Jing, Han Jing caught her off guard.

Going home that night, when Qiao Ran walked to the entrance, she felt something strange in the room, but she couldn't think of a reason.

Qiao Ran didn't seem to think of anything until she saw the note left on the bedside table and a letter lying beside her.

A bad premonition welled up in her heart, and when Qiao Ran picked up the note, her hands couldn't help shaking.

"Ran Ran, I'm leaving! Please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye! This decision is not my whim.

In the past few days, I have been to many places that Jiang Xin has been to, and eaten many delicacies that I have eaten with him.Only then did I realize that he and I already had so many good memories.

These familiar streets used to feel very short, but now they feel like they have no end!I want to go to relax, any city is fine!
I'll be sure to get in touch with you as soon as I've settled down.Please help me deliver the letter to Jiang Xin!

Don't read it, Han Jingliu. "

It took a long time for Qiao Ran to digest those few short sentences.

I hurried to Han Jing's bedroom, only to find that Han Jing's things had already been cleaned up, and the room was spotless, giving people the illusion that no one had ever lived in it.

Han Jing left without leaving anything behind, let alone a hug for her, and just left without a sound! !

It may even, never come back!
Thinking of this, Qiao Ran suddenly covered her mouth, squatted down, and tears flowed down her cheeks like a burst bank.

Trembling, she took out her mobile phone and called Han Jing, but there was always a reminder to turn off the phone, one Chinese and one English, like a spell, her whole head hurt when she read it.

After a night of sleepless nights, Qiao Ran was lifeless when she woke up in the morning, and went out with her bag after washing up.

Unexpectedly, when he opened the door, he would see Jiang Xin standing at the door with eyes full of bloodshot eyes, his clothes were wrinkled, he didn't have half of his usual handsome appearance, and he could even be described as sloppy.

Looking at each other, Qiao Ran didn't speak first, but just handed him the envelope in the bag.

The words "Jiang Xin's personal letter" on the envelope stabbed the man's eyes. He took Qiao Ran's envelope tremblingly and kept it in his hand, but he didn't dare to open it.

His eyes were fixed on the ground, and his voice was hoarse, more like it was squeezed out of his throat.

"Why did she leave me a letter? Why didn't she tell me in person if she had something to say?"

His voice was low and depressed, and he didn't know if he was asking Qiao Ran or himself.

Qiao Ran's complexion was very bad, her eyes were flushed, and she looked to the other side.

"Quiet had an accident at the bar a few days ago, she probably won't tell you. I'm done. You read her letter and think about it. Think about it. No matter what decision you make, I hope you can stick to it in the end!"

Hearing this, Jiang Xin turned from initial sadness to deep shock, and looked at Qiao Ran in disbelief.

Qiao Ran didn't nod or shake her head. She wouldn't give her a definite answer, but just passed by and walked downstairs.

Obviously he is also a very innocent person, but Qiao Ran never looked back at him from the beginning to the end. Even though he usually takes great care of her, she will always stand by her best friend's side.

Every step she took, the voice seemed to be stepping on her heart, and the hand that was holding the bag tightly betrayed her emotions.

She couldn't act as if nothing had happened, with a relieved face and a relieved body and mind.

After getting into Gu Siling's car, she had sorted out her emotions, but on the way, the little guy said "Mommy, what's wrong with you?" She couldn't hold back her emotions anymore.

Her voice was choked up, and she hugged the little guy and said, "Your Aunt Han Jing is gone, she left! She doesn't want Mommy anymore."

When the little guy heard this, his nose turned red immediately. Seeing Mummy crying was very sad, and he really wanted to cry.

But he finally held back, he couldn't cry, he wanted to comfort Mommy, thinking, his little hands hugged Mommy's body tightly.

"Mummy, don't cry, Hanhan will always be with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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