Chapter 222

Han Jing's departure was undoubtedly a very sad thing for Qiao Ran.

But while she was reluctant to leave Han Jing, she wished her best wishes in her heart.

I hope that after Han Jing leaves this city and has a new life in a new city, everything will be comfortable, and she can live a free and easy life like she used to be.

On the afternoon when Han Jing left, Shen Qingjue went directly to the company.

When she called Qiao Ran, Qiao Ran was still at work, but because Shen Qingjue said she was waiting for her in the parking lot, she had to put down her work.

As soon as Qiao Ran got out of the elevator, she saw Shen Qingjue standing against a pillar not far away, holding a half-lit cigarette in his hand, looking tired and dusty.

Seeing her coming out, he immediately snuffed out the cigarette butt at his fingertips and threw it towards the trash can a few steps away. The cigarette butt drew a beautiful arc in the air and landed quickly.

Shen Qingjue stopped about two steps away from Qiao Ran, pressed the center of her eyebrows, and then asked slowly, "Sister-in-law three, do you know where Han Jing has gone?"

If Shen Qingjue called Qiao Ran's third sister-in-law those few times with a sense of ridicule, then at this time, it is undoubtedly serious.

On the one hand, it is playing the card of family affection, on the other hand, it is nothing more than a gesture of begging for help, so there is a bit of respect.

Of course, Qiao Ran also saw that the person in front of him was not in the mood to joke at all.

The words he asked just now, as well as his expression, all showed that he was eager to know the answer.

If it was the carefree Shen Qingjue from before, even if Qiao Ran knew Han Jing's whereabouts, she wouldn't be able to tell him.

But the Shen Qingjue in front of her felt almost strange to her, she no longer looked like a dandy, but had a serious and serious face!

In fact, why didn't she want to tell Shen Qingjue about Han Jing's whereabouts?But, she can't tell!Because, she doesn't know either!

Han Jing, that silly girl, got hurt, so she hid herself and licked her wounds. I don’t want work, I don’t want Jiang Xin, I don’t even want her...

Qiao Ran's thoughts were surging, and she could only shake her head in the end, "Xiao Wu, Han Jing's whereabouts, she has never disclosed to anyone, including me. It should be a long time, she will not come back here again!"

After Qiao Ran finished speaking, both of them fell silent.

However, just when Qiao Ran thought that Shen Qingjue would not speak again, he heard him ask, "Is it because of what happened that night that she left?"

Qiao Ran narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard this, "Didn't you just come back from abroad? How did you know?"

Facing Qiao Ran's questioning, Shen Qingjue's eyes suddenly became unnatural, " was me that night!"

After Shen Qingjue finished speaking, Qiao Ran's eyes widened in horror. The anger in her heart was like a prairie fire burning her heart at this moment.

Staring at Shen Qingjue in disbelief, Qiao Ran almost gritted her teeth and spoke after a while.

"Why did you do that? Because she works in a bar? So you're comparing her to women who sell? Do you know that she values ​​her innocence more than anything else?"

"I didn't think of her that way! It was because she was different from the other girls in the bar that I fell in love with her. I admit that when I entered that room that day and saw that she was drugged, I did have selfish intentions at the time, but I didn't know it would hit her so hard!"

"Then does she know it's you?"

"I probably don't know." Shen Qingjue's voice weakened significantly.

"I received a call at six o'clock that morning. The foreign company was reported anonymously. I had to go there in person. The lawyer released me on bail this morning, and I saw the message that my third brother sent me."

Qiao Ran didn't know what to think when she heard it, and after a while, she chuckled softly, with bitterness.

"If Jingjing knew it was you, you might never have the chance!"

Qiao Ran's words were undoubtedly like a slap in the face, hitting Shen Qingjue's head, his body trembled involuntarily.

After Qiao Ran finished speaking, she turned around and left, her hand was pressing on the elevator button, when she saw Shen Qingjue striding forward, walked up to her, and spoke eagerly.

"Sister-in-law three, if Han Jing wants to contact you, please let me know? Please!"

I beg you, finally made Qiao Ran unbearable, but she just said, "If she contacts me, I can tell you about her recent situation, but I won't say anything else."

"If you really look for it, even if it's a vast crowd, it's not impossible."

Upon hearing this, Shen Qingjue replied almost immediately, "Okay! Thank you!"

Qiao Ran hummed, and suddenly remembered something, "Why did you enter the room where Han Jing was that day?"

Shen Qingjue pursed her lips, looked aside, and spoke after a few seconds.

"I seemed to see He Qingge that day! Seeing her mysterious appearance, I followed her. She happened to be in that room, and she disappeared. After I went in, I didn't find her. Instead, I saw Han Jing lying in disheveled clothes. on the bed."

This answer is undoubtedly shocking. In this way, even if there is no surveillance certificate, at least someone can explain that it was not her illusion that night.

Just as Qiao Ran was thinking, she heard Shen Qingjue say, "You suspect He Qingge too, don't you?"

Qiao Ran nodded and confessed, "I also saw her in the bar that day, but she disappeared soon, and I didn't catch up with her!"

When Shen Qingjue heard the words, a cold chill suddenly appeared in his eyes, "I told Third Brother that she is not a good thing!"

Qiao Ran didn't answer. She didn't want to say more about He Qingge, she preferred to use actions to make the wicked get what they deserved.

Han Jing's departure was like a fuse between Qiao Ran and He Qingge. Things that were floating under the water before gradually floated up.

For a week, rumors about He Qingge's gossip were all the rage on the Internet.

Including bullying less-experienced artists, blatantly robbing colleagues of resources, and having ambiguous relationships with many directors and actors...

There are all kinds of revelations, witnesses and material evidence. It can be seen that those who exposed have spent a lot of money and energy, and they have already planned for a long time.

He Qingge's scandal was rampant, and she lost countless fans. Even her once loyal fans publicly scolded her on Weibo, accusing her of being inconsistent.

Within half a month, major media sponsors have terminated their contracts with He Qingge, and even demanded to pay compensation... But He Qingge has never shown up since the day of the accident.

External affairs, everything is handled by his broker.But within a few days, it was reported on the Internet that his agent fled privately with a huge sum of money, and is still under further investigation...

But if the huge sum of money cannot be repaid, not only his studio will be implicated, but He Qingge and his manager will be imprisoned.

People talk about He Qingge's scandal, and feel that even ten Tathagata Buddhas can't save her, but they always forget to pay attention to who wants to kill He Qingge so much.

(End of this chapter)

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