Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 223 Not asking for money, but asking for life

Chapter 223 Not asking for money, but asking for life
Rather than saying that people forgot, it is better to say that someone deliberately guided it like this.

In fact, besides Xiao Yan who spared no effort to help Qiao Ran collect those materials, Shen Qingjue's help was also inseparable.

The media in City S has always been within Gu Siling's sphere of influence. In order to be safe, Qiao Ran hid Gu Siling's knowledge and asked Shen Qingjue for help.

Without the help of Shen Qingjue, those materials would not have been widely known overnight.

The brothers of them know each other well and have never defended themselves, so it is much more convenient for them to do things.

Gu Siling went to New York for a business trip, a large meeting, and as the president of the company, he was going to give a speech.It only took three days to come and go, but it was already too late.

The Internet has settled in thousands of households, and the speed of transmission is measured in seconds. Even if it is a day, it is too late.

When Gu Siling came back, the first thing he did was to ask Qiao Ran why he dealt with He Qingge in such an extreme way.

Qiao Ran chuckled, but did not answer. The two stood facing each other in silence.After a while, Qiao Ran finally left first.

After walking a few steps, she was stopped by Gu Siling. Qiao Ran didn't turn around and kept her eyes on the ground.

Gu Siling's deep voice came from behind, and she heard him ask her, "Ran Ran, do you hope that there are still people connected with your blood in this world?"

Hearing this, Qiao Ran was slightly stunned, her back was stiff, and after a while, she spoke slowly, her voice calm and decisive.

"I don't want it!" She is not someone whose parents are unknown. If there is one, it is an illegitimate child, a shameful existence for her and her mother.

What's more, Jiang Shangyun has no father's heirs. Although his father is sorry for her mother, he is not a playful person!
This possibility of Gu Siling will never exist.Qiao Ran thought about it, and didn't stop any longer.

It wasn't until Qiao Ran's figure completely disappeared from sight that Gu Siling looked away. His eyes were as deep as ever, and his thin lips were tightly pursed, keeping his secrets secret.

Although Gu Siling's attitude was not clearly stated, in Qiao Ran's view, he had already expressed his position.Since then, Gu Siling and Qiao Ran haven't seen each other for several days.

When she was cruel to herself, she always cut through the mess quickly. The moonlight in her heart used to be bright, but now, when she said to let go, she seemed to let go.

Focusing on what she has to do every day, even if a name floats past her ears or eyes, she can still keep her face.

Gu Siling came to Qiao Ran several times, but was turned away, and then he probably couldn't take care of it, so he didn't come again.

As time passed day by day, more and more people were making rumors, breaking the news, but they were quickly suppressed.

Qiao Ran couldn't tell whether she was against He Qingge or Gu Siling, or she was against those two people in the first place...

They used to be lovers, but what is she? He once pressed her on the bed and asked her to call him husband... Thinking about it now, it was just for fun! !
He didn't know what the meaning of the phrase "husband" meant to her. !

Qiao Ran stopped going to the company recently, and stayed at home almost every day.The little guy is not happy recently, I don't know if he has noticed something wrong between her and Gu Siling.

But because Gu Siling was busy with He Qingge's affairs, the little guy lived with Qiao Ran all the time, and didn't want to go to kindergarten every day, so Qiao Ran didn't force it too much.

In addition to planning my own affairs, I have been accompanying the little guy, practicing calligraphy, reading with him, teaching him how to play chess, teaching him tea art... I know it, as long as the little guy wants to learn, I will give it all brat.

As for what Qiao Ran really thinks and plans in her heart, she is probably the only one who knows.

But this is not a good sign for Gu Siling and her, but for Hanhan, she believes that everything is just temporary.

That afternoon, Hanhan was taking a nap while lying in a hanging basket by the balcony, Tangyuan was squatting at Qiao Ran's feet, and Qiao Ran was sitting on the sofa reading "Emile".

The doorbell rang, Tang Yuan'er lazily stood up, wagged her tail, and walked towards the door, Qiao Ran got up and followed behind.

Opening the door, it was Fu Yunshen.

Qiao Ran took off the slippers from the shoe cabinet and put them on the ground, and joked, "You came two days later than I thought."

Fu Yunshen changed his shoes, followed Qiao Ran to the sofa, but Tangyuan was rarely seen, and circled around Fu Yunshen's legs twice, seeing that Fu Yunshen ignored it, he returned to Qiao Ran's feet in despair.

Fu Yunshen sat down before opening his mouth, "The matter has come to this point, and what I say will not help the matter. Even if Qing Ge passes away this time, her career will not be as good as before."

"But Ranran, I still hope that you will be forgiving and forgiving! Qing Ge's temperament, you have pushed her into a hurry, and it will not do you any good."

Qiao Ran smiled lightly, "You also said that even after He Qingge has gone through this experience, her career is not as good as before, so whether I push or not, it will not have much impact on her. But it's worse than it is now."

After hearing this, Fu Yunshen looked very sad, and just sighed, "Ran Ran, you were not like this before!!"

When Qiao Ran heard this, the emotions in her heart seemed to suddenly have an outlet, gushing out.

Obviously it was He Qingge who provoked her again and again, but why, these people were on He Qingge's side in everything.

Thinking about it, Qiao Ran's voice became a lot louder, "Yes, I was not like this before, so may I ask, who pushed me to this point?
Who doesn't want to live in peace and security?Who doesn't want to have fun with the whole family?However, He Qingge not only ruined my family, but also ruined the lifelong happiness of my friends

You all keep accusing me, have you ever asked He Qingge what she did?
My friend's innocence was ruined by her and I don't want anyone to know!So you all think that she is right in everything, right?

What did I owe you in my previous life, all of you think I am making trouble for no reason?Don't you stand in my position and put yourself in my shoes? "

As Qiao Ran spoke, tears were streaming down her face.Hanhan heard the sound, woke up, and jumped down from the hanging basket. Seeing Qiao Ran crying very sadly, she walked up to Fu Yunshen and pushed him away.

"You bastard, you made my mommy cry. Mommy and I don't welcome you, you go out."

Fu Yunshen didn't sit down anymore, but after hearing Qiao Ran's words, his heart was filled with mixed feelings, his lips moved, and he got up and left without saying anything.

As soon as Fu Yunshen left, Hanhan closed the door, ran up to Qiao Ran, lay down on her lap, stretched out her little hand to make Qiao Ran cry.

"Mommy, please don't cry, I want to cry when you cry!"

Qiao Ran wiped away her tears indiscriminately, then smiled suddenly, "Mummy doesn't cry anymore, Hanhan is the best for Mommy."

As Qiao Ran spoke, she paused, "Hanhan, if Mommy said that what happened to your aunt recently was done by Mommy, would you hate Mommy too?"

The little guy shook his head, "Mommy, no matter what you do, Hanhan believes that you are right."

(End of this chapter)

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