Chapter 224

Qiao Ran listened, smiled, pinched Han Han's little face, and couldn't help asking, "Han Han, why do you trust Mommy so much?"

"Because Mommy is very gentle and beautiful! Bad guys are ugly and grumpy!"

The words of the little guy, Xiaoshen, made Qiao Ran dumbfounded.How simple is a child's world!

However, Fu Yunshen's words soon came to fruition.Push He Qingge to a desperate situation, she really can do anything.

On this day, He Qingge kidnapped Jiang Shangyun from the mental hospital, called Qiao Ran, and set the location at an abandoned factory in the suburbs.

Don't ask for money, of course, this kind of encounter is for life!

But after all, Qiao Ran is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. In the past, she could temporarily put aside her grievances and go to the mental hospital to visit Jiang Shangyun. Now, her life is implicated because of her, so why would she not go?

Qiao Ran called Mrs. Fang and asked Mrs. Fang to pick up Hanhan and Tang Yuaner.

During the waiting process, Qiao Ran stayed with the little guy all the time. She whispered to the little guy about the little prince and Aesop's fables...

She wants to tell each story in detail, and also wants to tell many stories... But, time always flies by like water!
Mrs. Fang came soon after, and it was Gu Siling's driver who drove over.Qiao Ranqiang sent the little guy and glutinous rice balls to the car with a natural expression.

Seeing the car getting farther and farther away from her, and finally disappearing in front of her eyes, her heart was flooded, and she finally burst into tears.

What He Qingge did was just to kill her. Fortunately, now, apart from the little guy, there is nothing worth worrying about.

Qiao Ran simply packed up, took her bag, and took a taxi to the suburbs.

Standing in front of the abandoned factory, she looked up and saw that the outer layer of the factory was covered with a thick layer of dust, it had been in disrepair for a long time, and many places were crumbling.

Qiao Ran checked the time, and she came half an hour earlier, so she could take the opportunity to look around, maybe she could be of help then.

Although she is not afraid of death, she is still 1 unwilling to die with He Qingge.

Qiao Ran turned around with a calm expression, and only after reaching the main entrance did she call He Qingge again.

Before she could speak, the other end had already spoken, "Enter through the small door on the left side of the main entrance."

"Okay!" Qiao Ran replied calmly, and walked towards the side door.There she had just seen, there was a narrow corridor stretching forward.

Qiao Ran walked inward, her steps were steady, and she did not panic in the face of danger.After walking a few steps, she felt something pressed against her body.

"Give me the bag, hands up!"

Qiao Ran did as she said, turned around, and saw clearly that it was a gun, and looked up at He Qingge.

He Qingge in front of him, even in such a state of desperation, still combed his hair meticulously, and his clothes were even more neat and tidy, which made Qiao Ran a little impressed.

Qiao Ran said bluntly, "He Qingge, where is Jiang Shangyun?"

He Qingge laughed softly, and when he spoke, he was a little eccentric, "Why are you in a hurry, isn't this taking you there? Let's go~"

However, Qiao Ran didn't move. She looked at He Qingge with a firm attitude, "You let her go, I'll just stay!"

He Qingge laughed louder when he heard this, and tapped the gun on Qiao Ran's forehead, "Qiao Ran, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Let her go? Ha~ If she leaves, you can still be obedient ?"

"If you don't believe me, you can tie me up now!"

"What are you in a hurry for? Tie you up? Don't worry, we will!! Let's go! The people inside have a bad temper. You went in late. Don't blame me for what happened to Jiang Shangyun."

He Qingge had a gloating expression on his face, Qiao Ran just wanted to vomit.But after all Jiang Shangyun is in her hands, she has to act according to her words.

Qiao Ran was pushed in, and inside was a large room that was almost airtight. There was a lamp in the center of the room for lighting.But because the room was so big, the corner was completely dark.

In the middle of the light, with his back to the door, stood a man, dressed plainly, with a stooped figure, and a head of gray and disheveled hair, showing his old appearance.

Qiao Ran looked at the man for a few seconds, and then He Qingge pointed a gun at his waist, and at the same time the door behind him was closed.

Qiao Ran withdrew her gaze, except for the doubts in her eyes, her expression remained calm.

I saw that the man in the middle of the room turned around slowly and walked towards Qiao Ran. His hawk-like eyes never moved away from Qiao Ran's body from beginning to end.

He stopped in front of Qiao Ran, narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a few seconds, he let out a soft snort, which made Qiao Ran feel even more puzzled, and pursed his lips.

Without taking his eyes off Qiao Ran, the man took out his cell phone, dialed a number, and spoke coldly to the other end.

"Bring people here!"

Qiao Ran was startled when she heard this, did she bring Jiang Shangyun here?

After a while, someone pushed open the door, and the one walking in front was Jiang Shangyun, his hands were tied behind his back, his eyes were tied with cloth strips, and his mouth was also gagged.

And behind her, there are three middle-aged burly men, who are overweight, walking, shaking, and their faces are full of fat and oily, making people feel sick.

Qiao Ran stood there, suppressing the tumbling discomfort in her heart, and wanted to walk towards Jiang Shangyun, but He Qingge grabbed his arm all of a sudden, and the muzzle of the gun moved.

"Qiao Ran, move one more step, don't blame me for being blind."

Hearing the words, Jiang Shangyun couldn't help trembling, then humming, shaking his head constantly, tears streaming down his pale cheeks.

Seeing this, Qiao Ran guessed that Jiang Shangyun was suddenly emotional, probably because he heard He Qingge call her name.

In fact, in the past, Jiang Shangyun had always been nice to her in Qiao's main house!

At that time, she felt that it was because of her father that Jiang Shangyun deliberately tried to please her, trying to replace her mother's position in her heart.

So what now?

Aren't stepmothers supposed to be vicious?Dad is gone, is it true?Why is she so excited?

Qiao Ran was thinking, feeling confused, but she no longer looked at Jiang Shangyun, but said to the person in front of her, "Aren't you arresting her just to let me come? I'm already here, let her go!!"

In the ear, Jiang Shangyun's sobbing sound became louder, Qiao Ran couldn't help frowning, but her eyes were firmly looking at the person in front of her.

The man looked at Qiao Ran for a few seconds, then suddenly grinned, raised his hand and pointed at the door, and finally landed on Jiang Shangyun.

"You three, why are you still standing there? Tie her to a chair for me."

The three middle-aged men rudely pushed Jiang Shangyun towards the big wooden chair by the wall.

Seeing this, Qiao Ran couldn't help being startled, and said sharply, "You guys want to go back on your word?"

The man smiled, "We didn't say you were here, so we let her go!"

"You!" Qiao Ran was extremely angry, and she gritted her teeth, "What are you going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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